56 is enough for me at 1440p too, no idea how he is getting such low frames. The only two games this year which have dropped below 60 for me, at 1440p and maxed out settings are Control and Metro Exodus. In games like this you can just drop the shadow quality down a notch and gain 10-20fps too. Have not tried RDR2 yet as im waiting for Steam release but im not expecting to max that out, a mixture of medium/high/ultra will do the job, some settings absolutely tank the framerate as seen in hardware unboxed optimization video.
Other games ive played this year are around 80-100fps maxed (RE2, DMC5, BF V, Modern Warfare, Rage 2, Apex legends..). Anything 2018 or older it chews through no problem.
Not too shabby for a card that cost £250~ earlier in the year, still dont see anything that beats its price/performance today. a proper upgrade would be a 2080s, so £650+. Im holding onto mine until after the next gen consoles release and buying the gpu generation that releases after those, as thats when big performance gains and price drops usually happens or everyone will switch to consoles.