Haha yes, one wonders who that might be
Sadly though, pulling my cpu loop apart and ‘re-working’ a load of hardline tubing isn’t an option for me at the mo (6month old takes up quite a bit of my time)
Was tempted by the strixx at 449 but by the time you factor in replacing the thermal pads (cost and time) you’re at the same price as the nitro. Just bugs me a tad the idea of buying gpu with arguably the best cooler on the market then ripping it off at a later date! (Yea I’m weird/miserable like that)
Edit: I realise I could run the strixx as it is till I’m ready to wc it but my ocd wouldn’t let that happen!
That is why I use EK predator (360) my friend.

No issues to change hardware devices, and having to destroy the whole loop. You should consider also using QDC connectors. Maybe not the EK ones since you have hard tube for showing, but there are metallic connectors that would look great in addition to allow change parts.