Hey Gilbert. Those are tank atomisers, which basically just hold more juice than a standard cartomiser. The liquid wicks up the fibre that you see and reaches a coil at the top. They're filled by taking off the top and mouthpiece, and dripping liquid in around the side of the coil so it fills up the tank. You then screw the top bits back on (and I personally then give it a tip to soak the wicks) and give it a few minutes to get the liquid up to the coil. Then puff away!
I haven't used the CE5s, so can't say whether they're worth £6 a pop (when that amount can get you a pack of 5x standard 510 cartomisers). Cartomisers/atomisers can be unpredictable, but expect to change them every 3 or so weeks -- they can come out of the pack tasting like burnt crud and have to be chucked immediately, or go on strong for over a month+. It's a real crap shoot.
These do not use the "dripping" method, which is really only used with a standard atomiser and a drip tip (to make it easier). While tanks hold your liquid in them all day as you carry it about, drippers only drop liquid straight onto the atomiser's coil before they puff. Once the flavour and vapour diminishes enough, you then drop a few more (usually 3 or 4 at a time) drops on and resume. Tanks are generally easier for starters as you just fill it up and go on your merry way for the day. I used to drip exclusively but got fed up with accidental flooding and crappy atomisers leaking from the threads when they shouldn't have, so now just stick mainly to Boge cartos and occasionally the Vivi Mini Nova.