Going to try one of these on my next order, huge claims being made... I really did like the vape of the Vision V3, but the burning wick, sudden loss of flavour and thirstiness of them are a let down, hopefully these are better
I've left it soaking for half hour and it tastes horrible. Bit like burning plastic. Can't really taste the juice.
The problem I find with metal tips is they're freezing if you don't use it for a while, and since getting a vv I've cut down a lot! I used to go through 6-8ml a day and now I'm down to 2-4ml.
Anyone recommend a flat plastic or similar tip? I'm not bothered about looks, hell it can be pink if it's that good as my vv stays at home.
How did getting a VV battery enable you to cut down on liquid usage?
Smaller drags I assume?
Hey y’all.
Well as the saying always goes…which do you want first, the good news or the bad news?
Generally people always tend to go with the bad don’t they? OK then, we had a breach of security at LF over the weekend and we were illegally deprived (or robbed) of some of our kits. So we would like to politely request that if anyone does get offered a large amount of our branded goods that they contact the police (0800 555 111), which can be done anonymously and pass on any details that might be of assistance to them. The goods that were stolen were our CE4 eGo single and dual kits (including some 900 PT’s).
The good news is that no one was hurt and the incident has not stopped us from trading on all fronts. Hopefully this will be an end to the matter and we will continue to provide you with all your lovely vaping needs.
Thanks all and keep on keeping on!
cheers, problem I have there are so many etailers to choose from, so finding a decent drip tip and best price takes ages lol
Well fingers crossed its just running in the wick. What carts do you recommend?
Just had my Aga-t arrive, on the first attempt the coil wire burnt/snapped
What else can i uses for the coil, got about 100m of 5a fuse wire in the van? or bad idea?
Or im gonna have to order some and wait
ps. Doesn't work too low resistance
You need Kanthal wire or Niobium Alloy Resistance Wire
I saw that flat ribbon stuff earlier in the thread, can you advise what size to get? and what grade of mesh for an Aga-T
Thanks v Muchly
Could the Vapers on here fill in this research survey? Ecig surevey This guy is trying to get data to backup claims and hopefully effect the chance of a ban of nicotine liquids.
32. Did you or anyone else close to you ever have: (yes/no, please state for each answer)
Battery explosion
Electrical shock from the charger or the device