Can someone please take some time to walk me through a little DIY. Others have helped so far but now I have some specifics. I really need someone to tell me exactly what to buy, where from and what to do with it.
So there are two flavours I would like to make in bulk. I am aiming for 3mg nic, maybe 70VG/30PG as its for a Uwell SE1 tank with 0.5 coils.
All want to do is make an economical batch of 2-3 juices in 100-200ml bottles. I dont want to refrigerate anything or use water or any nonsense. Just bottle to bottle, done.
So, the flavours I have in mind are:
Vampire Vapes Heisenberg
Nova Vapes Strawbery Milk
Both have respective instructions which I dont quite understand. Both are 10ml. So what VG, PG and Nic would I need to throw in? What total ml of finished juice would I expect to get?
Remember I would like to do this economically, ideally having no leftover VG, PG or Nic.
Genuine appreciate some help on this to get me started.
Edit: what about this 100ml premix, its 70/30, with 3mg nic. Would I pour all 10ml of concentrate juice in this? Some people are saying it would end up at 60/40 as you are diluting by adding the flavour?