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Just ordered a load of flavours from cupcake, all fruit, with nutmeg as well.
I have a 250ml jar of Latakia from FA that I use as my base flavour, then I add various fruit flavours to it
So it is sort of like a cigar taste with the following mixes/flavours over the top of the base flavour

Apple and blackberry
Apple and cinnamon
Lemon and lime - sometimes add menthol to this
Cherry menthol
Black cherry and vanilla
Chocolate and lime
Plain old cherry
strawberry and vanilla

Ive ordered banana, apricot, nutmeg, peach, ginger, more apple, cherry :p

If using CCW flavours by themselves, i would mix them at 20%
I also just recieved a batch from them as well
i got
caramel Toffee

then i also ordered
Lemon & Lime
Vanilla Custard
Green Apple
Harvest Berry
Cake Batter
some EM and some dulce de leche

so i am going to be doing some mixing over this weekend :D
Yes, the Kanger cartos have a horizontal coil. Some prefer it to the Boge cartos, some don't. I just want to see if I like them.

The X8 tanks I use are quite cheap but work well. Vapingthings do the Boge carto tanks at a good price if you want to try out a tank without much outlay. I find the carto/tank combination is relatively hassle free but I don't find I get the same intensity of flavour as I do with a good clearo.

I have had nothing but issues with Clearos/Atos aka tanks breaking due to fluid or horrible throat hits.

I guess I should try a kanger Pro tank but im not sure the same crap will happen or not :(
You should be fine with a Kanger Protank as its made of Pyrex glass and not plastic, and throw that juice that causes the damage away mate ;)
Cheers just mailed him

I forgot to mention, some 18650 batteries don't fit well in the Vamo as they vary a little in size and I seem to remember there used to be an issue with some Efest batteries. I would check the vaping forums for more info on that.

I know for certain that the Efest 18350 batteries are fine in the Vamo as they are what I use.
Thanks mate, job done

I found it also ok to charge between sweet juices without washing, it switches taste quite quick

Loving vaping so far, no cravings and 36hrs in.... Just feel abit out of it from increase in oxygen in blood.

What would be a good upgrade from ego battery and ce5 ?

Well done and wait till you can BREATH again :)

As for upgrade I'm in the same place I don't know what to go for. I am looking to get this

i dont mean to sound stingy here lads but i get everything direct from china and it costs about a quarter of the price it is here and its the same stuff, stop lining these cowboy businessmens pockets who are getting very rich very quick by buying from china and selling on at vast profit and buy direct yourselves.

so what if it takes a week if it costs a quarter of the price? theres so many people out there getting loads of money with their cheap websites off the lazy or eager people who want it quick.

I forgot to mention, some 18650 batteries don't fit well in the Vamo as they vary a little in size and I seem to remember there used to be an issue with some Efest batteries. I would check the vaping forums for more info on that.

I know for certain that the Efest 18350 batteries are fine in the Vamo as they are what I use.

I ordered the starter kit that comes with 2 batteries
It depends Hamster, some are weaker while some are stronger, suppose it like all flavourings, over in the aaec members recipe collections, quite a few have ccw in them, but also many others

@deuse, to me that is a sideways move not an upgrade, and overpriced imo
i dont mean to sound stingy here lads but i get everything direct from china and it costs about a quarter of the price it is here and its the same stuff, stop lining these cowboy businessmens pockets who are getting very rich very quick by buying from china and selling on at vast profit and buy direct yourselves.

so what if it takes a week if it costs a quarter of the price? theres so many people out there getting loads of money with their cheap websites off the lazy or eager people who want it quick.


quite right scorchisio, there are probably vendors buying them off fasttech/vaporbreak then selling them on over here for a nice profit
quite right scorchisio, there are probably vendors buying them off fasttech/vaporbreak then selling them on over here for a nice profit

Probably is the understatement of the year mate, everything you see is made in china, they are buying in bulk there and making a fortune by selling them here at more than 5 or 6 times what they cost from china
theres a shop near me that charges 25 quid for one battery one clearomiser a cheap usb charger and a bottle of juice, its costing him about 5 quid. serious profit
@ Hamster, the guy off the alchemists cupboard uses them for some recipes, here is a post of his from aaec.

"So, to give a worthy example to quantify that, I am giving away a recipe for you to try that is a favourite for many people.

The image below shows my costings and breakdown, to make 10ml use the amounts in the 2nd from the end col. "Units ml"


This recipe calls for three flavours from the same manufacturer (a lot of juice manufactures may not like that I have let the secret out of the bag, but so be it).

These flavours come from Cupcake World UK and are from their intense flavour range link here www.cupcake-world.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=144&zenid=5fbab383b7bb30fe14334e495fb59e38

I use many different suppliers for flavours not just this one, but these are good.

As you can see…. Total cost per 10 mil comes in at around 85p, and trust me, it is better than most you will buy ready made (but you will just have to try it to see for yourself)."

Now i am not saying they are the best, but i think for value for money they cant be that bad.
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