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That VT75 for me doesn't really offer any benefits over the VT133 or VT200. Why didn't they make it 18650 only and then shrink it down to the size of the VTC Mini?

not seen the dna 75 to hand but from the looks of it it's just the dna 200 with the minimum voltage input lowered and newer firmware.. very disappointing, they coming to the party late and it's no improvement in my eyes over the sxjs that can now do 75 watts.

They want to so the 26650 which hasn't been as well developed as the 18650 and neither to say that a lot of stock will be aged stock as well... but has a higher amp limit.
From what ive read on Evlov forums, there is more to it than dropping the voltage.. the board does not have the same voltage range as a DNA 200 or even DNA 40 from what ive read (not a good thing)... but one thing it should have over the SX boards is efficiency, my DNA boards all last longer then any SX based board ive tried, the low voltage cut off is too low on some and it eats too much power on others.
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I see, 'zero nic' sounded like a brand... Sounds like good advice.

Any opinions on the Vype eStick anyone?



Forget the Vypes, they're the product of british american tobacco trying to corner some of the e-cig market under the new TPD regulations. Naff, outdated, and you're restricted to buying Vype's proprietary cartridges that all contain nicotine. For not much more you can get a Joyetech AIO, iStick Basic, Innokin Endura T18 or T22, and loads of other devices that will taste so much better, and allow you to vape any liquids you want. There's a tiny bit more involvement than the vypes "plug and go", but trust me, it's worth it. Everyone upgrades from those, you might as well skip a step and save some money.

Best bet is to pop into a vape shop if you have one nearby. They'll help you get set up, and if they're at all worth their salt they'll show you things like priming and swapping coils, plus you can try before you buy.

If you don't feel like it or want to save some cash by buying online, I'd recommend any of the above kits. I'm sure there are loads more but they're the best I've found out of the cheaper units. You'll also want some juice, so have a browse around. Important thing to look for is the PG/VG ratio. This LINK offers a nice, up-to-date summary and description of terms and whatnot, but all you need to know is PG is thin, VG is thick. The more basic devices usually can't wick thicker juices so well, so look for juice with 50/50, or more PG.

You'll also need coils - wherever you end up buying your unit from, they'll also stock the coils for it, so you might as well grab a pack. When you put a fresh one in, you need to prime it, you can do this by putting a bit of juice in the top centre of the coil until it's pretty much fully absorbed. If you don't do this and you try to vape it straight away, it'll burn the cotton. You *can* simply put your coil in your tank, fill it up with juice and just let it sit until there are no bubbles, but it can take a fair bit of time, priming speeds this up a lot. After a while of vaping, sometimes a week, sometimes a month, it varies massively, but your coil will inevitably gunk up and you lose flavour, then it'll start to burn. When that happens, just pop a new one in, prime it, and job's a goodun!
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Like a prat I dropped my topbox into a puddle (read river of mud) yesterday, killed it dead.

Went out this morning and got myself a Nebox for £24 as it was on sale. Nice bit of kit, the 10ml tank will come in very handy. Nice draw, pretty airy and it takes the same OCC type coils as the other Kanger stuff.

The bottom screw in battery compartment is a bit fiddly though. Can see the threads getting stripped pretty quick if like me you are a bit heavy handed. Not a fan of that design but it'll do for now.

Been running a Nebox for 6 months as my work mod, nice and sturdy, large capacity.
They can leak from the airflow area, just make sure you re-tighten the coil when refilling and it should be minimal.
The only negative I have, is that there is such a large distance from coil to mouth, it can seem to dull flavors in certain liquids.
Kayfun v5 announced, slightly bigger then the new v3 mini with bigger airflow. Actually looks decent, I was just cleaning out my v4 clone last night to take for a whirl too.
Forget the Vypes, they're the product of british american tobacco trying to corner some of the e-cig market under the new TPD regulations. Naff, outdated, and you're restricted to buying Vype's proprietary cartridges that all contain nicotine. For not much more you can get a Joyetech AIO, iStick Basic, Innokin Endura T18 or T22, and loads of other devices that will taste so much better, and allow you to vape any liquids you want. There's a tiny bit more involvement than the vypes "plug and go", but trust me, it's worth it. Everyone upgrades from those, you might as well skip a step and save some money.

