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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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4 Jun 2009
It's one of those things that works well from a distance, but when you get close to fires and things, it's possible to see that RT does not always work properly. May be more of a path tracing effect, but that will be a number of years down the line.

Have a look at the firepit shot - Just to the left of that are some larger rocks on the floor. Based on the angle of the light and size of the rock, the shadow should be far longer, no?

I realise it's proper nit-picky when looking at still images, wouldn't bother me at all in a smooth game, but from a purely tech point of view it's examples like that I thought RT would solve.

Doesn't really stand out as being wrong to me tbh, don't forget still got all the light from the sun, that and it is a very small rock. Maybe at night with moon light it will be more obvious, will keep my eye out for it.

Puzzles me when people say it looks a million times better :p ;)

It really is very different looking though, compare to something like fc 6 rt then it is hard to spot the difference.
7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
I think the video gaming community just aren’t giving a crap about these intense RT games that tank performance for no real benefit. The fact is AMD have 100% integration in next gen consoles, so that is the defacto standard devs aim for.

So these full on RT FPS killing games are not becoming the standard, or even the yardstick any time soon. Because for all the FPS killing RT effects, the games still look no better than games that do it the “old” way.

I don’t look at W3 with this update and think wow, because I have seen nicer looking games on a console and they run far better as well.

We’ve been told since 2018 that extreme RT as pushed by Nvidia is the future. Four years later and this is it… about as welcome and useful as a fart in a spacesuit. No dev is going to look at this and think “we need this”, because this isn’t an advert for how awesome RT is, it’s and advert for how bad it is.
Saw a light bounce! 1000000% betterer.


It's weird because he seems to look for RT effects but not the whole image, it looks rank.
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3 Aug 2010
RT in Witcher 3 just makes the image look more contrasty, it barely does anything other than make you think you have a PC from 2002.
It actually makes it look washed out and then you got to put a reshade on top to fix it losing even more performance. Or just turn off trashy RT off and enjoy gaming at high fps.
7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
No crashes yet, running pretty well for me, well in the sense, if you like 50-60 fps :p That is with everything maxed and dlss balanced @ 3440x1440. I'm sure there are probably some settings to reduce but given it's CDPR, give it a patch or 2 first :cry:



RT on looks a million times better and far more accurate:





Just at the RT off and where shadows/underneath objects where the sun can't hit and it's almost like you would think it was night time or those areas where painted in black :cry:

By depth and contrast do you mean, it "pops" more? If so, then yes, some might prefer that, same way some love those sweet

In terms of reflections, it isn't even a contest.

Those do look good but that is more down to the art style and intentional to look like that, as developers have said themselves, with RT, they have far more control to get a game looking how they want with RT than raster. and the most important thing for them is it saves a **** ton of time and effort and will also their game worlds to be more dynamic with destruction and so on.

Yup when talking about smaller game worlds/linear games, developers can do the likes of the above very wel, RT reflections is more beneficial for open world games where you have various reflections via materials or/and bodies of water like spiderman, cp 2077, gta 5 etc.

And that is where you're wrong, developers are wanting RT because it saves them time and gives them far more control hence why even regardless of nvidia or amds involvement, they are implementing it themselves.

We have to stop looking at poor release titles and looking at what can be achieved with RT when done 100% right i.e. metro ee. Of course there are plenty of other RT games which run very well but metro ee is the gold standard in both it's implementation and visuals, the fact they got it to run at 60 fps on consoles when any other titles even with only slight RT have to run at 30 fps says it all.

People need to start blaming devs. for rushing out untested/buggy games and not the tech. they're using. But sadly unless you work in the development industry, no one will quite understand what it is really like from a project budget and time perspective.
The Witcher 3 to me just looks stylistically a little different, it's barely 1% improvement.

The thing people such as yourself have a problem with is understanding that human minds fill in the blanks to things that are not 100% accurate as long as it is not overly out there and in your face, the original Witcher 3 looked fine and this RT update baely adds anything. This is called rationality when the tiniest difference makes a mole hill turn into a burning volcano and separates a discussion.

It's the same for all those ENB mods, sure it looks different but it is all stylistic choices.

The image where RT is not on the bricks look more contrasty but it's not like any of it makes no sense.
In the RT image you see a bit better light accuracy behind shadows, that is likely the biggest thing you are harping on about, a bit less contrastyy, but still barely any different.
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4 Jun 2009
You guys need to speak to Alex from DF to get educated on ray tracing :cry:

Thank god developers aren't forcing people to turn on RT, yet anyway....... :D
7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
You guys need to speak to Alex from DF to get educated on ray tracing :cry:

Thank god developers aren't forcing people to turn on RT, yet anyway....... :D
I watch their stuff almost all the time, I am not out of the loop, I just know when it is reasonable to skip the RT and not listen to rabid fanatics.

