I had it in Celsius and set to 220c to match my DNA200's and my SX350J, tried two tanks with dual twisted TI coils at .08ohms, subtank with a single TI coil at .14ohms and a LEMO2 with a single twisted TI coil, cant remember its ohms. The first two tanks take 55w on the DNA200 with 70w pre heat so figured it just didnt have enough power, but the other tanks all run sub 40w so thought they at least would work..
I just give it another go with higher temp limit... 300c which is its MAX, and used the tank with the dual twisted TI .08ohm coils and it was better, but still a very cold vape, so tried the single twisted TI coil in my Crown tank, i normally run this at 35-40w on my DNA40 @170c... its much better, had to set TC limit to 300c and power to 50J just to match how my DNA40 vapes, so i guess it is the temp limit on the mod being WAY off... and the mod being under powered... no wonder its so cheap...
Also notice the Ohms reads .02/.03 lower than any of my other mods.