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Thx for review of T2 Tank, useful stuff!

Anyone know if there is much of a difference between Vision ego's (v3) and the Mini Nova? Been using the ego's for a while and they're a heck of a lot better than the tornado tanks I was using. Need to replace a couple now and was thinking about trying the mini.

Oh, and has anyone rewicked a Vision ego atty? Got a couple where the wick is a bit singed (my bad!), but no idea what wick to use (looks like cotton?).

It's most likely silica. I saw a pretty cool guide on UKV on using ASDA cotton pads to rewick visions and novas. Have a quick search and you should find it. Just don't dry burn a cotton wick or it'll go up in flames lol.
Thx for review of T2 Tank, useful stuff!

Anyone know if there is much of a difference between Vision ego's (v3) and the Mini Nova? Been using the ego's for a while and they're a heck of a lot better than the tornado tanks I was using. Need to replace a couple now and was thinking about trying the mini.

Oh, and has anyone rewicked a Vision ego atty? Got a couple where the wick is a bit singed (my bad!), but no idea what wick to use (looks like cotton?).

I prefer the Vivis to the visions. They hold more liquid and are a much nicer vape. They cost about double as much as the visions but seem like a much better product so I don't mind spending the extra. You get three heads at different resistances with them so you can see which heads you prefer before buying replacements, which cost about the same as other heads.

And the heads fit the full size Novas so if you use them as well you only need to buy one type of replacement head.

I cannot recommend them enough
I prefer the Vivis to the visions. They hold more liquid and are a much nicer vape. They cost about double as much as the visions but seem like a much better product so I don't mind spending the extra. You get three heads at different resistances with them so you can see which heads you prefer before buying replacements, which cost about the same as other heads.

And the heads fit the full size Novas so if you use them as well you only need to buy one type of replacement head.

I cannot recommend them enough

I have to say I haven't really gotten on with mine. I'm going to try re-wicking it and putting a low res coil in, but I just can't get a decent throat hit out of it atm, and my mainly VG liquid (80/20) doesn't always wick very well despite all the tipping and rotating I do.
I have to say I haven't really gotten on with mine. I'm going to try re-wicking it and putting a low res coil in, but I just can't get a decent throat hit out of it atm, and my mainly VG liquid (80/20) doesn't always wick very well despite all the tipping and rotating I do.

Can I ask what version of heads you're using. I didn't get on with them too well myself until V2.5 when they started using the long wicks in them. Since then they've been brilliant.

I am using 70/30 though, not a huge difference to you but might make some difference.

Don't know if its any use to you but Pbusardo has just done a tutorial on rewicking Vivis on YouTube, I'd link it but I can't get YouTube at work.
My Imist arrived today. Love it. No nasty burnt after-taste. No fuss. No mess..

Finally I can comfortably quit the cigs.
Thats it im almost at my wits end, im seriously getting fed up with burnt tastes from anything im using, from Ego-T/C, CE2, CE4, DCT 1.5ohm dual coils to 2.5ohm dual coil and single coils - None of them last more than 2 days before giving off a really nasty burnt taste - Not vaping at too high a voltage around 4 to 4.2 on average and using decent juice, vapeescapes RY4 and FSUSA RY5. None of them have been allowed to go dry, always topped up im just annoyed at the amount of money i appear to spending on this rather than actually smoking.

Anybody got any advice, or suggestions on something else i should try? Using a V2.1 Lavatube (chrome) and have a couple of Ego-C batterys laying about somewhere.
Ok one of my ego-T battery's has died, corroded and dead after mis charges showing it failing and my second is on its way now so i need a new battery and don't want to spend a fortune and am a little weary of ego battery's now due to these two dying on me!

the cheapest Variable i have found happens to be a ego bat, the ego twist, the lavatube is almost double the price!

any one have any recommendations? can it be the 1.8ohm head ive been using on the 650Mah battery's killed them?
Ok one of my ego-T battery's has died, corroded and dead after mis charges showing it failing and my second is on its way now so i need a new battery and don't want to spend a fortune and am a little weary of ego battery's now due to these two dying on me!

the cheapest Variable i have found happens to be a ego bat, the ego twist, the lavatube is almost double the price!

any one have any recommendations? can it be the 1.8ohm head ive been using on the 650Mah battery's killed them?

Ego twist are excellent batteries, they're the best of it's type in the Ego class.
Thats it im almost at my wits end, im seriously getting fed up with burnt tastes from anything im using, from Ego-T/C, CE2, CE4, DCT 1.5ohm dual coils to 2.5ohm dual coil and single coils - None of them last more than 2 days before giving off a really nasty burnt taste - Not vaping at too high a voltage around 4 to 4.2 on average and using decent juice, vapeescapes RY4 and FSUSA RY5. None of them have been allowed to go dry, always topped up im just annoyed at the amount of money i appear to spending on this rather than actually smoking.

Anybody got any advice, or suggestions on something else i should try? Using a V2.1 Lavatube (chrome) and have a couple of Ego-C batterys laying about somewhere.

This vaping lark can be crap at times, I've tried all of the above lol, and yeah, most of it is rubbish.

