My son uses my PC which is a 3930k CPU (which is slower than your AMD 2600), Vega 64 (a bit faster than your vega 56 but the same architecture) and 32gb RAM (much more than your RAM). It is true that Fortnite works better on nVidia cards but I still get a consistent 100+ FPS so I would expect the V56 to get more than enough for a smooth game. I am also on a fairly high resolution of 2560x1600.Hope someone can help.
My son got an Overclockers PC for Xmas, following spec -
Gigabyte Radeon RX VEGA 56 Gaming OC 8GB
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
8GB ram
He recently got a a new monitor iiyama G-master 1080 144hz freesync monitor.
Fortnite is the only game he plays but he is saying the FPS keep dropping significantly and the frames lag or stutter.
Free sync is enabled and the settings in Fortnite have been dropped.
A quick search resulted numerous issues with this particular graphics card.
Thanks in advance.
I see that he's running at 1080p so I would have thought the Vega 56 is find for that.
However I suspect the low 8gb of RAM is the issue here. Once you run out of RAM then performance will be affected. Can you try leaving the task manager performance graphs running and when you get stuttering then switch out (alt tab) and see if you're running at maximum RAM? Nowadays I recommend 16gb to gamers. 8gb is a bit low for 2019 although enough for most games (just about).
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