***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

I will stay away from him then :( I am now waiting to be accepted by T.N.G hope this happens soon.... Dont feel good not being part of an aliance.
Well next person you probe make sure you know what allaince he is in and how strong he is ;) I'm sure there are alliances out there that could happily take apart T.N.G.A with little worry ;)
Ahh :) hehe I'm too scared to leave lol - still cowering behind my asteroid belt (figuratively speaking) got over 10k points though but I dont raid much
VaderDSL said:
Well next person you probe make sure you know what allaince he is in and how strong he is ;) I'm sure there are alliances out there that could happily take apart T.N.G.A with little worry ;)
There are alliances out there that could take TNG apart with no worries, never mind TNGA ;)
GRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I thought i would see what vactaion mode does. Well supprisingly it puts you on vactaion....................................... for a minimum of 48 hours. Doh :(
eek bad news mrk1@1 - but wasnt the word vacation self explanatory ;) kidding :p that mean you cant do anthing at all for 48 hours now? least you cant be attacked :)

P.S Shortest vacation ever? :p
mrk1@1 said:
GRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I thought i would see what vactaion mode does. Well supprisingly it puts you on vactaion....................................... for a minimum of 48 hours. Doh :(

Going to go into vacation mode tonight myself, though not accidently. :p need to get a few things done round the house etc... and ogames taking up loads of my free time so I'm really looking forward to a week of getting stuff done and maybe getting a good book out or something. :)

2 hours until my last raid is back and my research is done though.
Davey_Pitch said:
You do realise the guy is a member of TBO, one of the strongest alliances out there? The player himself is ranked 252. Best just to ignore him and make sure to fleetsave should be attack you.

I have appologised to this guy for probing him and he is cool :) I am now a member of T.N.G :D
I have about 300k of Duet making me look like a really appealable target at the moment, does anyone want to trade it for say, 600k metal and 200k Crystal? It would be appreciated. :)

Also what kind of defenses would be needed to fight off say 100 battleships?
I have been attacked a couple times by Zerling from PU (In top 2) alliance. I sent a few probes at him and got this:

Resources on Xelnaga [2:17:4] at 09-16 22:21:56
Metal: 321179 Crystal: 230404
Deuterium: 269725 Energy: 8227
Battle Ship 18 Solar Satellite 100
Small Laser 61 Heavy Laser 2
Gauss Cannon 7 Ion Cannon 5
Large Shield Dome 1 Anti-ballistic Missile 18
Interplanetary Missiles 2
Chance of counterespionage:17%

I fired a few IPM (with little effect) at him and he then launched a few battleships at me. I then fleet crashed his attacking fleet with 70 battleships. Now im fleeing to one of my colonies till the heat dies down. This game is so unpredictable sometimes :)
Thank you KillerKebeb, I will probably take a bit of hit to my points when I delete these two colonies. If you are going to play this game for any length of time, what is the absolute minimum field size for a colony?

In fact, to the outside world, its going to look like I've been fleet crashed when these 2 go. ouch.
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helpimcrap said:
people reckon nothing less than 180slots will do... although i have heard 230... but 230 would take lots of chances to get it right.
My limit is usually anything less than home planet size won't do.

That being said, I don't have anything less than 199 because I either get loads of fields or I get about 45 :P
was all set to start building my first nanite mine tonight but got home tonight to find i have been attacked by 2 waves of 100 battle ships :(
i did fleet save this morning but i've been building battleships and didn't have enough cargos to get all my res on, i'm going to keep a record of his planet and make it my aim to attack him. :D
davew said:
was all set to start building my first nanite mine tonight but got home tonight to find i have been attacked by 2 waves of 100 battle ships :(
i did fleet save this morning but i've been building battleships and didn't have enough cargos to get all my res on, i'm going to keep a record of his planet and make it my aim to attack him. :D

What defences did you have?
Ian Mac said:
I was begining to think that main planet size was going to be the minimum.

Hmmm, thats a third one to consider.
Possibly a bit late now - but imo there's no point in surrendering colonies that you've built on until you've filled all your planet slots.
Obviously you wouldn't want to build any more on those planets, but you may as well leave the mines for the extra resources (and build ships). :)
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