Low resistance = higher current at the same voltage = hotter coil = more vapour/throat hit
Also uses more battery. High resistance tends to last longer due to more twists in the heating coil, but doesn't burn as hot. It's a preference thing.
I understand now, Gonna try inbetween Low and High, so the inbetween Ohm option.
The Vision Ego Starter kit I ordered what Ohm resitance does that come with does anyone know and also what MG Juice? Lack of details on product description and it hasn't arrived just yet.
Which Cartomizer should I go with there's 5 Boge 10's for £6 that seems cheap?
What 510's would I be better off buying which are more than half decent and would they fit the Vision eGo.
Sorry if it seems like im repeating questions, once I get my hands on it im sure ill be fine!