***The Unofficial Samsung Galaxy S III LTE (I9305) Thread***

Urgh I got the messaging force close error when installing Ripper ROM and JKAY 14.6 and JB Dom 1.5.1

Also there's no apps or themes to install in update me. Is that normal?

I installed Ripper 7.1 as per normal ROM install stuff

rebooted & let it "settle"

opened "update me"

downloaded Jkay 14.6 & JB Dom 1.5.1

rebooted into CWM

cleared cache & dalvik

installed JKay from the Ripper directory


let ROM settle...

rebooted into CWM

cleared cache & dalvik

installed JB Dom from the Ripper directory


let the ROM settle .....

and all was well with the world :)
Tried the above Mate and it worked a treat!

Thanks! How are you finding battery life on the Ripper ROM?
I may give Ripper a go too. Opposed to what was said here a few posts back, I find the dev of Pandoriam pretty slow in providing updates and patches. It was maybe 3 days after the last new build until he released his ROM.

I have no problem with that in general, they have lives etc, but if other ROM's are quicker, that might be where to go.

On 5 and 5.5 I've been having battery issues. MediaScannerService has been running riot on me. Googling tells me to format my SD Cards, which I did once, doesn't seem to have helped.
Although the ROM scene on the S3 LTE is fairly sparse, Ripper and (now) Wanam seem to be the ones to install at the moment.
I'm getting great battery life on Pandoriam 5.5 with Perseus kernal.

Average 35% brightness. Usage - news reading using Pulse app, net browsing, forum browsing, YouTube, light gaming, 20min calls, 10 txts, read a few emails, bluetooth always on, Wifi for internet.

That is fantastic battery life Mate! You broke the 5 hour barrier too when it comes to screen on time

Anymore fc's when task switching?
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I'm impressed too stoosh. Imagine 3000mah! :cool:


Still getting System UI crash in task-switcher. Will just wait for the next update, It might be something to do with choosing a wrong option in aroma that clashes with JB Dom theme.

How's your setup coming along?
Yeah! I can't wait to pick up the extended battery when it gets released!

Sorry typo...sfreeman should've read as screen on time! LOL!

Shame you're still getting the fc's I was reading the thread on XDA (saw your post on there to the Dev) and he's certain that there shouldn't be any fc's on 5.5 - he was getting slightly defensive about it too!

I've been using the Nexus 4 for the past 4 days and to my surprise it's been a real joy to use. The battery life has been excellent and its really fast and smooth.

I will switch back to the S3 over the weekend I've installed Wanam's ROM and skinned it with JB Dom and JKay so I'll see how that goes. However I'm running stock kernel on the ROM and not Perseus so it'll be interesting to see how the battery lasts.

I'm really torn between the S3 LTE and Nexus 4...however I think the S3 just takes it!
Extended battery - drool!

Ah screen on time - :D

Yes the FC is very annoying as I like using task-switcher. CBA to do a re-install just for that though, will wait for the next update.

Nexus 4 is a cool phone - my mate bought his round today. Much better looking than the S3 IMO. But the screen just doesn't hold a candle to the S3's, obviously IMO.

I'm glad I don't have the memory-card bug that a few have that drains battery - phone is running smooth and well right now. My mate also stumbles across a nice feature which is hold the home button down at the lock screen to activate the torch - nice touch.
Pandoriam as a ROM is extremely versatile and once the fc problem is cleared up the ROM will be even better!

I was reading about the memory card problem killing the battery with people to format their cards in the hope the drain got sorted...most unfortunate

I agree with you the S3 screen is better than the N4 and it shows finer details far clearer too, the N4 is the better looking device of the two and is built more solid.

The home screen button thing is clever on JKay you can use any app when you tap on the home screen button it's a useful mod to have I just haven't decided what app to put on there yet! LOL!!

Are you going to try any other ROMS or are you happy with Pandoriam for the moment?
I'm quite happy with Pandoriam for the moment - the other ROM's don't really have anything extra as far as I can see - am I right?
Shame you're still getting the fc's I was reading the thread on XDA (saw your post on there to the Dev) and he's certain that there shouldn't be any fc's on 5.5 - he was getting slightly defensive about it too!

Yeah, this is why I've moved away from it. He told me we both have the same hardware so my problem shouldn't be happening, I must have a magic phone. He told someone else to go and use another ROM.

I was reading about the memory card problem killing the battery with people to format their cards in the hope the drain got sorted...most unfortunate

I've been having this. Two days last week I actually started turning my phone off while working, so it would stay alive for my breaks and stuff. Was draining probably 100 to empty in about 8 hours in total.

I've installed an app that turns off MediaScannerService and it seems to be okay. I don't really see what it does. If I take a photo, that still appears in album...
I'm quite happy with Pandoriam for the moment - the other ROM's don't really have anything extra as far as I can see - am I right?

I've moved to Ripper and I realise that 1) The JBDom theme is a bit more complete. More parts (all parts) are themed 2) JKay allows some interesting things like different notification bar toggles/options if you slide the left or right side. I wish it could be 1 or 2 fingers, but maybe that would interfere with 4.2?
I'm quite happy with Pandoriam for the moment - the other ROM's don't really have anything extra as far as I can see - am I right?

I think that you can't install a compatible version of JKay Mod on Pandoriam at the moment, so you are missing out on modding your phone completely but other than that if you're happy with Pandoriam then stick with it!

I had a problem with charging on Wanam (though it's not ROM related) where it was taking unusually longer to charge the phone and I've had to unroot and go back to EE VALI5 ROM and now the phone is charging as it should.

It's really strange what's going on, it's been such a mission flashing ROMs and unrooting, installing apps again, it's not how I wanted to spend Saturday afternoon. I'll try swapping cables because apparently on XDA users state that the Samsung cables are of poor quality.

Yeah, this is why I've moved away from it. He told me we both have the same hardware so my problem shouldn't be happening, I must have a magic phone. He told someone else to go and use another ROM.

I've been having this. Two days last week I actually started turning my phone off while working, so it would stay alive for my breaks and stuff. Was draining probably 100 to empty in about 8 hours in total.

I've installed an app that turns off MediaScannerService and it seems to be okay. I don't really see what it does. If I take a photo, that still appears in album...

Yeah I read your post on XDA and the Dev has got defensive about his ROM, think the pressure might be getting to him, nevertheless that's not an excuse for him to get a little annoyed at users who are being helpful and reporting problems with the ROM.

You did the right thing and move away and go to Ripper.
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