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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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suppose pc only recently got the full support from both microsoft and amd/nvidia so need to wait somewhat for that to trickle down given it is rather complicated to implement to and not a flip on and off thing.
They were advertising it before the launch of the 3000 series. That's a generation and over 2 years ago. Not sure we've seen any benefit yet... How long are we suppised to wait?
Most people don't blame the tech and can see the advantages to it, but why would/should anyone pay extra for hardware that devs couldn't be bothered to utilize properly.
so yes blame the devs and also stop wasting your money until its done right.

Easier said than done though I suppose. Many don’t need 4090 performance or 7900 XTX even. Many could play on Very High instead of Ultra settings. But the 4090 has over 200K sales alone and most just want Ultra settings. It is what it is. What I can say is I enjoyed playing Portal again with the shiny new graphics upgrade and would love to play Deus Ex, Morrowind, Oblivion etc with path tracing. Those alone make it worth it for me personally, but each to their own :D

That said the games above probably won’t be out until next gen cards are out anyway so I am in no rush whatsoever to upgrade from my 3080 Ti.
Yup I agree there.

It's another letdown by game devs and also rather weird given that consoles are getting direct storage in their games, suppose pc only recently got the full support from both microsoft and amd/nvidia so need to wait somewhat for that to trickle down given it is rather complicated to implement too and not a flip on and off thing.

Can't see a difference here, think I could achieve the same effects by just lowering the contrast and brightness on my monitor OSD tbh.... :p :D







Someone will be along soon to tell you they prefer the image at the bottom :p
They were advertising it before the launch of the 3000 series. That's a generation and over 2 years ago. Not sure we've seen any benefit yet... How long are we suppised to wait?

Pretty sure amd and nvidia had the support for it for a good while? But it was microsoft lagging behind:

November 7th 2022

Tricky thing is getting the full potential out of it i.e. like ratchet and clank where the entire game and gameplay is dependant on direct storage to the point, devs dropped ps 4/pro because of that and pc obviously most people probably still don't have nvmes to support it so only thing we could really benefit from is instant load times if using nvme/direct storage.

Someone will be along soon to tell you they prefer the image at the bottom :p

Guaranteed! :D

One thing I have noticed is Geralts hair is blonde in certain lighting like above, haven't tried turning off hairworks to see if there might be a conflict with hairworks and RT, probably worthwhile for amd users to turn off hairworks if using RT as in metro ee, that killed performance for amd, although iirc, 4a enhanced might have fixed it....
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@mrk comparisons too

Some RT on vs off comparisons:

RT on:

RT off:

RT on:

RT off:

RT on:

RT off:
It's not their fault that it isn't currently being used, agree with that 100%, but advertising a currently unusable feature reliant on the activities of others is certainly sharp practice at best.

EDIT - After a very quick look, so could be wrong, but on nVidia's main page RTX IO is not being advertised with the 4090...
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It's not their fault that it isn't currently being used, agree with that 100%, but advertising a currently unusable feature reliant on the activities of others is certainly sharp practice at best.

EDIT - After a very quick look, so could be wrong, but on nVidia's main page RTX IO is not being advertised with the 4090...

Agree, not exactly great to advertise something if it isn't available, same way bit silly of amd to advertise fluid motion/fsr 3 when chances are they won't deliver till end of next year.

I don't recall of rtx io being sold as a perk of ampere either but could be completely wrong, do remember their article on it and saying how ampere has the support for it which is technically true from a technical pov.

All in all, I don't like the "rtx" marketing as a whole and is why RT gets such a bad rep as lots of uninformed people associate RT with Nvidia and RTX
Easier said than done though I suppose. Many don’t need 4090 performance or 7900 XTX even. Many could play on Very High instead of Ultra settings. But the 4090 has over 200K sales alone and most just want Ultra settings. It is what it is. What I can say is I enjoyed playing Portal again with the shiny new graphics upgrade and would love to play Deus Ex, Morrowind, Oblivion etc with path tracing. Those alone make it worth it for me personally, but each to their own :D

That said the games above probably won’t be out until next gen cards are out anyway so I am in no rush whatsoever to upgrade from my 3080 Ti.
Well essentially by sticking with your 3080ti and not upgrading you've decided that the extra RT performance just isn't worth.
Well essentially by sticking with your 3080ti and not upgrading you've decided that the extra RT performance just isn't worth.

