One of the towns I grew up in (teenager) is now a complete dump. It's completely run-down, the town centre is no more (charity shops and gambling shops only), all the estates look like the modern-day footage of Chernobyl. Complete lack of maintenance and the place can be summed up perfectly with the word - "decay". Thirty years ago when I lived there it wasn't affluent but it was vibrant and people cared about the place.When you live outside of the UK for awhile and then come back you realise how poor, run down and dirty massive parts of the country are and that peoples way of life is no where near as high quality as you'd imagine from a "wealthy country"
The recent story of this country is of a widening wealth divide, and in a few years time (let's say a couple more decades) I reckon a lot of these places will be slums to rival Brazil's finest.
For a supposedly wealthy country it's telling how little we care about entire swathes of our own populace.