Just flashed my pulse to a vega 64 bios, what seemed a flakey undervolt and oc now seems a stable stock 64 setting, was really easy to do, I'm impressed
Edit, not made much difference to my timespy score, hbm is happy at 1060mhz, won't go past 1100, but i noticed the odd funny bit at 1100 so dialed it back a bit, still a 260mhz oc from stock 56 speeds seems good
The gpu core is still an issue, don't feel I can get any more out of it, hotspot seems the same on the v64 bios, benchmarked timespy on the stock 64 bios no changes and the hotspot was 79c (guessing this is being read right and it's impacting perf when pushing card), I'm guessing when I push the card and it goes into the 90's this is holding the core back?I'd watercool it but there doesn't seem to be much benefit maybe 100mhz more into the mid 1700's :X