Yes luckily their IQ's are above their shoe size.
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4 Jun 2009
I watch their stuff almost all the time, I am not out of the loop, I just know when it is reasonable to skip the RT and not listen to rabid fanatics.

Yes luckily their IQ's are above their shoe size.

When is it reasonable to skip RT then? Again, look at the big picture... how do you propose we move into the RT era (which is going to happen whether you like it or not, amd, intel, nvidia and all your mobile chipset manufacturers haven't poured in billions not to mention all the game engines just to abandon it now)? How will developers find out what works and what doesn't if they don't try to implement and push RT to see what it is capable of and how to get the best from it, only way they are going to learn and get the best from it is by adding it in games and learning what works and what doesn't and this requires feedback from users especially on PC platform where we have a large variety of hardware and different OSs. Same with any new tech and I guarantee you, it was the same with rasterization when it first came about too.

Again this is a case of you blaming the tools and not the people implementing it, exact same thing I see happen every day in my work:

Don't disagree and not defending witcher 3 RT implementation but problem is people going "zOMG, all RT or/and nvidia fault" when reality is, it's the developers fault and not the tools they are using. It's like a project I am working on atm for my company, it's kubernetes based and people are pointing out issues, costs etc. all because "oh that's because it's on kubernetes" but reality is, it's not a fault of kubernetes itself, it's a fault of the way it has been setup and configured and a fault on the application developers side because they haven't written the app to make use of kubernetes advantages such as scaling with the pods to help make it adaptive to performance needs and as a result, it can't scale properly when it needs to thus it is costing a fortune to run, all because it hasn't been setup properly.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
When is it reasonable to skip RT then? Again, look at the big picture... how do you propose we move into the RT era (which is going to happen whether you like it or not, amd, intel, nvidia and all your mobile chipset manufacturers haven't poured in billions not to mention all the game engines just to abandon it now)? How will developers find out what works and what doesn't if they don't try to implement and push RT to see what it is capable of and how to get the best from it, only way they are going to learn and get the best from it is by adding it in games and learning what works and what doesn't and this requires feedback from users especially on PC platform where we have a large variety of hardware and different OSs. Same with any new tech and I guarantee you, it was the same with rasterization when it first came about too.

Again this is a case of you blaming the tools and not the people implementing it, exact same thing I see happen every day in my work:

Is it me, or has he become a RT hater since buying his 6900 XT? :p
7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
When is it reasonable to skip RT then? Again, look at the big picture... how do you propose we move into the RT era (which is going to happen whether you like it or not, amd, intel, nvidia and all your mobile chipset manufacturers haven't poured in billions not to mention all the game engines just to abandon it now)? How will developers find out what works and what doesn't if they don't try to implement and push RT to see what it is capable of and how to get the best from it, only way they are going to learn and get the best from it is by adding it in games and learning what works and what doesn't and this requires feedback from users especially on PC platform where we have a large variety of hardware and different OSs. Same with any new tech and I guarantee you, it was the same with rasterization when it first came about too.

Again this is a case of you blaming the tools and not the people implementing it, exact same thing I see happen every day in my work:
With HW that can barely do RT, right now reasonably Witcher 3 which has weak sauce RT is a skip, that was hard.
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4 Jun 2009
With HW that can barely do RT, right now reasonably Witcher 3 which has weak sauce RT is a skip, that was hard.

Which is entirely valid but again, this is another case of you "blaming the tools and not the people implementing it".....

We have seen plenty of games incorporate RT very well without the issues we see with witcher 3 (although I think on PC side, it's simply just more demanding and we aren't going to magically get anther 50 fps on top....)

- cp 2077
- spiderman
- dl 2
- the ascent

Just to name a few.

And the best example, metro ee.

Hardware is one thing but having the ability to be able to get it to interact and play well with everything else that happens is another matter entirely, at least the initial phase is the hardest anyway, once developers get more hands on and adapt their other tools to work with RT, it becomes apart of their "workflow" then you'll see the true benefits all round, exactly as 4a enhanced have described and proven with their metro ee game hence why they stated all future projects of theirs will be using that new "workflow" as they had to rethink their whole process to get the best from RT.

In my work place, you don't suddenly just drop a new tool in and jump straight over, you do a gradual migration/phased change.
7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
Try harder to pin something that is not there guys.

Also learn which users blaimed nVidia and which ones just flat out said some implementations are bad as such Witcher 3's is terrible.

