***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Just started playing Ogame again after a 1.5 year absence :)
I'm an old uni 6 player, started when uni 6 was first released.

Just started uni 25 if anyone wants to get some ACS attacking going on :p
Yep - Still 75th in Uni3 - T.N.G obviously. :p

Current mine output:


Looks like I'll still be playing for 6 months yet anyways.
Ok I am really sorry to bump this thread.
But Uni 3 in Ogame is loosing a lot of members. I wanted to bump the thread as there is always new members on here that may not have come across Ogame who may enjoy it.
I have been playing for just under a year now and when I joined there were 6,000members in Uni 3 there are now just 2,700.

I would really wish there was more new blood joining Ogame as its one of the most enjoyable and addictive game I have ever played.

As like many others who have posted Im in TNG aswell :p
I think it's happening in most of the older uni's - I have been playing in uni 5 now for about a year and 1/4 and when I started there were 8k + players and now that number is hovering at just over 3k ...

A lot of people I know started at around the same time as me have now quit - i'm prolly gunna give it up over the next year (final year of uni!) but might come back to it after ... it's just so darn addictive if you're doing well :)
i am in uni 9,we have dropped down to 2844....dont know what the solution to this problem could be,as it is a daunting task to start a new account in an old uni so far behind in points...most new players want to join a new universe...
I was in T.N.G in Uni 3 but passed my account on.

Still have an account going in Uni 11 in which im the sole remaining member of T.N.G's foray into that Universe.
I wish they could stop new members joining older Unis for a bit :rolleyes: ....just so the older one's get a few more people. Players with fleet are finding it more and more difficult to find someone to attack. Most of the members who have gone all fleet are now having to build up more and more mines in order to get some res.
Not saying attacks are stopping all together mind you (As TNG/A'ers always find someone to attack) But it would be nice to have full solar systems again rather than the max of 6 members in each solar system.

1741594 (Rank 95 of 2812) Thats my current score and rank :)
TheOtherOption said:
Surely you mean stop new members joining new unis - so that the older ones could fill up a bit more :p

Yeah thats what I meant :p
Or as me and few other members think that they should try and some how join a few of the Uni's together. I dont even know if this is possible...but Im up for any changes possible to increase the numbers of players in older Uni's.

Captian Fizz said:
Ahh, THAT's who you are.

Ive been hiding on here for ages :p Just failed to mention it to you lot ;)
V0.75 is out -
- New Ship: The Interceptor
- Rapidfire changes
- Battleship will cost only 45k Metall and 15K Christal
- editable moon names
- Smaller bug fixes

The new ship isn't called that though - bit odd - tis a Battlecruiser in my tech-tree :p

I've not seen anything very new added since i started - so this is pretty cool but we'll have to see how good it is ...
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