***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

davew said:
arrgh dam it, one of my close neighbours had
Metal: 501712 Crystal: 365886
Deuterium: 101136 Energy: 2575
Small Cargo Ship 10 Large Cargo Ship 10
Light Fighter 12 Heavy Fighter 2

was going to attack him but my ships are due back around 12pm so i thought i would leave it till the morning and i've just checked and now he's noob protected :(

Can you message me his co-ord in game? my name in ogame is Buffy, I can use those res (if i can take him on that is, depends on his defence.). :) Will sent you some you.
Raymond Lin said:
Won't that mean you lose lots of ships too?

Not if you completely obliterate their fleet and defences - speedsim lets you fine tune your attack force to minimise losses or at least Im led to belevie that
Killerkebab said:
You forgot my name!
Your name doesn't appear on the alliance page so I can't just have a quick check to remember who I have forgotten!

If you were in the alliance, I would see your name more often. ;)
Gotta be worth a try!

Anyway - Going for actives.
Do you consider alliances?
Look for a certain type of player?
As soon as you see the fleet, send yours after it, or as you have mentioned before, stalk the intended victim and find out their operating hours etc?

Need to know these things - The most efficient methods to progressing possible basically. :p
(I have a habit of asking MANY questions to people who know something I want to know... Best way to learn is to ask questions!)
Captain Fizz said:
If you were in the alliance, I would see your name more often. ;)
Gotta be worth a try!
I thought he was in a different Universe anyway - since he's been playing for a long time since this thread started

hence having lvl4 Nanites etc
Raymond Lin said:
Can you message me his co-ord in game? my name in ogame is Buffy, I can use those res (if i can take him on that is, depends on his defence.). :) Will sent you some you.

sorry what i mean by he is noob protected is some one has beat me to it and nicked it.
oops, just probe someone not in an alliance and lost all my probes. Turns out he has 13 battleships, 20 crusiers, and i have only 10 crusiers, 6 Heavy fighters and 15 small fighters. Speedim tells me i have 66% chance of winning even if he attacks me, you think i am safe ? or should i spent my res before i go to bed, and res save as much as i can?
Raymond Lin said:
oops, just probe someone not in an alliance and lost all my probes. Turns out he has 13 battleships, 20 crusiers, and i have only 10 crusiers, 6 Heavy fighters and 15 small fighters. Speedim tells me i have 66% chance of winning even if he attacks me, you think i am safe ? or should i spent my res before i go to bed, and res save as much as i can?

Is he attacking you? if not dont worry, just fleet save overnight - chances are he gets probed (oo'er) regularly and wont think anything of it :)
Raymond Lin said:
oops, just probe someone not in an alliance and lost all my probes. Turns out he has 13 battleships, 20 crusiers, and i have only 10 crusiers, 6 Heavy fighters and 15 small fighters. Speedim tells me i have 66% chance of winning even if he attacks me, you think i am safe ? or should i spent my res before i go to bed, and res save as much as i can?

He would be an absolute moron if he attacked you. Fleetsave anyway though, never know, someone much better than him may stumble upon you :)

Captain Fizz said:
Your name doesn't appear on the alliance page so I can't just have a quick check to remember who I have forgotten!

If you were in the alliance, I would see your name more often. ;)
Gotta be worth a try!

I'm not in your silly uni, and besides, Rebel Uni 2 is brilliant :D

Captain Fizz said:
Anyway - Going for actives.
Do you consider alliances?
Look for a certain type of player?
As soon as you see the fleet, send yours after it, or as you have mentioned before, stalk the intended victim and find out their operating hours etc?

Need to know these things - The most efficient methods to progressing possible basically.
(I have a habit of asking MANY questions to people who know something I want to know... Best way to learn is to ask questions!)

First off, ask whatever you want. Just stop forgetting that I pwn and mention my name everywhere with merit.*

Second, I consider everyone and everything. If he's a nice target, then we turn his fleet into spacedust, or we steal his cookies from the cupboard. The only people I never went out of my way to attack were Cursed in my uni, mainly because they were top of the universe - and they only had a squad of ten (basically Cursed members accounted for ten of the top fifteen players in the uni at one point).

I don't know who dominates your universe so I can't comment. The reason I never went for cursed players was because their top players were very close to me and I didn't want to turn into Mr. Farm if I ever made myself too noticable.

