The Social Gathering / Gaming Thread [A place to organize meet-ups]

Are on sale games subject to referals?

Anyway, just played this and it's a very good simulation of bowling, except there's absolutely no haptic feedback so it just feels sort of 'dead', especially of course as you don't have the weight of a real ball when you throw.

If I were making the game I'd have put a haptic jolt when picking up and throwing the ball and a haptic rumble while it rolls, and different levels of haptic feedback for striking the pins, depending on how many you got. It'd make the game feel more alive and real.

Also it has a very annoying American commentator. I'd have preferred a video display like you get in modern bowling alleys instead.
for £7 its ok, certainly not worth a lot more, gets boring quickly, but a good laugh, and a bit of fun :)

merry Christmas all
i doubt ill be online now till Wednesday
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