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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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4 Jun 2009
nexus18, i've never seen a bigger nvidia shill than you ever in any kind of internet media

What because I like what ray tracing brings to games? Which is not a "nvidia" thing.... PS. my last 5 gpus were all amd.....

Damn that's pretty !

Aren't there a few downfalls/limitations to using RT with anything other than DX12U/Vulkan ?

Yup it is an exceptionally good looking game, even without RT. Some of the best physics going about too especially with regards to the fire spreading

Not sure tbh but does seem like it's not possible in a lot of games to do RT with dx 11. Same with the ascent, you have to use dx 12 to use RT.
19 Feb 2007
nexus18, i've never seen a bigger nvidia/ray tracing shill than you

I think it's great what Nvidia have brought to the table with their RTX suite and implementations of various RT FX like reflections, Ambient occlusion, Global illumination, Emissive lighting etc etc... I'm in the same Camp as Nexus but neither of us are Nvidia shills.
6 Feb 2019
What because I like what ray tracing brings to games? Which is not a "nvidia" thing.... PS. my last 5 gpus were all amd.....

Yup it is an exceptionally good looking game, even without RT. Some of the best physics going about too especially with regards to the fire spreading

Not sure tbh but does seem like it's not possible in a lot of games to do RT with dx 11. Same with the ascent, you have to use dx 12 to use RT.

If any game is using RT and DX11 then it's completely different to DX12. D12 is a special API and toolset.

RT is definitely so able in DX11, it's been possible for many many years it's just the way it's done and how the GPU computes the data is completely different between DX12 and any other DX version
30 Sep 2021
Minas Morgul
I think it's great what Nvidia have brought to the table with their RTX suite and implementations of various RT FX like reflections, Ambient occlusion, Global illumination, Emissive lighting etc etc... I'm in the same Camp as Nexus but neither of us are Nvidia shills.
appreciating nvidia and their techs are one thing, blindly calling every RT or any Nvidia implementation "brilliant, breath taking!! game changer!! literally unplayable without it, holy wacko them effects wow, it made my game go nextgen!!" types of statements are shilling. (not you)

he promotes even the most mediocre RT implementations like they're holy grails. his extreme bias is so easily noticable

almost more than half the RT implementations are so far subpar whether he you or others like it or not. there is only so much you can do with limited ray tracing performance.
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4 Jun 2009
appreciating nvidia and their techs are one thing, blindly calling every RT or any Nvidia implementation "brilliant, breath taking!! game changer!! literally unplayable without it, holy wacko them effects wow, it made my game go nextgen!!" types of statements are shilling. (not you)

he promotes even the most mediocre RT implementations like they're holy grails. his extreme bias is so easily noticable

almost more than half the RT implementations are so far subpar whether he you or others like it or not. there is only so much you can do with limited ray tracing performance.

Someone a bit mad? :D :cry:

Where exactly have I said games without RT are "literally unplayable"? Does it feel like a step down visually (in terms of reflections, lighting, shadows etc.) when I go from something like metro, CP, control to a non Rt game? Yes it does but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the game for what it is, gameplay comes first and the visuals simply help to get more immersed in the game and its setting e.g. currently playing riftbreaker and having a blast and it's RT implementation is a bit light on it but it adds so much to the atmosphere and really gets you immersed, seeing a meteor flying over you and RT in action there is a sight to behold.

There is no doubt, we are only at the tip of the iceberg for the RT experience (and only really made possible because of having DLSS, FSR/NIS) but thankfully, we get to have a taster of what's to come and it is already better than the ancient/old-gen methods. PS. Funny that every youtube, article talking about the "best looking graphics/games" happens to contain mostly RT games, maybe it's because of their RT..... :eek:

Also, there are plenty of RT games which have crap/poor/low RT hence why I only post games where it it makes a noticeable difference i.e. F1, forza (default game doesn't even have it in gameplay and even the mod to force enable it is rather meh), shadow of the tomb raider, BF 5

So posting videos, screenshots etc. is called "promoting"??? Again, can one not simply just like what RT does?

