Well, iv got a 20ml bottle that I mix my hangsen ry4 in, I fill it up once per day using two 10ml bottles, as I bought a box full of ry4 10ml bottles, got about 30 bottles left because its my favourite, I like to add about hmm 5ml of USA mix to the ry4, and like I said I fill that up once per day, that's what I chain vape all day pretty much, some days I might have 5ml left, some days its empty just as I go to bed. (depending on how many beers iv had I chain vape like crazy when I drink.)
And iv use a a empty 10ml bottle for mixing this blue star stuff in for my drippers for experimenting with, though granted I probably wasted about 5ml of that 10ml bottle yesterday from wetting cotton and then vaping the rda for half hr before ripping it out and making new coils and experimenting really.
And damn, people are hating bluestar eliquid aint they on that thread, well the two bottles iv got from them, it seems good quality, the flavour is a lot stronger than hangsen, probably why I didn't like it at first, but they've always done what iv asked them to, always changed ratios and even split the order into different size bottles for me etc,
My first order from bluestar when I got 100ml of ry4, well, Hangsen is 80pg 20vg, so I asked bluestar to split into two 50ml bottles, one 80pg/20vg, and one 70pg/30vg so I can try the difference, iv ordered another 100ml yesterday, and iv asked them to make it 20pg/80vg, and 30pg/70vg. and what im planning to do, is experiment with it, like mix different ratios into bottles to dry onto my dripper.
So we will see if they've got the 2nd order right, but for now well I guess I aint had a problem with them. lol.
But iv looked at that onepound eliquid website, its almost just as cheap then, and they do ry4
going to buy one to try
haha, damn what is it with me and ry4!
Also, pro tank 2 minis with drilled out air holes and the leist amount of cotton you can use and a pretty big coil for such a little device, it chucks some vapour out, its actually quite thirsty lol. Iv got some mesh aswell iv never made a mesh wick yet, I might have a do at that tonight to see what its like also
Edit: when I say drilled out air holes on the pt2 mini, well, theres a main hole that's part of the coil base cup, the centre pin thing where the air draws up under the coil, iv not altered that at all, but the ring that it sits in that screws onto your device/mod, well its got 3 tiny pin holes around it, and it restricts the air probably id say around 25%, I just drilled all 3 of them out, but it doesn't matter how big or many there are on that ring piece that the coil cup sits in because of the air hole in the centre pin that holds the coil to the cup, but with that said just that 25% extra air does make a difference, iv used it for about 18 months as standard air but with my own coils in it, but earlier this week when I was fixing the mx2 clone iv got, I thought id drill em out and see what it was like because iv got loads of protank 2 spares laying around anyways. but yeah its a lot better
+ dirt from your pocket used to block the tiny pin holes now and then, but now you can easily remove any dirt from the holes now there bigger, and you can see if there is any stuck in there