What a load of kindergarten-level, pseudo-psychology twaddle.
Criticizing a company for not allowing reviews of a very hyped GPU before they go on sale is perfectly acceptable and it is extremely bizarre that you are suggesting otherwise.
It's pointless as well. There's nothing to stop you waiting for the reviews, and then the reviews have arrived before your make your purchase. The reviews have arrived before you make your sale, and that's all that's important for you as an individual. If you choose to do otherwise, that's up to you. Everyone gets to make that choice, but you are complaining about the choice you are in control of.
It's extremely bizarre to suggest that you don't get to choose when and where you buy what you want, based on criteria (such as reviews) that you yourself choose. What is forcing you to buy on launch day before you get to see the reviews? Your own lack of emotional control over a shiny new product that you want right now?