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A[L]C;29137661 said:
Can anyone recommend a mouth to lung tank for the mini volt?

How much do you want to spend? Do you want rebuildable or stock coils?

Stock coils then Nautilus Mini or the Beyond Vape Silo.

For an RTA then you've got a list as long as your arm. IIRC the Wotofo Serpent Vapes MTL quite nicely and is on the cheaper end of things.

If you don't mind spending a little more then the new Kayfun Mini V3 is getting some good reviews (and Kayfuns tend to be a common benchmark for MTL rebuildable tanks)
Apologies if this has already been posted, FT promo codes for the coming days...

Coupon is KUNGHEI.

Feb 5-7 : 20% sitewide discount

Feb 8-14: 15% sitewide discount

credit to xx2000xx @ r/electronic_cigarette
Goblin Mini, you can do single coil builds and the airflow can be shut down tight.

The only thing that has really put me off investing in one of these is the bottom fill.

I don't mind bottom fill when you leave the base of the atty on the device and the tank section seperates, but needing to take the whole thing off to fill it up is horrible. Reminds me of an old KFL.

Looks like the v2 will be changing this :D
Yeah the whole bottom fill screw thing is old hat, i hated the screw on my Lemo tanks, but at least the Goblins screw is easy to get at, just still a fiddly beggar to get back in lol
The only worry i have with the v2 and top fill on the goblin... is leaks from filling, as the airflow is under the tank so once you close the top fill and re open the airflow, if any liquid has gone into the air channel it will be dumped all over the top of your mod... hopefully this wont be the case... but... will have to wait and see.

Have to say im impressed with the we tank though, it does an admirable job, not a cloud or flavour chaser the way i have it built for the mini volt.. but its great for in the car.
There's a goblin mini v2 coming out soon... Yorkshire vaper (??) has it in stores but not listed online at the moment.

It's top fill ;)

EDIT: FT do a bellcap for the goblin mini.. I don't have a photo on me as I cleared out my phones, but it looks really smart.
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Goblin mini in the Xvostick, have a mini volt but...:rolleyes: battery.

Dual coil Ti build @.16 Ohm (cant remember how many wraps but its tight!!) its chuking clouds, not good for the office but a cracking little atty;)
Slinxy... look back a page m8 lol

Wazz-1.. nice little setup there m8. That looks tidy.
If you want to use the Goblin on the mini volt, do a single coil, aim for 1.5-1.8ohms and about 16w... Much better battery life, less clouds, but still does well.
Got a Wotofo Serpent today, built a nice big 4mm id single coil, 26awg kanthal twisted with 25awg 317L SS, came out about 0.9ohms, hitting currently at 35w and doing well...


Custom Drip tips on both, even managed to get a few bigger o-rings on the tip for the Goblin so i dont need the silly adaptor :)
How are you finding wicking keep up on the serpent? I kept finding when I closed the juice off to fill it would move my wicking quite often, ultimately disrupting wicking, gave up on it tbh, ita a good tank but could be so much better.

Also, no red card, if I don't get some vape mail soon I'm going to loose my mind :p
Well ive only just built it tonight so not messed with the juice control much, but its taken upto 40w so far and holding well, i did accidentally fire it on a TC profile on the DNA200, hit with 70w pre heat followed by 50w normal and got a slight dry hit, but at 40w in normal power mode its keeping up yery well, though teh wick is still fresh so im keeping it at 35w for now.
AS for wicking it, i cut the tails only a hair longer than the deck, then fluffed them up and pressed just a little of it into the juice wells and push the rest over onto the deck below each coil... so will see, i only half filled the tank so will be re filling later tonight and see what happens.
Me and the local postman have an agreement when it comes to small parcels and leaving them in the blue bin, unfortunately it was blue bin day yesterday therefore up early to collect since it's only open for about 15 minutes on a Saturday haha

Edit: No exciting vape mail just some measuring cylinders for DIY :( Hoping my cotton pads arrive they were due today after ordering a month ago from Japan, I have 1 and a half pads left currently! So many rebuilds to do and not enough cotton :/
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Small concentrate order arrived today:

TFA Banana Nut Bread
FA Strawberry
FA Cantaloupe Melon
FA White Peach
FA Pear
Got my twisted messes clone finally. Overall quite impressed, the machine work is sublime, really top quality on a clone. Threw a quick dual 6 wrap twisted kanthal build in, came out around 0.18ohm, using the 510 DT rather then the big chuff cap thing, at 100w it's really dense and full of flavour, very impressed with it :)
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