If you're physically fit - you're attractive, regardless. I'd say this works for both sexes too.
I think for the younger generation for sure, this is the starting point, it was when I was in my 20's no question. I wanted gorgeous and NOTHING else because that's what you do. Found it, married it, lived together for 26 years, moved on. The latter bit wasn't planned but it's life.
However, with age women tend to look for different things. Ultimate physical fitness, certainly the 6 pack thing is really not something women want. They are far more interested in a man who has a good career, is well maintained and manicured, smells nice, presents well (hair, teeth, nails, shoes, clothes) and can hold a conversation and caries himself with confidence. They want a man who has life experience (I don't mean down the pub and football each weekend) and can talk about stuff and hold their attention, who puts them front and centre but is not a doormat. Women in my experience HATE the feeble man, the one who pines to their every need, they actually want a challenge.
There are one or two in their late 40's and early 50's who want the toyboy, but for disposable purposes or a bit a fun, little more. They are happy to use them for their purposes and dispose and in my experience they tend to be high flyers so can do that with ease as they look the part at an older age, have confidence and can entice the young and stupid