This is a novel take on the idea of a tattoo:
Full Story:
At a family party recently, a cousin showed me a photo on his phone, saying, “What do you think of this Jean?”
It was a young woman, from the back, sitting on a bed, with just her knickers on, and her back was completely tattooed with a lion’s head and face.
I said, “Well it’s beautifully done Steve, looks almost like 3-D, but I’m not a tattoo fan, why show me?”
He said, “It’s my eldest daughter, Yvonne, she’s getting married next June, I told her that I’ll never stop loving her, but if she wears a backless wedding dress, I won't walk her down the aisle.”
His daughter looks like a 23 y.o. version of Alana de la Garza, the actress from U.S. TVs “Law and Order”, but all I could say was, “Bummer Steve, I’m glad that I only have sons.”
He said, “Bigger bummer Jean, I don’t have any brothers, nor does my wife, smart money says Yvonne will ask you to give her away, she’s always liked you a lot, and your wife and boys.”
I said, “Stevie, I love you to bits, but if you think that I’m getting in the middle of this, you’ve got another think coming, I can feel a holiday coming on for next June, save me a piece of cake.”