Yea i need to pickup something simple for my backups, my backups are 3 Aga-t2, one Bulli A2-TM, and an Evod, yup i can buy spare heads for it, but rebuilding them is cheaper but more fiddly.
Hoping i can bag an AC9 tomorrow and then use that with the RSST as the backup.
But bugger it, got one coil working semi ok, but the vapour production is like half of what it was, so probably a couple of loose coils somewhere, figure it out tomorrow.
And to scorchisio, if you tried that protank at 6v it more than likely has fried the head as crowort pointed out - And i know the vamo doesnt like Kanger Evods, blocks the airholes so you need a 510 to ego adapter to use those on a vamo (got one sitting infront of me) i dont have a protank (yet) to test for you, so no idea on the protanks airholes at all.