***The Vapers Lounge*** 2.0

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Well the dual coil RBA deck arrived for my TFV4 (well 2 off them), still difficult to get any big builds on it as space is limited.
I have a quad twisted .25mm gauge on one of the decks , ohms out at .26 , the same build as on my Zephyrus ,vapes really well up to about 80 watts & then i can tell dry hits if i go higher.
On the other deck managed to squeeze a pair of baby Clapton's on it ,had to go down to .3mm wire wrapped with .25mm so i could actually clamp , any bigger & i could not get the wire in to clamp.
8 1/2 wraps around a 2mm , Ohm's out about .85 , not much more room to build anything bigger/prettier.

Performance , well very much like a dripper with Clapton's in , they take a while to warm up but when they do they chuck quite well , vaping it @ 55w , flavour is as good as prebuilt coils to me but i,m biased :)
What are peoples ADVs?

The only two I'm yet to try that I can really use as an ADV are Boss Reserve and Milk & Honey and could do with some ideas
Got my D2!!!!! :D

First impressions, lovely bit of kit for the money, build quality is very good for P4U, firing away fine on a .24 titanium build.

Also picked up my high vg pinkman which I'll be working through a tank of today.
Does anyone know where I can find good quality Heisenberg juice? The Vampire Vape one (ready made) doesn't agree with me... getting some sort of reaction to it.
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They now do 70/30 vg/pg on pinkman and Heisenberg, currentlyabout half way through a tank of the 70vg pinkman, flavour is definitely muted, which is a good thing with these liquids, I do have a bottle of the 70vg Heisenberg too (out of curiosity) but I won't be able to give feedback for that until later in the week when I can be bothered to wick a dripper.
I've got one of the following and looking to get a bigger battery. I'm looking at 1100 but I've started looking into possibly upgrading.

Current Vape: http://www.thepuffinhut.com/Smok_EBC_Single_Starter_Kit/p2103607_12465779.aspx

However, I have no idea what all this talk of ohm or sub-ohm is.

Can anyone enlighten me?

you can't sub ohm on those types of batteries as it will go bang. Basically sub ohming is where your coil is under 1 ohm.. the lower the ohm the more power it requires and the faster it needs it. What sort of tank and coil are you using at the moment? or you can just play it safe and get a battery that will subohm, as it they will support LR and HR fine. :)
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