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rich99million said:
hahaha - way to go Davey :D

totally deserved if you ask me :)
Bah, just esp'd his planet, and while I can win against his defence, there are 2 problems - a) I'd suffer more losses than I'd get (he's already spent the res I sent him), and b) it would cost over 120k deut to send my fleet there. Not worth it, yet.
Davey_Pitch said:
Bah, just esp'd his planet, and while I can win against his defence, there are 2 problems - a) I'd suffer more losses than I'd get (he's already spent the res I sent him), and b) it would cost over 120k deut to send my fleet there. Not worth it, yet.
The deut idea is very easily fixed. Keep only 8 out of a possible 9 planets. Then what you do is when you need to hit someone very nice, colonise in his own solar system. Move your ships there on a slow move, and then attack him in one hour and turn his fleet into moondust. You'll be back an hour later, to send your fleet back home OR (better yet) stay in the area and raid profitable people around him. Sort of a raiding colony :D
Raid must be going well for me as i get over 100k of metal now everytime my fleet comes back, and the number at the top goes red.. what does that mean? do i need to built storage?
Raymond Lin said:
Raid must be going well for me as i get over 100k of metal now everytime my fleet comes back, and the number at the top goes red.. what does that mean? do i need to built storage?

Yeah build some storage of whatevers going red. Click the picture of the building and it tells you what each level of storage can hold.
NiCkNaMe said:
Yeah build some storage of whatevers going red. Click the picture of the building and it tells you what each level of storage can hold.

well, i've spent it now, but i am going to bed in a bit. The problem is that I have 5 fleet coming back in 4 hours and should come back with a LOT of res, the metal will definitely be over the limit, it's at 82k now...

Is it ok for it to be over the limit?
yeah the mines just stop producing that particular type of res - you don't lose any of the extra that is bought back from raids etc

you shouldn't be leaving large amounts of res sitting around overnight though - just asking for someone to come raid you, especially if you have fleet sitting there unused aswell

i just load mine ships up with as much res as possible and send them on a slow espionage mission to a nearby inactive or with a recycler to a debris field, or even on a slow attack to an inactive if there's space to take the extra res
rich99million said:
i just load mine ships up with as much res as possible and send them on a slow espionage mission to a nearby inactive or with a recycler to a debris field, or even on a slow attack to an inactive if there's space to take the extra res
Espionage fleet saves are a little risky (as I found out in the T.N.G area a while ago :o).
You could get counter-espionaged, and an attack would occur.

If you know they won't have any fleet or defense, then it's ok (but then you may as well be attacking, and getting some profit :)).
guys :(
i hate Tokra
he has probed me a couple of times before, but last night he probed me about a load times and then wiped out my 2 planets
he wiped out eveything, i just have a few defenses left, not even any cargos

i managed to fleetsave 7 bs. lol

i had reasonable defence for my level (500ms, 200sl, 10GC 20IC, soth shields, anti balsitics)

damn :(

gotta try and get me some cargos now

edit. i didnt have a fleet worth smashing, on any res to steal, only about 20k of each...
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fRostiE said:
ha, morgan what are you going to do if they dont remove his name :p
No idea :p. I find hollow threats scare people like him, but if it means my fleet will have to pay him a visit sometime, we'll see ;)
Getting slightly annoyed with this game now. The same person keeps crashing my fleet and stealing my res. They had just got back from a fleetsave as well. 3 seconds after they landed he attacked. What a downer.

a lot of large cargoes, small cargoes, esp probes, couple of heavy fighters, few battleships are all floating round my planet now. What a downer. Was just starting to get a decent amount of ships ready.

I guess you're within range of his moon then :(

If you fleetsave by going on a harvesting mission to a debris field isn't that meant to stop them being able to scan you? If that's not true then the best way to save you fleet would be to send a colony ship out a nice distance away and then you can save to that using the deploy mission instead - then if you see the enemy coming to crash you it's just a case of recalling the fleet before you get there and he definately won't be able to see the recalled fleet either :)
I do fleetsave to debris fields but he always picks them up. He's two slots below me with a moon. He's ranked 229 in total.

It's slightly annoying because I just start to get a decentish fleet and here he comes with 200 battleships.
I'm having trouble keeping enough power going to everything. My solar plant is 2 levels higher than everything else and I've still not got enough power :/
Gilly said:
I'm having trouble keeping enough power going to everything. My solar plant is 2 levels higher than everything else and I've still not got enough power :/
Have you started on Fusion Plants yet? They're definately worth having.

Other than that there's always solar satellites but of course they can be destroyed when you're attacked and then they'll steal the resources too :eek:
[Darkend]Viper said:
I do fleetsave to debris fields but he always picks them up. He's two slots below me with a moon. He's ranked 229 in total.

It's slightly annoying because I just start to get a decentish fleet and here he comes with 200 battleships.
In that case it sounds like you need to sort yourself out with another planet further away

If you send probes at his moon you should be able to find the range of his Phalanx then you can send a colony ship out a bit beyond his range and that will give you more options
Viper - Move everything to a colony.
If there's a moon right next to you then as soon as you get a decent fleet - He'll stomp you. To keep his bit of the galaxy to himself.

I would just move all raiding activities to a different planet.
Also, recalling a fleet on it's way to deployment will be undetectable IIRC.
So send it on a long mission at 10% speed, and recall it if the target planet has ships on the way.

Recalled fleets (from deployment missions) don't show up on the phalanx.
But moving everything to a different planet would be easier.

And Gilly - I know... Never enough power.
Try a few solar sattelites, or once you have deut mine lvl5, you can build a fusion reactor.
Is it a good idea to have several planets in the same galaxy? one either side of me are empty, EVO who i see we are frends with and and spacewar have several planets by different members in my galaxy but there are 5 empty planets, the next two closer to the sun from me and the next one out, then two on the outside edge,
i cant do it yet bt if they remain empty is it worth it or am i better off getting another planet some distance away?
Dr Z
rich99million said:
Have you started on Fusion Plants yet? They're definately worth having.

Other than that there's always solar satellites but of course they can be destroyed when you're attacked and then they'll steal the resources too :eek:
Solar sats are going to be next to useless apparently.

I'm only one upgrade from a fusion reactor, so it looks like thats next :)

And I was just about to start building my first fighters :(
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