Forget the Vypes, they're the product of british american tobacco trying to corner some of the e-cig market under the new TPD regulations. Naff, outdated, and you're restricted to buying Vype's proprietary cartridges that all contain nicotine. For not much more you can get a Joyetech AIO, iStick Basic, Innokin Endura T18 or T22, and loads of other devices that will taste so much better, and allow you to vape any liquids you want. There's a tiny bit more involvement than the vypes "plug and go", but trust me, it's worth it. Everyone upgrades from those, you might as well skip a step and save some money.
Best bet is to pop into a vape shop if you have one nearby. They'll help you get set up, and if they're at all worth their salt they'll show you things like priming and swapping coils, plus you can try before you buy.
If you don't feel like it or want to save some cash by buying online, I'd recommend any of the above kits. I'm sure there are loads more but they're the best I've found out of the cheaper units. You'll also want some juice, so have a browse around. Important thing to look for is the PG/VG ratio. This
LINK offers a nice, up-to-date summary and description of terms and whatnot, but all you need to know is PG is thin, VG is thick. The more basic devices usually can't wick thicker juices so well, so look for juice with 50/50, or more PG.
You'll also need coils - wherever you end up buying your unit from, they'll also stock the coils for it, so you might as well grab a pack. When you put a fresh one in, you need to prime it, you can do this by putting a bit of juice in the top centre of the coil until it's pretty much fully absorbed. If you don't do this and you try to vape it straight away, it'll burn the cotton. You *can* simply put your coil in your tank, fill it up with juice and just let it sit until there are no bubbles, but it can take a fair bit of time, priming speeds this up a lot. After a while of vaping, sometimes a week, sometimes a month, it varies massively, but your coil will inevitably gunk up and you lose flavour, then it'll start to burn. When that happens, just pop a new one in, prime it, and job's a goodun!