Best bet is to pop into a vape shop if you have one nearby. They'll help you get set up, and if they're at all worth their salt they'll show you things like priming and swapping coils, plus you can try before you buy.

If you don't feel like it or want to save some cash by buying online, I'd recommend any of the above kits. I'm sure there are loads more but they're the best I've found out of the cheaper units. You'll also want some juice, so have a browse around. Important thing to look for is the PG/VG ratio. This LINK offers a nice, up-to-date summary and description of terms and whatnot, but all you need to know is PG is thin, VG is thick. The more basic devices usually can't wick thicker juices so well, so look for juice with 50/50, or more PG.

You'll also need coils - wherever you end up buying your unit from, they'll also stock the coils for it, so you might as well grab a pack. When you put a fresh one in, you need to prime it, you can do this by putting a bit of juice in the top centre of the coil until it's pretty much fully absorbed. If you don't do this and you try to vape it straight away, it'll burn the cotton. You *can* simply put your coil in your tank, fill it up with juice and just let it sit until there are no bubbles, but it can take a fair bit of time, priming speeds this up a lot. After a while of vaping, sometimes a week, sometimes a month, it varies massively, but your coil will inevitably gunk up and you lose flavour, then it'll start to burn. When that happens, just pop a new one in, prime it, and job's a goodun!
Great advice there, thanks. I'll check out the brands you have mentioned and go from there, I can see this is going to be worth the research. As for priming, that seems logical to me, remove the air bubbles etc.

Thanks a lot I'll go take a look around.

Well its been about two months since I asked about what tank I should get... figure we're overdue yet another advice post.

So far I've used...

Kanger Subtank - used to leak a lot, also the stock coils don't see to be great with high 80/20 juices and tend to start feeling crap after about 2 days.
Kanger Subank Plus - see above.
Uwell Crown - absolutely loved this tank until it developed the worst leak I've ever seen, I tried everything possible to fix it but juice just shoots straight though it now. I've tried a ton of coils too.
Aspire Clieto - I really like this tank but I have concerns about its capacity and I'm having a similar issues with stock coils as I had with the subtanks.

I've been giving some thought to a SMOKV4 but I've heard they're not great with a RX200.

  1. Good Capacity
  2. Decent Stock Coils
  3. Doesn't Leak All The Time
  4. Top Fill If Possible

Once again, any and all help appreciated.
Well its been about two months since I asked about what tank I should get... figure we're overdue yet another advice post.

So far I've used...

Kanger Subtank - used to leak a lot, also the stock coils don't see to be great with high 80/20 juices and tend to start feeling crap after about 2 days.
Kanger Subank Plus - see above.
Uwell Crown - absolutely loved this tank until it developed the worst leak I've ever seen, I tried everything possible to fix it but juice just shoots straight though it now. I've tried a ton of coils too.
Aspire Clieto - I really like this tank but I have concerns about its capacity and I'm having a similar issues with stock coils as I had with the subtanks.

I've been giving some thought to a SMOKV4 but I've heard they're not great with a RX200.

  1. Good Capacity
  2. Decent Stock Coils
  3. Doesn't Leak All The Time
  4. Top Fill If Possible

Once again, any and all help appreciated.

Swear by my Herkales Plus, use Ni200 coils and use TC, even in power mode its decent but really shines with TC
Aspire Clieto - I really like this tank but I have concerns about its capacity and I'm having a similar issues with stock coils as I had with the subtanks.

Mine's been great - Coils last me about a month each of daily use, no fails, no leaks, no worries. Capacity seems low, but that's the large coil burning through juice... and the top fill makes it quick and easy to refil.
Mine's been great - Coils last me about a month each of daily use, no fails, no leaks, no worries. Capacity seems low, but that's the large coil burning through juice... and the top fill makes it quick and easy to refil.

Really? I wonder if I'm doing something wrong - taking too big hits or something then as my coils go to ass within 4 days.