For a better cartomiser, I used the Boge LR cartos for a good year, and really never had a problem with them. decent throat hit and flavour, work well on ego batteries.

The Ego T/C tank system just don't work in my experience. dry hits, no flavour, and generally hopeless all round. Wasted a fortune on those. I've recently got hold of a Bulli tank atomiser, works on the same type of premise, but it's rebuildable, and it works brilliantly. Lots of youtube videos on this one.. Easily the best tank type atomiser I've tried.

I can also recommend the VH dripper from Vapour hut. It's a rebuildable atomiser, also known as the Phoenix.. again, there's youtube videos on how to rebuild it, but it does comes ready to use.

There seems to be a big influx of these rebuildable atomisers, and for me, they've improved things no end, and are cheap to run in the long term than the disposable chinese stuff.
cartos, LOL.

I'm a 2 year vaper and wouldn't use anything but a 306 atty and dripping. Until they can make a carto that matches that experience I don't see the point. I sued to happily carry a round a pouch of tobacco, rolling papers and a lighter. Dripping a bit of e-liquid everytime I want a puff is hardly a 'hassle' compared to that.
This vaping lark can be crap at times, I've tried all of the above lol, and yeah, most of it is rubbish.

For a better cartomiser, I used the Boge LR cartos for a good year, and really never had a problem with them. decent throat hit and flavour, work well on ego batteries.

The Ego T/C tank system just don't work in my experience. dry hits, no flavour, and generally hopeless all round. Wasted a fortune on those. I've recently got hold of a Bulli tank atomiser, works on the same type of premise, but it's rebuildable, and it works brilliantly. Lots of youtube videos on this one.. Easily the best tank type atomiser I've tried.

I can also recommend the VH dripper from Vapour hut. It's a rebuildable atomiser, also known as the Phoenix.. again, there's youtube videos on how to rebuild it, but it does comes ready to use.

There seems to be a big influx of these rebuildable atomisers, and for me, they've improved things no end, and are cheap to run in the long term than the disposable chinese stuff.

Yup ive been looking into a bulli and the phoenix things, need to do a bit more research before deciding which to get, Thing is though this Vaping lark actually does work when the equipment works, but there are so many variables involved its so hit and miss - Got my favourite juices, just need to find the hardware to use it with lol.
cartos, LOL.

I'm a 2 year vaper and wouldn't use anything but a 306 atty and dripping. Until they can make a carto that matches that experience I don't see the point. I sued to happily carry a round a pouch of tobacco, rolling papers and a lighter. Dripping a bit of e-liquid everytime I want a puff is hardly a 'hassle' compared to that.

Aye forgot about 306's, great atomisers, especially in a DCA. The flavour from the VH Dripper/Phoenix is very similar. Like a rebuildable 306 lol.
Bruce, did you buy your Bulli brand new from germany? Its not a bad price for the A2-T/M, just wondering if you or anyone else has bought direct from Germany and how long it took to arrive.
Bruce, did you buy your Bulli brand new from germany? Its not a bad price for the A2-T/M, just wondering if you or anyone else has bought direct from Germany and how long it took to arrive.

I got mine on the classifieds on UKVapers site.

I read that postage from the Bulli site, Germany, usually arrives within a week. If you are going to get one, make sure you get the stainless steel A2TM version, it has the larger tank, holds about 2ml.

There is a Bulli clone available from Vapour hut, called the VH rebuildable. It's about £15. I'm pretty sure it won't be built to the same quality, but it could be a cheap way to see if rebuildables are going to be your thing. Their VH dripper is really excellent as well. And they sell wick and wire seperately.

The price of the Bulli has come down since the clone came out.
I've always wanted a pipe. Can I get an electronic pipe which I can suck on and get a nice flavour but have it totally nicotine free? Does that sort of thing exist?
I've always wanted a pipe. Can I get an electronic pipe which I can suck on and get a nice flavour but have it totally nicotine free? Does that sort of thing exist?

Yep, e-pipes (and some very nice ones at that) do exist, and you can get nicotine-free liquids to use with them. Getting a really nice flavour will be the challenge you face. My favourite flavours (the most realistic tobacco ones) are made by steeping cigar leaves which naturally have nicotine in them. So you may be limited to the artificial juices (many of which are excellent) if you're dead-set against nicotine.

Here's a thread on UK Vapers on pipe mods that might give you an idea on what sort of quality you can get.

The pipe bowl is generally a battery and switch, with the stem being your actual atomiser and mouthpiece.
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I got mine on the classifieds on UKVapers site.

I read that postage from the Bulli site, Germany, usually arrives within a week. If you are going to get one, make sure you get the stainless steel A2TM version, it has the larger tank, holds about 2ml.

There is a Bulli clone available from Vapour hut, called the VH rebuildable. It's about £15. I'm pretty sure it won't be built to the same quality, but it could be a cheap way to see if rebuildables are going to be your thing. Their VH dripper is really excellent as well. And they sell wick and wire seperately.

The price of the Bulli has come down since the clone came out.

Cheers bruce, ill go have a look at the classifieds every now and then, also might try the cheaper version as you say.

Actually i will try the cheap version, doesnt seem too bad in the reviews and will get me into the rebuildable side of things.
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