"almost more than half the RT implementations are so far subpar whether he you or others like it or not" = your opinion

Going by most peoples opinions, you're in a very very very small minority and given that the vast majority of game developers are adding RT in one form or another, including for consoles, it goes to show, RT is obviously in demand so get used to it amigo as this thread will only grow further :) Especially when RDNA 3 gets a nice uplift in RT perf. ;)

Kind of comes across like you don't quite know what to look for when it comes to RT, if so, loads of good articles out there explaining what it is and the advantages it brings as well as sites that do good comparisons to help people who either can't understand or/and see the differences:


Fascinating stuff!
8 Oct 2020
almost more than half the RT implementations are so far subpar whether he you or others like it or not. there is only so much you can do with limited ray tracing performance.

Most of the more recent games (last 2 years) with proper RT look really good. The main outliers are those where it’s been purposely gimped to suit cards with weaker RT.
30 Sep 2021
Minas Morgul
keep sacrificing half the performance / half the resolution to accomodate for features that will not realistcally change how the game looks %90-95 of the time :D this is the case with hellblade senua whether you like it or not

okay Okay! i take it back! the biggest shill is Alex Battaglia! since when this %800 zoom oriented video exists

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23 Oct 2019
People moaning about other people talking about Raytracing on... A Raytracing thread ahah.
And yeah, RT can look rubbish on plenty of games but then you get games like Minecraft and metro exodus which really change the game visually.
4 Jun 2009
Thought I share a clip from a game before the RT era, back when dev's didnt nerf lighting and reflections.

This is with a graphics mod on GTA5.


As you mentioned, that's a mod by people who have all the time in the world to work just on that aspect and nothing else to do with the core/rest of the game.

Obviously would be great if more developers spent the time working to get visuals like that but it's just not possible for 95% of the use cases out there, which is why developers prefer to use ray tracing where they can now as it saves so much more time/effort for them and they get better results anyway.
27 Feb 2015
As you mentioned, that's a mod by people who have all the time in the world to work just on that aspect and nothing else to do with the core/rest of the game.

Obviously would be great if more developers spent the time working to get visuals like that but it's just not possible for 95% of the use cases out there, which is why developers prefer to use ray tracing where they can now as it saves so much more time/effort for them and they get better results anyway.

Yep, that was my point, someone already told me before you RT wasnt really a tool for customers, it was to allow dev's to cut corners on development and let the hardware dynamically generate the lighting instead.

We have paid the RT tax so dev's can get an easier time. ;)

I do think its possible where I disagree with you, most mod developers dont get paid a penny, and often is one guy doing everything so a multi billion dollar game company can certainly do it. Plus games released in the years before RT was released show its possible as well, as it was done.
6 Feb 2019
Thought I share a clip from a game before the RT era, back when dev's didnt nerf lighting and reflections.

This is with a graphics mod on GTA5.


what are you talking about? its 2021 youtube video someone made after injecting ray tracing mod into the game. How is that representative of pre RT era? the ****

That's like Kaapstad showing us a video of his system running 20+ year old Quake with pathtracing and saying this is showing how games looked before RT era
23 Oct 2019
keep sacrificing half the performance / half the resolution to accomodate for features that will not realistcally change how the game looks %90-95 of the time :D this is the case with hellblade senua whether you like it or not

okay Okay! i take it back! the biggest shill is Alex Battaglia! since when this %800 zoom oriented video exists


Not trying to be funny but Nvidia cards paired with DLSS absolutely smash some RT games way better some people might think (metro exodus comes to mind, some of the best RT implementation ive seen in a game, pretty sure my AVG on that game is around 100 fps on a 3090 save some exceptions where it drops to 70, control is another one where I can fully max the game even without DLSS and always have it over 60 fps and honestly it makes the game look better), i play @2k mind you.

Ofc there are plenty of bad RT implementations but its nice to have the option of using it on games that use it properly.
4 Jun 2009
Playing through guardians now (£28 at cd keys), very good game! Heard good things already but definitely has exceeded my expectations so far, reminds me a lot of fallen order.

Looks absolutely stunning as well, again very similar visual style and graphics to fallen order.

Ray tracing reflections are nice and noticeable throughout. Shame they didn't add RT global illumination given all the neon lighting etc. as performance is great so ampere cards wouldn't have been hit too hard with the extra visual fidelity.
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