Can't speak for tna but I think it is safe to say regardless of RT, no gpu is worth it at 1+k..... I sure as hell wouldn't be spending 1+k for improved raster performance :cry: That and it's only really 2 titles atm, which are really punishing on non 40xx gpus, one of them being buggy, the other being a full path tracing title....
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Can't speak for tna but I think it is safe to say regardless of RT, no gpu is worth it at 1+k..... I sure as hell wouldn't be spending 1+k for improved raster performance :cry:
you kept saying you would happily pay for dlss and better RT performance, what happened is it not worth it anymore?:cry:
you kept saying you would happily pay for dlss and better RT performance, what happened is it not worth it anymore?:cry:

I've always said since the 40xx came out, not at 1+k, unless we get more portal kind of games.

And if I ever was going to spend 1+k, it will be for the 4090 which offers a huge leap over the 4080/7900xtx and the kind of RT perf. I would want going "forward" now.
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I've always said since the 40xx came out, not at 1+k, unless we get more portal kind of games.

And if I'm going to spend 1+k, it will be for the 4090 which offers a huge leap over the 4080/7900xtx and the kind of RT perf. I would want going "forward" now.
So you agree then in the short term(next year or so) the extra RT performance just isnt worth it?
So you agree then in the short term(next year or so) the extra RT performance just isnt worth it?

In my case with already having a 3080 @ 3440x1440 (I have a 4k oled too but play more on my AW 3440x1440 display) based purely on 2 games, one of which the devs have already said they're working on a patch... as of right "now", no, I don't need to spend 1+k yet..... Now if we get more RT games like portal or/and heavy hitting RT then I will be upgrading, which is pretty likely looking at the games for next year, of course, most of these could run extremely well or not, time will tell:

- avatar - rt only title
- atomic heart
- stalker 2
- black myth
- deliver us mars
- redfall
- forza motorsport
- dying 1983
- boundary
- starfield (not officially confirmed to have rt but one of the jobs they were advertising for had mention of implementing ray tracing experience)
- the day before
- skull and bones
- ark 2 (nothing confirmed yet but I believe it is nvidia sponsored and ark 1 had nvidia heavily involved from a technical pov)
- dead island 2

And chances are, there will be plenty more released next year which we haven't seen yet, iirc, resident evil and fc 7 are due next year. Also, maybe dune awakening might get RT since it looks to be sponsored by nvidia potentially.

If/when remix lands next year, there will be dozens of old games I'll be wanting to play through with.

Plague tale requiem is still due a RT update too.

Future is looking bright with RT :cool: Now nvidia just need to drop prices or/and drop that 4080ti :D
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In my case with already having a 3080 @ 3440x1440 (I have a 4k oled too but play more on my AW 3440x1440 display) based purely on 2 games, one of which the devs have already said they're working on a patch... as of right "now", no, I don't need to spend 1+k yet..... Now if we get more RT games like portal or/and heavy hitting RT then I will be upgrading, which is pretty likely looking at the games for next year, of course, most of these could run extremely well or not, time will tell:

- avatar - rt only title
- atomic heart
- stalker 2
- black myth
- deliver us mars
- redfall
- forza motorsport
- dying 1983
- boundary
- starfield (not officially confirmed to have rt but one of the jobs they were advertising for had mention of implementing ray tracing experience)
- the day before
- skull and bones
- ark 2 (nothing confirmed yet but I believe it is nvidia sponsored and ark 1 had nvidia heavily involved from a technical pov)
- dead island 2

And chances are, there will be plenty more released next year which we haven't seen yet, iirc, resident evil and fc 7 are due next year. Also, maybe dune awakening might get RT since it looks to be sponsored by nvidia potentially.

If/when remix lands next year, there will be dozens of old games I'll be wanting to play through with.

Plague tale requiem is still due a RT update too.

Future is looking bright with RT :cool: Now nvidia just need to drop prices or/and drop that 4080ti :D
lot of ifs and maybes there. Essentially you are not willing spend the money for better RT performance. If in the future a new game comes with super duper RT you might consider it..... Or if nvidia slash prices.

