It's an interesting time to be a photographer - good lord I want the A7 III - it makes sense for me as a full time wedding photographer, also I make about 25% of my living from videography.
BUT - and I have to keep going back to this - will it make my product any 'better' - no is the answer, a photographers skill is just that - their skill - sure its a nice cam, it makes life easier with eye AF, iv been so close to pulling the trigger!! but my 5D3 is a great work horse - it more than does 'the job' - also to date I've been a canon user, as im sure Raymond has.
I'm not sure if it's my age (35) or my point in my career - but there is a point where you stop looking at specs, hardware, 'x' stops of dynamic range and just clicks one day, oh yeah, it's me that's taking the be that, be you - take your photos, do your best work, try your best - in this day and age with ever incremental improvements to hardware based mostly on capitalism - it's time to get back to reality - Ansel didn't have any where near this camera tech - yet he's timeless.
Great cam - but - I'll go out and do photography instead.
(disclaimer: sure the shift to mirrorless is the biggest deal since digital cameras, I'm excited to see where it goes, lets give it 5 years - as a professional I will have to shift one day to keep pace with the competition, until then, its ones ability/editing in 2018)
if it makes your work easier to do then IMO that is a valid reason to switch.
And you mentioned how you do videography? The A7mk3 camera blows the canon 5d3 for video. Its a night and day difference!