**The Secret World**

The Servers are US based, and thats why we get silly maintenance times, i get an MS of 80-135.
Not sure why Funcom havent located servers in EU somewhere.

Type in the chat window

/option latency_window 1

shows both FPS and ping, you will be surprised how high your ping is to there servers.

I get a MS of 30 when playing wow and SWTOR, but there EU servers are not based in the US.

I personally think having a ping over 100 is not acceptable for a paying MMO, but Funcom assured me its fine, i disagree
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I also disagree...

If they ever implement any big raid encounters with 20+ players spamming a boss etc + all the effects etc for the encounter can you imagine the FPS???

The "cross dimensional" thing is all very well, but I really see no benefit if it limits the game in terms of latency etc.
I get a MS of 30 when playing wow and SWTOR, but there EU servers are not based in the US.

and yet SWTOR server updates are still done blanket from the US... = daft update times too lol, regardless of server location/ping.

Penny pinching ******s.
If this is all we have to complain about then I'm happy enough ;) Never had much of an issue with server connection, the occasional spike, but that's pretty much standard in any mmorpg (in my experience anyway).
If this is all we have to complain about then I'm happy enough ;) Never had much of an issue with server connection, the occasional spike, but that's pretty much standard in any mmorpg (in my experience anyway).

As said, i consider a ping upto 135ms unacceptable for an MMO, you may differ, but i wont pay £11.49 a month to play on US servers with a silly high ping anymore.
^ Yep your right, the SWTOR EU servers are in Ireland i believe, yet Bioware still do maintenance in US time periods.

and became forum nazis when it was mentioned.... (removed posts/threads).

I enjoy TSW, but do find it frustrating with the latency issues (obvious very often if you use charge or ranged nuke attacks).

I have a decent connection, and some nm encounters are becoming proper laggy 5-10fps ****, and I'm using a high end system and all that.

I played aoc for 2 years... although things look familiar combat seems so clunky compared to that game. I'm sure a lot of that (lag on hits.... missed animations etc) is down to server lag/latency (since they're in the US somewhere).
I really havn't encountered any problems with the latency - the odd dc but that appears to be it, it's simply not an issue for me atm.

Granted I'm not running many dungeons but even the ones I have done havn't been in any way unplayable. Or fusang for that matter - /go figure I guess :D
I doubt u've beaten the gatekeeper and done any real encounters then.

Fusang fps etc is fine, no problems there. Will meet you any day mate
I cant believe the reaction on this.

The severs could be located on the moon for all i care. I have NEVER had a issue of latency causing problems in ANY fight, be that keeper NM modes etc.

Sure i get lost in the AOE sometimes and 9/10 my own fault for losing attention. This is how it should be as well.

Its a great game, our Cabal now has people who DPS for one boss, then fancy a change and Tank/Heal the next one.

WOWLINGS will forever be WOWLINGS and want it all on a cookie cutter plate.
I don't mind downtime during the week as I work so its all good :)

I have had no issues with ping times etc either and yes I have beaten the Gatekeeper and done Nightmare modes.
As said, i consider a ping upto 135ms unacceptable for an MMO, you may differ, but i wont pay £11.49 a month to play on US servers with a silly high ping anymore.

Can you play? Are you getting constant lag/latency? Or are you just seeing high numbers on the overlay? No silly high ping here at all. The occasional spike as I wrote, but if you're genuinely having constant difficulty, well, then I'm genuinely surprised because I've heard very very few issues from most other people.

Regardless, you've made your point to funcom by not continuing to pay :)

I doubt u've beaten the gatekeeper and done any real encounters then.

Fusang fps etc is fine, no problems there. Will meet you any day mate

So you're experiencing more problems in a limited player dungeon, than in a 225 player pvp area? You realise where this is going....? ;)
Yes im getting server lag and lots of it, but what do you expect with a MS up-to 135 at peak times.

I'm going to try the latency window you posted tonight just for interests sake. I've not heard anyone complain (or only about occasional spikes) about this at all, so it'll be interesting to see what it reports me to be getting.
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