Anyone on a 3080 Ti or above can happily attain around 30-50 FPS, 4000 series even more so.

So the entry fee for a small change in visuals in Witcher 3 out weigh's any argument here, sure you can play other games, sure you can drop resolution too, but we all have set standards and subjective tastes, I can't stand the horrible sutter, the FPS is in the 40+ range with RT on with FSR 2.
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7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
Which is entirely valid but again, this is another case of you "blaming the tools and not the people implementing it".....

We have seen plenty of games incorporate RT very well without the issues we see with witcher 3 (although I think on PC side, it's simply just more demanding and we aren't going to magically get anther 50 fps on top....)

- cp 2077
- spiderman
- dl 2
- the ascent

Just to name a few.

And the best example, metro ee.

Hardware is one thing but having the ability to be able to get it to interact and play well with everything else that happens is another matter entirely, at least the initial phase is the hardest anyway, once developers get more hands on and adapt their other tools to work with RT, it becomes apart of their "workflow" then you'll see the true benefits all round, exactly as 4a enhanced have described and proven with their metro ee game hence why they stated all future projects of theirs will be using that new "workflow" as they had to rethink their whole process to get the best from RT.

In my work place, you don't suddenly just drop a new tool in and jump straight over, you do a gradual migration/phased change.
Well the tools dictate because they cost so much, the majority are nowhere close to entry level let alone 4090 territory which can barely do RT at 4K in Cybercrapped without it's fake frames and upscaling.

I just don't think hardware is even close to comfortable with RT yet and won't be for several generations.

This is nothing like Direct X revisions, it's simply a massive monumental mountain to climb in performance.

Just like the massive monumental price hikes.
4 Jun 2009
Try harder to pin something that is not there guys.

Also learn which users blaimed nVidia and which ones just flat out said some implementations are bad as such Witcher 3's is terrible.

Anyone on a 3080 Ti or above can happily attain around 30-50 FPS, 4000 series even more so.

So the entry fee for a small change in visuals in Witcher 3 out weigh's any argument here, sure you can play other games, sure you can drop resolution too, but we all have set standards and subjective tastes, I can't stand the horrible sutter, the FPS is in the 40+ range with RT on with FSR 2.

You say small change even though the change is pretty big :cry: Sure you aren't looking at fc 6 rt? :cry:

Again, you are pointing out issues which are specific to witcher 3 RT implementation, do the other games with similar RT effects implemented have such issues? Nope, thus it's not a flaw with RT itself but the implementation, which is carried out by devs.

Well the tools dictate because they cost so much, the majority are nowhere close to entry level let alone 4090 territory which can barely do RT at 4K in Cybercrapped without it's fake frames and upscaling.

I just don't think hardware is even close to comfortable with RT yet and won't be for several generations.

This is nothing like Direct X revisions, it's simply a massive monumental mountain to climb in performance.

Just like the massive monumental price hikes.

RT/DXR is free to implement.... They save developers time, which in terms of development costs is massive, especially when talking about triple a games.

And again, I point you towards metro ee RT on consoles:

If we're talking about full path tracing like portal then yes we are least another 2-3 generations away from native 4k @ 60

i.e. stop blaming the tech. and start blaming the ones who implement the tech.
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21 Oct 2013
Most people don't blame the tech and can see the advantages to it, but why would/should anyone pay extra for hardware that devs couldn't be bothered to utilize properly.
so yes blame the devs and also stop wasting your money until its done right.
1 Oct 2020
Most people don't blame the tech and can see the advantages to it, but why would/should anyone pay extra for hardware that devs couldn't be bothered to utilize properly.
so yes blame the devs and also stop wasting your money until its done right.
Because they pinky promise that they will do it properly in the future...when your current GPU investment is worth diddly squat. And they definitely won't then move on to the next tech advancement leaving it behind and basically forgetting about it (Looking at you RTX IO...)
4 Jun 2009
Most people don't blame the tech and can see the advantages to it, but why would/should anyone pay extra for hardware that devs couldn't be bothered to utilize properly.
so yes blame the devs and also stop wasting your money until its done right.
Yup I agree there.

Because they pinky promise that they will do it properly in the future...when your current GPU investment is worth diddly squat. And they definitely won't then move on to the next tech advancement leaving it behind and basically forgetting about it (Looking at you RTX IO...)

It's another letdown by game devs and also rather weird given that consoles are getting direct storage in their games, suppose pc only recently got the full support from both microsoft and amd/nvidia so need to wait somewhat for that to trickle down given it is rather complicated to implement too and not a flip on and off thing.

Can't see a difference here, think I could achieve the same effects by just lowering the contrast and brightness on my monitor OSD tbh.... :p :D






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