***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

I made a good post in the 2.0 thread about where to get supplies etc. from:Scales - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00ME8VI34

PG/VG and Nic all from Darkstar Vapour - http://www.darkstarvapour.co.uk/

Concentrates are a personal choice, I mostly use FlavourArt, Capella and TFA (The Flavour Apprentice) - http://vapable.com/ / http://thee-cigshop.co.uk/ / http://www.flavourart.co.uk/. Just take note that some contain known 'nasty' ingredients; Acetoin, Acetyl Propionyl and potentially Diacetyl. For the record FlavourArt (FA) use NONE of these ingredients. Stay away from Flavor West concentrates!!

Bottles - https://www.ibottles.co.uk/products/...tubby-tip.html

I'd probably pick up 2 of these to hold your PG and VG. 250ml ones are 45p each - choose the 24mm Natural Nozzle and Captive Cap option.

Recipes: http://www.lediypourlesnuls.com/ - http://vapingunderground.com/forums/...id-recipes.50/ // depends what type of flavour liquid you're after, but I'd probably look at making some fruit ones to start off with, they require very little steeping time (usually shake & vape!).

Recipe calculator: http://e-liquid-recipes.com/create

That should be everything to get you set up mate, if you need any help gimme a shout.

Thanks :)
Just a quick question will tanks like the Cleito 120 be banned in May this year too under the TPD or will they still sell them after that and the coils ? If they don't sell the Cleito 120 after that I may have to buy another one as a spare as I love the tank.
Just a heads up for Chinese new year Fasttech will have 20% off from 25th of January to 27th of January. Use code REDPACKET for discount.
I am looking forward to ordering some stuff.
Also got the Wife her first mech sorted, an afternoon of teaching about battery safety and ohms law :) now she can properly enjoy her vimto!


Can I ask why? I used mech mods when it was the only real option for more power. Now with regulated mods being able to output 100s of watts I don't see the need for mechs. They are much more dangerous for no real gain. The only up side I can think of is they make a nicer looking and smaller setup. No matter how safe you try to be with them, you could always have a short and vent the battery. I know the risk is low if you know what you are doing but I don't feel the advantages outweigh the risks anymore.
Can I ask why? I used mech mods when it was the only real option for more power. Now with regulated mods being able to output 100s of watts I don't see the need for mechs. They are much more dangerous for no real gain. The only up side I can think of is they make a nicer looking and smaller setup. No matter how safe you try to be with them, you could always have a short and vent the battery. I know the risk is low if you know what you are doing but I don't feel the advantages outweigh the risks anymore.

Small easy to use set up, look nice, I'll be honest we mostly use regulated mods as well. We dont go for any insanely low ohm builds on the mechs, never anything under 0.3 to be honest, only use Sony vtc5a's, always have a few amps safety barrier, batteries checked every day.

Its not a "ohhh look at me using a mech" thing, it was just something else for us to try :)
Stupidly I bought some decoded Rongorongo from a local shop. Now I seem to be craving more. considering it costs me about £1.15 to make 30ml of liquid you can imagine my horror at liking something that cost £16 a bottle.
The rongorongo is very strong and I found I can mix it 50/50 with my liquid (of the same nic strength) and get a decent flavour. Anyone know where to get decoded liquid for cheaper than £16? I have seen a few at £14.99 but its still a bit of a kick in the nuts paying that much.
Lesson learned, never go taste testing!
Just a heads up for Chinese new year Fasttech will have 20% off from 25th of January to 27th of January. Use code REDPACKET for discount.
I am looking forward to ordering some stuff.

There estimating delivery for 10/02/17. This is fine by me, are you sure that code will work? Just tried it now and it said invalid.

How are these for delivery? Also can someone recommend if their $6 dual battery charger is any good? Working out to be a steal for a full setup on there if that discount works!!
So my PG, VG and Nic all arrived today.

Made up my first ever batch of "hackshots" from Drip Hacks, we'll see how it turns out.

Big thanks to Gee who recommended mixing by weight, so simple and quick.
I know this is very subjective, but after ordering all of my DIY gear Ive just realised it was based wholly around Hesienberg concentrate. I'm not ready to go down individual flavours just yet, but can anyone reccomend other good ADV concentrates? Dont think Ive ever teied T-juice's Red Astaire, though have tried Ace of Vapez Wolf Astaire, similar?
All of the T-Juice concentrates are excellent. I'm a big fan of Red Astaire, Tangerine Dream, Jack Frost, and Vamp Vape.
I wish they did Green Kelly as a concentrate though.
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