The future is bright for RT but right now its an afterthought for most devs.

Ubisoft have partnered with AMD on the snowdrop engine likely used in avatar so that might also soften your boner a bit :cry: .
Well essentially by sticking with your 3080ti and not upgrading you've decided that the extra RT performance just isn't worth.

I only just upgraded from a 3070 to a 3080 Ti not so long ago. And no, I ain't about to pay whatever price Nvidia and AMD want to charge. I buy on my terms, once they meet them my wallet opens and they get the cash :D

If it was just about the extra RT performance not being worth it only I would have got a 7900 XTX, but the pricing on that is stupid also.
lot of ifs and maybes there. Essentially you are not willing spend the money for better RT performance. If in the future a new game comes with super duper RT you might consider it..... Or if nvidia slash prices.

The future is bright for RT but right now its an afterthought for most devs.

Ubisoft have partnered with AMD on the snowdrop engine likely used in avatar so that might also soften your boner a bit

Why would I spend 1+k just for one game, which is a fully path traced game at that and so far is the only RT title to really make my gpu struggle and even then, simply using dlss performance mitigates that issue with performance and still looks fantastic. CDPR have already said they are working on a patch to improve/fix issues for witcher 3, that and the game seems to run pretty well for me atm on average fps, if needs be, I can probably drop to dlss performance given it looks to be very good in this game too.

As TNA said perfectly, I'll upgrade when/if the need for better RT becomes a common theme in those future titles but as of now, it makes no sense to prematurely spend 1+k on future games, which might very well run well on ampere, especially if by some chance, nvidia do enable frame generation for ampere or god forbid, FSR 3 turns out good and works well on nvidia :cry:

An afterthought yet a good chunk of the games announced for 2023 so far are all implementing RT of some form :cry: Or do you only classify the likes of portal to be proper ray tracing now? But then you will complain how it runs awful? :cry:

Have you got a link for avatar/snowdrop engine being sponsored by amd? First I heard and would be a bit of a surprise given nvidia have worked with massive for division 1 and iirc 2. Also, not really that bothered if it is sponsored by amd as one of my favourite ray traced games is amd sponsored, riftbreaker. That and callisto protocol RT looks pretty good and well used. Plus whilst limited RT, it made a nice difference in RE village. Also, they now have their performance on par with 3080ti/3090 RT so they can push the boat out a bit further if needs be :cool:
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Pretty nice looking :)





That hair on Geralt looks like it has been added in paint :)) The lack of self shadowing does stand out.

I remember an initial concern with the PS5 was the fact some people really wanted back compatiblity. This was contraversial, came at great expense and put some limitations on developers going forward. 'Why must our new hardware be held back by people insisting on playing old stuff?' they'd cry.

But now it's like 'Forget new stuff!' .. We just want developers to make ancient games look pretty and pay over a grand for the privilege.

PC gaming ain't dead, it's just keeping its games on life support.


Gamers want both things. We did mod the games to look prettier before RT and probably we'll do it from now on as well. Remix can always be considered as a tool for easier modding.
As per devs... well, nothing stopping them in making a new Crysis. Nothing other than their own will. Plenty of tech is left outside since is simpler to just do the basics.

RT now can solve some stuff such as leaking light:

I guess is pretty easy to see there's no shadows / dark areas underneath the candlelight or in the image with the basket and groceries, around the basket and its cover.

On these you can see the light doesn't "leak".

The reason(s) for which RT is not perfect, I think, are as follows:
- RT effects aren't applied to every light source and maybe not that far off;
- not that strong hardware available if you want high res, high quality, high fps - 4090 in something like 1080p would push things much further away, but people will go nuts!
- devs still experimenting with what works or not, don't have the required knowledge or simply... don't care.

Not being impress with what it has to offer at this moment is totally fine. People played even before on lower settings and had fun. Some of us want more, nothing wrong with that either.
Great post @Calin Banc :D :cool:

That is one of my biggest annoyances now with raster, the light leaking/bleeding through solid objects, you can see it in some of my witcher 3 screenshots too, that one and reflections disappearing/distorting just because you move the camera angle slightly is annoying as well :mad:
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