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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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16 Jul 2004
Hi all! Is there a thread for undervolting and sharing settings and results?

I've currently managed a 3060ti at 886mV, 1905MHz core and +500Mhz memory clock.
I think it's on the edge tho!
4 Jun 2009
So turns out BF 2042 will have some form of RT after all... ambient occlusion:

DLSS too, should make a nice difference as the last 2 games had/have horrendous TAA that couldn't be turned off, only a "low" setting, which looked awful as aliasing issues.
4 Jun 2009
Someone should make a benchmark thread for this game I recon :cry:

:cry: :D

If anyone does, hopefully they remember to turn all graphical effects to low/off and run at 720p too!

Don't think you should be attempting to play the game with that 8gb vram either, Nvidia/developer say you "need" 10gb.... ;)
4 Jun 2009
2080ti still holds up really well! 4 year old GPU still keeping up with the 6900xt!

Yup this is exactly why I keep saying ampere is possibly going to age better than rdna 2 this time round, we have the writing on the wall right now:

- rdna 2 gpus take considerably more of a hit when RT is turned on (even when the effects are extremely limited as per amd sponsored games and as proven by various benchmarks/games and shown by tech enthusiast journalists testing:


- rdna 2 is having to turn down/off RT graphical effects more than ampere (in some cases even compared to turing) in order to achieve similar performance unless they have FSR

- nvidia are sponsoring more titles than amd, amd need to start throwing more money about if they don't want to see more benchmarks results like the above

- nvidia shows no signs of slowing down on dlss adoption so nvidia have access to all 3 upscaling technologies

- whether people like it or not, ray tracing is in a considerable amount of titles now and seems to be added to the majority of upcoming games, essentially ray tracing is not going anywhere, especially when consoles support it (but sadly have to reduce the settings or drop it entirely to maintain the so called "native" 4k @ 60 experience

Sadly, some will keep their fingers in the ears though ;) :p :D
15 Oct 2019
- whether people like it or not, ray tracing is in a considerable amount of titles now and seems to be added to the majority of upcoming games, essentially ray tracing is not going anywhere, especially when consoles support it (but sadly have to reduce the settings or drop it entirely to maintain the so called "native" 4k @ 60 experience
Once AMDs next gen comes out and delivers better RT than their current stuff then even AMD sponsored titles will feature proper RT implementation rather than the RT lite we are seeing right now.
4 Jun 2009
Once AMDs next gen comes out and delivers better RT than their current stuff then even AMD sponsored titles will feature proper RT implementation rather than the RT lite we are seeing right now.
For sure.

Even more so if the rumours of the likes of ps 5 pro are true i.e. using RDNA 3
18 Feb 2015
Once AMDs next gen comes out and delivers better RT than their current stuff then even AMD sponsored titles will feature proper RT implementation rather than the RT lite we are seeing right now.
That's not why. It will be because studios will have transitioned from their old tech bases to updated ones, like with Far Cry 6 you can see it's almost entirely the same as FC5 but with a light smattering of RT (and here I would also say - look at the vram req already, they would've ballooned even higher if they had pushed RT harder, to the point that maybe only 3090 users would've been able to enjoy it at all), and also because consoles are still market #1 and you can't go crazy there and replacing any existing raster setting with an RT one is actually quite complex and therefore costly for the project, so when you saw it happen in a big way for other titles (Control etc) it was always with VERY heavy NV involvement (and in Control's case specifically they had actually been working on such techniques for years before, just listen to their dev talks since Quantum Break), it was never really just the studio themselves going at it because they really wanted to, or could. Heck, look at the staggering amount of rendering talent that's in a studio like iD, and it took them >1 year JUST for RT reflections, and that was already a new iteration of the engine for which they had in mind RT from the get go. So just imagine how it is for other studios, especially on productions that are many times more complex like open world games.
15 Oct 2019
That's not why. It will be because studios will have transitioned from their old tech bases to updated ones, like with Far Cry 6 you can see it's almost entirely the same as FC5 but with a light smattering of RT (and here I would also say - look at the vram req already, they would've ballooned even higher if they had pushed RT harder, to the point that maybe only 3090 users would've been able to enjoy it at all), and also because consoles are still market #1 and you can't go crazy there and replacing any existing raster setting with an RT one is actually quite complex and therefore costly for the project, so when you saw it happen in a big way for other titles (Control etc) it was always with VERY heavy NV involvement (and in Control's case specifically they had actually been working on such techniques for years before, just listen to their dev talks since Quantum Break), it was never really just the studio themselves going at it because they really wanted to, or could. Heck, look at the staggering amount of rendering talent that's in a studio like iD, and it took them >1 year JUST for RT reflections, and that was already a new iteration of the engine for which they had in mind RT from the get go. So just imagine how it is for other studios, especially on productions that are many times more complex like open world games.
If anything though VRAM use will go down in the future when games use direct storage as a lot of the stuff clogging up the ram will be offloaded to the nvme drive.
18 Feb 2015
If anything though VRAM use will go down in the future when games use direct storage as a lot of the stuff clogging up the ram will be offloaded to the nvme drive.

You'd hope so, and the early UE5 results would indicate that, but who knows. It's not actually direct storage that makes the difference, that part is irrelevant more or less (think about it), it's going to be SFS that's important. Then again, if there's an absolute truth when it comes to memory is that whatever's available will be used, so maybe not. Truth be told I have not seen a game actually push LODs & textures as they should yet, so it's hard to say. Far Cry 6 & The Division 2 (and even WD:L) both do a good job on those fronts and consequently eat vram for breakfast but they're still built on a PS4/XB1 paradigm. Guess the soonest we'll find out will be Avatar next year if it doesn't get delayed.
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