Of course I assume you know where danger lies and where it doesn't in your area.

Anyway apart from, say, the top 20 players, probe everything near you. You don't care about alliance unless it is an extreme case like the one above, i.e: A very small team of people who dominate the very top spots in your universe. But then again common sense should warn you from that.

Don't attack someone who's very far out of your league, basically. You might pull it off but say he sees 150 battleships having attacked him, he'll think "3 million debris for me once I rape him!", and then you'll have his 800 battleships after you.

Watch out for moons. If you know the guy is strong (i.e: Has a fleet that would annihilate you), and has a moon in the area, for the love of Jesus don't make yourself noticed.

When I see a nice fleet I usually try to attack there and then. I have enough deuterium that an extra 100k gone from sending a fleet doesn't make much of an effect on my fuel reserves. If he fleetsaves, then it doesn't matter, there is always another time. Mr. Moon helps me out in this respect though. If not, constant probing is the way forward. The more you know, the more you guarantee you live.

It may look like I've been contradicting myself (saying attack everything and then dont attack if they are too strong), but I don't know where you are in your universe, who is playing, et cetera. I know my situation in uni 2, in which I've always been rank 200ish (went to 150 for a while at one point, maxxed out at 123... coming back I hope :D), and I've had number 2 alliance behind me (Rebel), so I didn't really give a damn what could happen.

Most other players don't care either, even those in lower ranks than myself or the Rebel guys. They assume that as long as they fleetsave, they are ok. They aren't wrong, either, so remember that the other players are just like you or me. They aren't machines and they won't magically strike down on you when you attack them :)

*Joke. Do read what comes after though, because it actually answers your questions.
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Fleet saved now anyway, still 70k of metal left as i ran out of cargos. Sending it to a DF that has 50k of res to collect. Might be gone, may be not, might as well chance it. 9 hours return trip, just right til i log in tomorrow.

Now he would be a loon to attack me for 50k of res over night with 350 missles, gauss, ion, lasers defending.
Raymond Lin said:
Fleet saved now anyway, still 70k of metal left as i ran out of cargos. Sending it to a DF that has 50k of res to collect. Might be gone, may be not, might as well chance it. 9 hours return trip, just right til i log in tomorrow.

Now he would be a loon to attack me for 50k of res over night with 350 missles, gauss, ion, lasers defending.
You won't gather any of that debris (or very little) because you jammed all of your ships with resources :)
Killerkebab said:
...Added to "KillerKebabs Winsom.txt"...
Nice one sah - But I am still worried about bringing my fleet into occupied territory.

The planet I planned the position of the most is 11SS's away from moons. (15SS on one side) but it's still within lvl4 phalanx range of 3 moons.

Just wanting to keep my fleet as safe as possible.
(Spend aaages building it - pre nanite - But want to use it now too!)

I was planning on trying for a moon, but at 75k points, it's a bit more than I can afford! :p
Got fleetsaving itself pretty sussed (I think!) - But taking the above into consideration.
Think this calls for an excel spreadsheet and searching pre-probing.
I certainly won't be probing the people with moons nearby!

For a Uni only slightly younger than 2... What lvl of phalanx would you expect on a moon?
I know there will be a big range, but at some point, the benefits wouldn't be worth the cost?
Captain Fizz said:
Nice one sah - But I am still worried about bringing my fleet into occupied territory.

The planet I planned the position of the most is 11SS's away from moons. (15SS on one side) but it's still within lvl4 phalanx range of 3 moons.

Just wanting to keep my fleet as safe as possible.
(Spend aaages building it - pre nanite - But want to use it now too!)

I was planning on trying for a moon, but at 75k points, it's a bit more than I can afford! :p
Got fleetsaving itself pretty sussed (I think!) - But taking the above into consideration.
Think this calls for an excel spreadsheet and searching pre-probing.
I certainly won't be probing the people with moons nearby!

For a Uni only slightly younger than 2... What lvl of phalanx would you expect on a moon?
I know there will be a big range, but at some point, the benefits wouldn't be worth the cost?