I'm lightly priming them, letting them sit in juice for 30 minutes before I begin vaping and slowly but surely upping the wattage.

Do you clean your coils between refills or are there any tricks I'm missing?
and you notice no degrade in performance for the few weeks? Mine give off probably half the vapour after just 4 days, and the taste isn't anywhere near as good!
Really? I wonder if I'm doing something wrong - taking too big hits or something then as my coils go to ass within 4 days.
That's a bit ****ed....
You're not using these in Temp Control mode, are you? AFAIK, they're kanthal, which is BAAAAAAAAAAD in TC.

I'm lightly priming them, letting them sit in juice for 30 minutes before I begin vaping and slowly but surely upping the wattage.
I prime with a good 4-5 drops, fill tank, go outside and vape.
I use 0.4ohm coils, which are 40-60w recommended, but I use 60VG and 70VG juices, so don't really go above even 35w, or thereabouts. I've gone to maybe 55w, but that was more than enough!!

Are you using a high VG juice and/or chain-vaping?
I do chain, but still leave a good 10-20 seconds between drags to let the fluid soak into those massive big-ass coils, including all the way up above those wicking holes.... well, more like long slots, really!

Do you clean your coils between refills or are there any tricks I'm missing?
Nope, not at all. Never found that sort of thing worked for me.
and you notice no degrade in performance for the few weeks? Mine give off probably half the vapour after just 4 days, and the taste isn't anywhere near as good!
Mine always kick out vapour, but my indicator is when the burnt taste appears and won't go away.
In fact, I likely even kill coils prematurely at the rate I vape on them...
After the replies here I decided to do a bit more googling - it looks like the Element eLiquid 80/20 stuff is a recognised coil killer. I absolutely love their "frost" flavour, but I might have to move on to something else as this is currently costing me just as much as smoking!
After the replies here I decided to do a bit more googling - it looks like the Element eLiquid 80/20 stuff is a recognised coil killer. I absolutely love their "frost" flavour, but I might have to move on to something else as this is currently costing me just as much as smoking!

It is 100%, they pack it full of sweetener which absolutely destroys coils.

Don't see the hype about the juice in all honesty, I can make better from DIY.
Elements is the most extreme build wrecking juice I've used and seen... Lol
I only use it in drippers.

Well its been about two months since I asked about what tank I should get... figure we're overdue yet another advice post.

So far I've used...

Kanger Subtank - used to leak a lot, also the stock coils don't see to be great with high 80/20 juices and tend to start feeling crap after about 2 days.
Kanger Subank Plus - see above.
Uwell Crown - absolutely loved this tank until it developed the worst leak I've ever seen, I tried everything possible to fix it but juice just shoots straight though it now. I've tried a ton of coils too.
Aspire Clieto - I really like this tank but I have concerns about its capacity and I'm having a similar issues with stock coils as I had with the subtanks.

I've been giving some thought to a SMOKV4 but I've heard they're not great with a RX200.

  1. Good Capacity
  2. Decent Stock Coils
  3. Doesn't Leak All The Time
  4. Top Fill If Possible

Once again, any and all help appreciated.

A factory coil tank is only as good as its coils... I've tried/have loads and really they all a bit meh when compared to tanks that you can build yourself. Some are better than others...
The ijust2 (I think that's the name of the tank) which uses similar coils to the ones in the AIO kit was the last one that I tried that I thought this is good. Some guy had 4 of them that he brought to a vape meet. Also the aspire coils seems to be the better made ones out of all the manufactures.

A lot of people ask for factory coil atty for work or to go on holiday for reliability reasons.. Me personally, I would rather take one of my gennies and have done..

What part of the world are you from? It's really worth getting into building as it opens a massive part of the market.
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Yeah I'm actually giving some thought into building my own coils now - problem is that I really (really really really!) love the Elements Frost stuff, its like crack, but I'm not going to spend £8 a week on coils and another £25 on juice.

The problem is that I'm really not a patient person and I'm not particularly dexterous - I imagine I will face hours of frustration to produce something akin to to vaping directly from a dogs ********.
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