The RX7 rebuild thread

Cheers guys. I'm really pleased with the way it's gone, it all went smoothly without any problems atall, I have been just methodically plodding along over the last couple of days and the engine just kind of fell together :cool:

I hope I haven't tempted fate now........

Dog: no parts left over as yet, I think all the rest of the nuts and bolts I have are accounted for and will be used when it's back in. I hope :o
agw_01 said:
DreXeL, do you have to put the rotors back in at a certain position (sort of like the doing the cam timing on a piston engine)?

Nope, the inlet/exhaust timing is goverened by the shape ports, and the rotors themselves open and close these ports by covering them when they turn. The rotors can only be put in the position they fall with the eccentric shaft in place. Ignition timing is governed by a sensor, the same as a crank sensor on a piston engine.

great advice: This is the first engine I've built.
great advice said:
You deserve a medal sir!! Id be worried about tempting a wankel and ive rebuilt lots of engines before :)

I did a mazda RX5 a few years back (@20 years) and it was fairly straightforward, actually easier than a reciprocating motor, as there are no valve springs to sort or piston rings to compress... the rotor seals were tricky on the 5, think they have improved on that now...

Nice job Drexel, I will be doing the same with my Cosworth YBT during october

Nice one mate, I'm impressed. Gives me the confidence to take on my Stag rebuild at some time.

Hope it all goes OK on the run in, good luck :)
Nice one drexel, hope all went as planned. Its a big thing to take on if you dont really have any experience, especially on a car like yours! Lots of respect sir! ;)
Impressive work drexel, i dont have the time or the patients nay the knowledge to even attempt something on this scale and to that kudos, turn that key and feel proud when she fires up for the first time.

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