I'll show you what I have on my moon if you want, for comparison:

Lunar Base (Level 7 )
Since the moon has no atmosphere, a lunar base is required to generate habitable space. Each level of a lunar base provides 3 lunar fields that can be used to build structures.
Requires: Metal:2.560.000 Crystal:5.120.000 Deuterium:2.560.000
Production time: 16 days 0h 00m 00s

Sensor Phalanx (Level 7 )
Using the sensor phalanx, fleets of other empires can be discovered and observed. The bigger the sensor phalanx array, the bigger the range it can scan.
Requires: Metal:2.560.000 Crystal:5.120.000 Deuterium:2.560.000
Production time: 16 days 0h 00m 00

I simply can't make anything else on the moon, because I am not paying 10m resources for a new lunar base, and then ANOTHER 10m for a sensor phalanx. Hell no.

48 solar system range is nice enough as it is :)

However I must say that phalanxes over level 7 are very rare around my area, and the biggest I have found so far around me is level 6. I'd expect level 4 or 5 on Uni3, and 5, 6 or even 7 in Uni2 (depending on how advanced you are in the game. I still don't know how you rank in your universe...)
Captain Fizz said:
Anyway - Going for actives.
Do you consider alliances?
Look for a certain type of player?
As soon as you see the fleet, send yours after it, or as you have mentioned before, stalk the intended victim and find out their operating hours etc?
Here are my answers - I'm not saying it's the best way to do things, it's just what I do.

I do consider alliances, but if their average player score of the alliance is stronger than me, then I won't probe the target.
I also don't probe the wing's of the strong alliances.

I tend to search the name of the player to see the rank. If it's much higher than mine, I won't probe.

If I see a fleet I'll give it a go the first time. I'll send recyclers first, and wait before sending the attack at 100% speed (to give them less chance of seeing it coming).

Obviously if they fleet save (or simply tell me they're online), then I'll probe them to find out when their fleet generally arrives back from fleet saves - and attack if it comes back earlier than usual.


How did you get your moon KillerKebab?
Were you careless when fleet saving, did you get phalanxed, did you do a ninja, or did you just pay for it?

And have you tried for graviton tech?
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Anarchy said:
How did you get your moon KillerKebab?
Were you careless when fleet saving, did you get phalanxed, did you do a ninja, or did you just pay for it?

And have you tried for graviton tech?

I got the moon when I forgot to fleetsave. Didn't lose too much, was only just enough for a 20%...

I can't be bothered to get graviton tech just yet, but I will try for it eventually :)
Raymond Lin said:
when you say mapped? you mean written down?

yep, heres an example without the co-ords

x:xxx:xx - 150k, 34k, 25k - 6 large cargo, 10 cruisers, 5 battleships - 15 missile, 100 small lasers, 10 gauss cannons - weapon 8, shield, 6, armour 4

all you need to know right there :)
Captain Fizz said:
Anyway - Going for actives.
Do you consider alliances?
Look for a certain type of player?
As soon as you see the fleet, send yours after it, or as you have mentioned before, stalk the intended victim and find out their operating hours etc?

yes i consider alliances... i look where the top player in that specific alliance is... if i can take him i'll gladly take anyone in the alliance

certain type of player ? one stupid enough to leave silly amounts of resources or his fleet on a plannet for long periods of time... ideally undefended

soon as i see the fleet i send in, it might not be there the next day then youve lost out !


also forgot to say in my last post, its a good idea to make a note of the mine levels the person has to see if they would make a nice farm... i have several lvl 20 metal, 18 crystal, 15 deut farms which are totally unguarded :)

its great :p
I've filled up my first colony (73 fields) and left it as a production site for the moment. I'm starting development of two new colonies in galaxies a wee bit away from me but the first one has 113 fields so I'm hoping for similar or more with the next one I've colonizing at the moment.

I had a very poor one previously that only had ~40 fields so I was annoyed at that even though it was an outer planet, which I thought were quite big so I guess that's not the case.

One of the sites appears to have a debris field as it was an inactive players planet that got removed from what I can tell. There's also a destroyed planet in the galaxy (marked with an A so I don't know what that means), which could be interesting. :)
Hi, I am under attack from the following

One enemy fleet from player yves_slenter from planet Mother Earth [1:378:11] approaches planet Prime[1:424:4] The fleet consists of 3 ships. ( Battle Ship) The mission is attacking

He is in S.W.A.T.

Can people put some pressure on him, probes etc. I have suggested he doesn't asstack,he hasn't even probed me. I have enough defences to destroy 250 battle ships I just don't want the agro of loosing my solar satelites again.
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