This has probably been asked a billion times in this post, but I'm looking at finding a nice compact tank for an eleaf istick and looking for some help.
I'm leaning either towards a mini nautilus or eleaf gs16s/plus. Any other recommendations for a small squat tank? Also need to mention I don't like lung hit style sub ohm jobbies so I've ruled them out, otherwise they generally look perfect in terms of form factor for me.
To give you an idea of what I like, I've been using a pro tank mini 3 for ages now and really like it, but with the eleaf battery I'd like something that doesn't stick up so much.
Again, for your style the mini nautilus wins. Or possibly beyond vape silo lite.
Nautilus is 5mm shorter than protank 3. The beyond vape silo lite is the same size as the protank 3.