***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Womble said:
You can do 3 waves per player per day.

A wave is up to 3 attacks that HIT within 30 mins of eachother, e.g.
hit at 12:14, 12:25, 12:40 would be 3 waves = 1 attack

should the last line 3waves = 1 attack actually read 3 attacks = 1 wave?

and just to double check im not bashing people,

12:00 2 large cargos hit from same fleet slot
12:05 2 small cargos hit from next fleet slot
12:10 2 small cargos hit from 3rd fleet slot

that is 3 attacks or 1 wave

so i can then send the same 3 again at 5pm and again at 10pm then leave him alone untill the next day?
just getting paranoid as i am hiting a few places heavy but do not think i have bashed anyone, been keeping an excel sheet to track it all so as long as i understand the rule correctly i am ok.
Dr Z
Dr Zoidberg said:
should the last line 3waves = 1 attack actually read 3 attacks = 1 wave?

and just to double check im not bashing people,

12:00 2 large cargos hit from same fleet slot
12:05 2 small cargos hit from next fleet slot
12:10 2 small cargos hit from 3rd fleet slot

that is 3 attacks or 1 wave

so i can then send the same 3 again at 5pm and again at 10pm then leave him alone untill the next day?
just getting paranoid as i am hiting a few places heavy but do not think i have bashed anyone, been keeping an excel sheet to track it all so as long as i understand the rule correctly i am ok.
Dr Z

Yep, you can do that 3 times a day then you have to leave it for 24hrs before attacking again.

edit: What I found handy when starting off, was to steal a few of my wifes highlighter pens and as I hit each planet would write it down & highlit it. When I had 3 attacks the same colour I'd write the time beside it so that I'd know when I could go again after leaving it for 24 hrs. Simple but worked well.
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fRostiE said:
this thread moves way too fast for me to keep up now :o :(

lol yea

Well todays been a good day, lost an entire fleet + 150k/150k/50k of res when someone attacks less than 5 mins after my last fleet got home. Thast 18BS, 13 cruisers 20 odd SCs and a few LCs.. sucks major.

Oh well :(

So I just pooped my pants. Someone probes me, I probe them back, few seconds later I see what I think is an attack coming on, then another, then another, then another........ I'm not even looking at the times or what they're planning on doing, I'm just seeing fleet numbers.


I immediately send a "So the probe bothered you a bit" message and I he tells me that he's only fleet/res saving. I breath again. :p
He's obviously an idiot though. If he sent that lot to someone with a huge defence, and he was counter espionaged, he could lose his entire fleet. You might want to send him a message reminding him of that.
Davey_Pitch said:
He's obviously an idiot though. If he sent that lot to someone with a huge defence, and he was counter espionaged, he could lose his entire fleet. You might want to send him a message reminding him of that.

He probed me first though & my defences on the planet he's sending them to are laughable, I only have about 10 ships there as well. There was an inactive planet in the ss we're both in & it's gone now, he said he's been using it. He's in PU as well, so I'm not gonna get wise with him as he has a team mate with a moon in the same ss as my main planet. :)
Only fools do a spying fleetsave. Danger of ninjas should be more than obvious, even to a mass alliance joining nub :p

Then there is how there are 29 probes in the flight with his ships in it. Great way to get caught.

I feel much safer using a debris field. Or even a deploy mission. The only real safe way to fleetsave, unless you have a moon :D
over 5500 points !!! not long til i can join T.N.G now :D. Only been probed once since i got out of n00b protection. Which he didn't do anything after that, must have weighted the amount of ships needed to overcome my defence for all but 300k of res and a tiny fleet. Not to mention he is 2 galaxies away.
Killerkebab said:
I feel much safer using a debris field. Or even a deploy mission. The only real safe way to fleetsave, unless you have a moon :D
Why is deploying better than harvesting?

Because the planet changes, so someone who is chasing your fleet needs to move their fleet again to catch you?

Dr Zoidberg...

I think this explains the bashing rule rather well:

^^^ From OGame forums
Captain Fizz said:
Why is deploying better than harvesting?

Because the planet changes, so someone who is chasing your fleet needs to move their fleet again to catch you?

When you recall a fleet on a deploy mission, an enemy phalanx cannot detect you, and thus an opponent can not time his fleet to arrive just after yours.

Recalled deployfleets are always invisible to moonscans.

With a harvest mission, you don't have that opportunity.
Killerkebab said:
When you recall a fleet on a deploy mission, an enemy phalanx cannot detect you, and thus an opponent can not time his fleet to arrive just after yours.
Yep - Nice one...
The only reason I wasn't doing that was because in order to recall your fleet for morning, you'd need to get up and recall half way through the night...

But, when my fleet is of the size that I can only set attacks up out of work, I'll probably do that.
Just recall them when I get up so I can use them later. :)

(Why I didn't send my fleet on an atack when I went out earlier... As when I got back, it would have been a 3 hour wait until they got back!)
Just a quick question... Im up to cruisers at the moment and I think still under 5k - either way I dont appear to be a target yet as havent even been scanned yet. Is it worth stockpiling resources for a while to take me up to 5k points then build like crazy?
Not yet bothered with ogame commander - probably will soon :)
no, you'll get espionaged right at the moment when you have the most resources youve had in the game.. and you'll be in world of pain

just carry on building and that... either you fleet or your buildings / defence... it doesnt really matter... just be careful where you put your colonys... can be tricky later on if you didnt know what you were doing when you placed afew of them :p like me ! :D
I know what you mean as I put one in the wrong place, it was too close to another one and too close to a moon. As it has not been built up to much I am considering deleting it and putting a colony in one og the quiet galaxies as a bit of a deut mine, a good idea or not?
Mercutio said:
Just a quick question... Im up to cruisers at the moment and I think still under 5k - either way I dont appear to be a target yet as havent even been scanned yet. Is it worth stockpiling resources for a while to take me up to 5k points then build like crazy?
Not yet bothered with ogame commander - probably will soon :)
You get points for resources spent, not the resources you actually have (at least that's how I remember it), so stockpiling res wouldn't increase your score.
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