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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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Why would I spend 1+k just for one game, which is a fully path traced game at that and so far is the only RT title to really make my gpu struggle and even then,
Exactly , its just not worth it.
An afterthought yet a good chunk of the games announced for 2023 so far are all implementing RT of some form Or do you only classify the likes of portal to be proper ray tracing now? But then you will complain how it runs awful?
Yes, still an afterthought and needs to work alongside other methods to accommodate people with lower gpus and consoles. Really you will have to wait until the big publishers start releasing with Unreal engine 5 or have redesigned their own game engines. As you said though your 3080 can already do what will be required from a RT perspective over the next year or so. I don't complain I switch it off if I don't get the fps I want(it's a setting in the game menu after all).
Have you got a link for avatar/snowdrop engine being sponsored by amd?
They mentioned the "partnership" in the RDNA3 reveal video. What this actually means or whether this will remain true or not I have no idea. I'm actually more interested in the star wars and splinter cell(remake) games that will be on the new snowdrop engine.But then again it's also possible they will run on an older version.
Exactly , its just not worth it.

Yes, still an afterthought and needs to work alongside other methods to accommodate people with lower gpus and consoles. Really you will have to wait until the big publishers start releasing with Unreal engine 5 or have redesigned their own game engines. As you said though your 3080 can already do what will be required from a RT perspective over the next year or so. I don't complain I switch it off if I don't get the fps I want(it's a setting in the game menu after all).

They mentioned the "partnership" in the RDNA3 reveal video. What this actually means or whether this will remain true or not I have no idea. I'm actually more interested in the star wars and splinter cell(remake) games that will be on the new snowdrop engine.But then again it's also possible they will run on an older version.

Curiosity, what's your opinion on vram then? Since we agree RT isn't worth it for just "one game" currently....

PS. new splinter cell will also have RT ;)

Some good info here about witcher 3 RT and getting better performance. I haven't played long enough to comment/notice but seems RT shadows are a bit bugged currently so might be worth turning off for now:

Found a setting that gives me 60fps everywhere except Novigrad (that still drops to 45 on average due to CPU hammering) while keeping RT enabled and with perfect framepacing to boot, yay. And it looks great on my 1080p plasma.

Spec: 5800X3D, RTX 3080Ti both default

First, disable vsync ingame and enable it in nvidia control panel, also enable 60fps limit there.

Then, start game, in the menu disable hairworks and RT shadows (they flicker and pop-in), leave RTGI, RTAO and RT Reflections enabled. Resolution 1440p, DLSS performance.

Detail settings:


With this setting, the game is 100% smooth and well frame paced everywhere except Novigrad, at least from what I tested.
And I love how it looks.






So somehow piled in several hours, unexpectedly a big fan. The characters are interesting, the bants is cool and some references I saw in Cyberpunk have finally been witnessed /pam param pam pam/

On the RT on vs off side of things, this scene showcases exactly what RTGI is all about:

I've been playing with RT shadows on vs off too and really, the only ray tracing worth keeping on is global illumination and reflection, the others are tiny differences prbably not even worth the slight dent in fps.

Also, why am I the one that always comes across pop-in stuff in every game lol... this is with RT shadows too:


Lastly, this definitely gives RDR2 a good fight for beautiful scenery:







I have no idea how long the game is, but looking at the map and side quests in every village etc, it must be in excess of 80 hours surely? £7 for such a lengthy story is immense.
The problem with TW3 CE isn't raytracing performance on the GPU side but rather how poorly they've done the conversion to DX12 which leads to horrific CPU/IO bottlenecks. And that's the big problem because if it was just GPU then dropping resolution by absurd amounts would show smooth frametimes & higher fps. Plus that's much easier to tweak but as it is we'll need 7700X3D just for half-decent performance.
Curiosity, what's your opinion on vram then? Since we agree RT isn't worth it for just "one game" currently....

PS. new splinter cell will also have RT ;)
I don't have an opinion on vram, if it's causing you trouble reduce some settings or upgrade your GPU if you think it's worth it...same as RT or anything really.

Splinter cell probably will have RT but again are we not a year or so away from that as well? Not sure what the wink refers to as I already told you I was interested in it.

When the time comes I will evaluate if a boost in RT performance will be worth the money the same as you have already said you will.

So to conclude at the moment though (like you said as you are not upgrading from your 3080)it's just not worth the money for a few games that may/might/could use it properly over the next year.
I don't have an opinion on vram, if it's causing you trouble reduce some settings or upgrade your GPU if you think it's worth it...same as RT or anything really.

Splinter cell probably will have RT but again are we not a year or so away from that as well? Not sure what the wink refers to as I already told you I was interested in it.

