The Social Gathering / Gaming Thread [A place to organize meet-ups]

just been playing some DoE

i always press HOST and i thought the tab says "friends can join" or something

anyway, was playing on my own (level 5 (6 is highest))
got to the end, died, but not dead, then i saw 2 people coming to rescue me and i was chatting along to them , not my friends ! lol
2 Randoms joined, good laugh we had, one was max level with a ice repeating ballista and a full Santa outfit in white

one got disconnected then we had a troll join us :(
at least he didn't speak ! lol
Anyone fancy meeting up Xmas Eve ?

im around every evening except Xmas Day

Don't think I will be around Xmas Eve, well not until 9pm or so. And definitely not around Xmas day or during the day St. Stephen's Day(I am around in the evening)

I should be around later today and tomorrow evening.
After St Stephen's day, I am around most of the time until the 8th of January. The only times I definitely won't be around is the evenings of the 27th, 29th, 3rd, 5th and 7th.
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