Been vaping over a year now, I think - I can 'talk shop' with most of the guys in the local B&M, I have a bunch of mods and more than double that in tanks, yet I'm still all-at-sea about all these different ones you lot talk about that I've never even heard of!
Really makes me wonder if I'm missing out on something, or if they're pretty much all the same even at that level.
To be honest they pretty much are all the same when you get them set up right. Slight variations in clouds, flavour, required power, airflow, style of vape, etc, but there are so many atties you really can't go wrong with now.
I run a Supreme, Avocado, Theorem, Kayfun Mini V3 and Aeronaut, and I love them all. The supreme takes a lot of watts and holds a lot of juice, gives a boatload of flavour with a boatload of airflow, it's my go to driving tank. My avocado is set up with a micro fused clapton at ~15-20W for a good flavour, relaxed lung inhale. My theorem has a bigger fused clapton, run at ~50W, produces a very thick, creamy vape, brilliant for creamy liquids. Kayfun is for relaxed, evening MTLing or for taking places where a great big chonging lung inhale is inappropriate, but still with excellent flavour.
Aeronaut has been the latest one to come back into my rotation, I've got a 0.18 ohm fused clapton in it, on a stingray X clone. When I first got it I just couldn't get much flavour out of it, now I seem to get tons, but it's very "clean" if that makes sense. I can pick out a lot of notes I can't get on other atties, so it's a perfect tasting setup for my mixing.
Yeah, I know it is down to my wicking which in most other RTA's I don't have issues I tend to do a decent job but for some reason the Supreme always catches me out. Cotton definitely covers the holes on the desk so it must be a mix of cotton touching the chimney section/juice control being far too open... Will have another play with it this evening.
It's because with most other tanks, the juice goes down into the channels and then UP through your wicks, so you can get away with a little lack-of-sealing. With the supreme, because the deck is right at the base of the tank, there's a whole tankful on top of it pushing the juice through.
I've found the best way to ensure there's no leaks is not just to cover the holes, but do your best to make sure the edge of the wick comes up to the rim of the deck, all the way round. Also, check underneath the positive post - there's a gap there, which it can leak out of if there's no cotton filling it.