When the time comes I will evaluate if a boost in RT performance will be worth the money the same as you have already said you will.

So to conclude at the moment though (like you said as you are not upgrading from your 3080)it's just not worth the money for a few games that may/might/could use it properly over the next year.

Good to hear you agree on vram then, we have a couple on here who insist it is a big issue for a certain game under certain conditions ;)

It's a not "probably", it will have as confirmed:

Good to hear you agree on vram then, we have a couple on here who insist it is a big issue for a certain game under certain conditions ;)

It's a not "probably", it will have as confirmed:

If you don't have the hardware to run certain settings you make decisions. That's why most people end up lowering/turning RT off. In that particular game you just had to lower the texture quality if it was causing you trouble. The 10gb 3080 was an upper mid tier in the ampere range anyway so can't be expecting to max out settings in every game forever.

Splinter cell is Likely end of next year earliest though. So again,same as you I will decide when the time comes if some extra RT performance is worth the money. Until then it's lowered or switched off like other settings that lower frames below your target.

I really don't see the point in being a fanboy of a graphical setting in a computer game.
If you don't have the hardware to run certain settings you make decisions. That's why most people end up lowering/turning RT off. In that particular game you just had to lower the texture quality if it was causing you trouble. The 10gb 3080 was an upper mid tier in the ampere range anyway so can't be expecting to max out settings in every game forever.

Splinter cell is Likely end of next year earliest though. So again,same as you I will decide when the time comes if some extra RT performance is worth the money. Until then it's lowered or switched off like other settings that lower frames below your target.

I really don't see the point in being a fanboy of a graphical setting in a computer game.

Yes because appreciating a leap in visuals (as proven by various screenshots and videos now) and wanting the best visuals you can get is being a fanboy :cry: Heard it all now :cry:

God I dread the day when/if RT is forced onto gamers, not really.... :D
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Yes because appreciating a leap in visuals (as proven by various screenshots and videos now)
Not proven, still subjective I'm afraid. Can't prove art, eye of the beholder and all that. Also, a leap in IQ needs to have a corresponding leap in performance, or at least no great fall. Otherwise you may as well get a slideshow of pretty pictures.
Yes because appreciating a leap in visuals (as proven by various screenshots and videos now) and wanting the best visuals you can get is being a fanboy :cry: Heard it all now :cry:

God I dread the day when/if RT is forced onto gamers, not really.... :D
Do you know any card that can do at least 1080p/60/RT ultra under $300?
If not, you can be sure that day is far away...
Not proven, still subjective I'm afraid. Can't prove art, eye of the beholder and all that. Also, a leap in IQ needs to have a corresponding leap in performance, or at least no great fall. Otherwise you may as well get a slideshow of pretty pictures.

Guess we can say some might prefer low settings as opposed to ultra as for some that might also look better then i.e. "art style" :cry:

I have not seen a single area where RT off looks better (unless RT has been broken i.e. such as shadows in witcher 3 apparently), one might prefer the style of no RT, yes that may very well be the case but the visuals/IQ certainly take a hit, do we need to link all of DF etc. videos again?

Do you know any card that can do at least 1080p/60/RT ultra under $300?
If not, you can be sure that day is far away...




Oh and that is without upscaling btw, guess we aren't allowed to consider upscaling either for whatever reason/narrative?
@Paul_cz your settings work wonderfully! Game is smooth and big fps jump and still looking great.

Can anyone guess which is dlss quality and dlss performance ;)



DLSS performance looks very good in this, sharpness high is a bit too much so low is best:


It's extremely simple actually to understand when we will be in the RT era.
We'll get there when the top 10 steam cards will be populated by RT capable cards that can actually do at least 1080/60 with RT on.

Looks like 3 or 4 cards in the top 10 already meet your expectation. Probably another 2-3 years till all top 10 do it
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Can anyone guess which is dlss quality and dlss performance
Glad it works nicely.
The second one is performance, I can tell by Geralt's armor. But it still looks great and stable 60 is worth it for me. It helps that I am playing on 1080p plasma so the image being upscaled to 1440p and then downscaled looks great.

And yeah sharpening on high is too noisy, low is ideal.
Can anyone guess which is dlss quality and dlss performance ;)

DLSS performance looks very good in this, sharpness high is a bit too much so low is best:
Performance DLSS at 1440p at least introduces some very noticeable artifacts on fine detail in motion. Looks fine when you're standing still, but moving breaks the illusion quickly. The back of Geralt's white shirt in the opening sequence is really bad for it. I'm sure it's better at 4K due to the higher base resolution.
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