***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

Hi All,

I am MTL vaper and have been using the following tank and coils for quite some time and am very happy with it, my only problem is the rate at which i am burning through coils with some juices burning the coil out within 24 to 48 hours.

Aspire Nautilus X Tank
Aspire Nautilus X Coils 1.5 Ohm

Is there a setup I could buy that would enable me to make my own coils without to much effort?


Use a different liquid or make your own. No doubt it'll be added sweetener which is gunking up the coils.
iStick Pico 25 arrived. Much lighter than the original Pico and only a hair bigger. Much better screen on it than the original.
Pic with the tank that came with it. No idea what it's called but it vapes OK. I figured I'd use it for a bit.


Hi All,

I am MTL vaper and have been using the following tank and coils for quite some time and am very happy with it, my only problem is the rate at which i am burning through coils with some juices burning the coil out within 24 to 48 hours.

Aspire Nautilus X Tank
Aspire Nautilus X Coils 1.5 Ohm

Is there a setup I could buy that would enable me to make my own coils without to much effort?


try the digi flavour siren 2, my mate has the first one hooked up to an e-pipe and it is a very good mtl tank so im hoping the second one is better, and sweet juices like toffee etc will really gunk up coils quick :)

once you start building coils you won't likely go back so be warned :)
I'm glad people are finally moving over to single coil tanks now!


Three 4mm fused claptons on a 30mm Buddha :p

As far as tanks go, I agree. My current favourites for out and about are the Ammit and Ammit 25. For RDAs, I still prefer dual coils. The Buddha was just for a laugh. It's a good RDA but those triple coils take a fair bit of power to heat up and make a lot of cloud.
wow stan that puts my single coil builds with puny twisted wire on my serpent mini's to shame :)

i would love to vape they coils lol
Have any of you guys tried the Arctic Fox firmware for Joyetech, Wismec and Eleaf devices? https://nfeteam.org/
Seriously impressive stuff. It gives you all the power and control of Escribe and the DNA devices.

Some screenshots


Any thoughts on the augvape druga rda?? Been looking at it for some time and it looks interesting especially the thumb turn screws.

Anyone have one and what’s it like for flavour??
Any thoughts on the augvape druga rda?? Been looking at it for some time and it looks interesting especially the thumb turn screws.

Anyone have one and what’s it like for flavour??

I have one, flavours very nice, good build quality. Thumb screws are ok, not really a fan of getting two coil legs into one hole though, can be fiddly cutting off legs.
The thumb screws actually make it a bit easier to position them without faffing around with a screwdriver until the final tightening down.
I actually got it for squonking, but the squonk pin wasnt drilled out :\
Augvape sent me one in the end, after first sending me a top cap for a different atty, then a top cap and a deck for a druga.
I have one, flavours very nice, good build quality. Thumb screws are ok, not really a fan of getting two coil legs into one hole though, can be fiddly cutting off legs.
The thumb screws actually make it a bit easier to position them without faffing around with a screwdriver until the final tightening down.
I actually got it for squonking, but the squonk pin wasnt drilled out :\
Augvape sent me one in the end, after first sending me a top cap for a different atty, then a top cap and a deck for a druga.
Cheers bud, I’ll order one then. Just need to choose a colour lol
Have been alternating between an Ammit 25, Serpent SMM and Vandy Vape Kylin for the past month and have come to the following conclusions which I benchmark against my old trusty Serpent Mini which so far is by far the best for flavour but weakest for wicking consistency.

Serpent SMM (6 wraps of kanthal coming 0.9ohm @ 29watts): flavour pretty good. doesnt wick consistantly unless you get it perfect. leaks a bit. cloud production weakest of the three.

Kylin in 2ml mode (2x 7wraps of kanthal 0.5ohm @44 watts): flavour ok. wicks VERY well. leaks a lot around 510 pin/airflow. cloud production strongest of the three.

Ammit 25 in 5ml mode (5 wraps of clapton coming out at about 0.7ohm @ 37watts): flavour good. wicks well. no leaking at all aside from a small amount of condensation(!!!). reasonable cloud production.

All in all the Ammit 25 gets my vote mostly due to the lack of leaking and the 5ml tank. One oddity i have found with the Ammit 25 is that for some reason the coils tend to cause discolouration streaks of eliquid after a day or so in the tank which the other two don't (all using the same juice). Also worth mentioning the juiceflow and airflow are FAR more solid than the Kylin which feels very loose in comparison.
I personally think the serpent smm is a much better atty than the ammit 25, which leaks like Niagara Falls lol. Doesn’t matter how I wick it, loads of cotton...less cotton but still leaks like crazy.

Flavour wise I’d say the smm is slightly more flavourful, and isn’t such a pain to wick. I just stuff the cotton down into the well, making sure it’s long enough as it’s a pretty deep well and juice can get stuck down there. First time I wicked it, I got a few dry hits due to the wicks not being long enough.

Haven’t had my smm leak one single bit so far, no matter if it’s upside down or on its side.

Right now I’m only using the smm and the serpent 25 mini’s. The ammit and other tanks have been thrown into the bin as they were more hassle coiling and wicking wise.
Anyone here have an Arco 2? What is your experience with it?
Lad at my local store said they are absolutely class, and for the money doesnt seem too bad at all...
Hey guys, quick Q, I've been using the Nautilus 2 tank with it's standard 0.7 and 1.8 ohm coils and I'm struggling to get any taste from them. I'm running the 1.8 at the moment at 10.5w. Anything higher and it just tastes like burning. I've tried 2 different vendors for juices and it's always the same. VERY little flavour.

I smoke direct to lung, is this anything to do with it?

I've got some of their 0.7 BVC coils on the way and some milkman e juice which I've not tried yet.
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