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ages ago mate so its gone missing, literally the day after i got your envelope i put the juice in with your stamp and posted it the next day.
i once got a bottle of grants custard 6 weeks after he posted it, the date was 14 april on the postage, it arrived at the end of may. i think certain bottles of liquid get held back for safety checks, it will turn up mate i think
i once got a bottle of grants custard 6 weeks after he posted it, the date was 14 april on the postage, it arrived at the end of may. i think certain bottles of liquid get held back for safety checks, it will turn up mate i think

in the meantime he sent me another and i was very grateful, when the other arrived i joked about royal mail steeping it for us and i offered him money and he said no take it as a gift, top man is grant
lol can u tell? ;):p
i was alos the one who recommended that mixer u got the Sprite juice off, so going to try and recreate that as well
Cupcake flavours look interesting. Shame we don't have the full info on them yet. Looks like we are close to being able to say they are pretty safe. Got a list of ones that aren't MPG and the safely sheet for them (not as useful as I might like) I kind of wanted to try the Xmas cake one but cupcake world have said it isn't safe to vape themselves.

Just need a list of ones that might have Diacetyl and we're good I think.

Sorry my answer is the same as last time, that I mix all my own. Even if people tell you it will cost you. I bought lots of juice that people raved about and didn't like a lot of them, some were ok and few good. DV apple pie seemed to have a cult like following at the time but the juice tasted horrible to me and the smell of it even makes me gag a little.

I hope someone can suggest some to you. Never used a cartotank before but some on here have been raving about them so should be able to give advice.
So been vaping all week. Not one ciggy....

Was short on breath at footy tonight. Wondering if the vapping or stopping ciggies played apart ?
I ordered the starter kit that comes with 2 batteries

Ah OK. I'd get some decent batteries and a good charger if they are the cheapo ones that normally come with them. Lots of horror stories with cheap batteries/chargers.

It depends Hamster, some are weaker while some are stronger, suppose it like all flavourings, over in the aaec members recipe collections, quite a few have ccw in them, but also many others

Thanks. Will probably pick some up to try :)

@ Hamster, the guy off the alchemists cupboard uses them for some recipes, here is a post of his from aaec.

"So, to give a worthy example to quantify that, I am giving away a recipe for you to try that is a favourite for many people.

The image below shows my costings and breakdown, to make 10ml use the amounts in the 2nd from the end col. "Units ml"


This recipe calls for three flavours from the same manufacturer (a lot of juice manufactures may not like that I have let the secret out of the bag, but so be it).

These flavours come from Cupcake World UK and are from their intense flavour range link here www.cupcake-world.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=144&zenid=5fbab383b7bb30fe14334e495fb59e38

I use many different suppliers for flavours not just this one, but these are good.

As you can see…. Total cost per 10 mil comes in at around 85p, and trust me, it is better than most you will buy ready made (but you will just have to try it to see for yourself)."

Now i am not saying they are the best, but i think for value for money they cant be that bad.

Thanks. Bananas and cream sounds lovely!!! Will check out Frogster's other stuff; he had a nice looking tobacco/vanilla/caramel recipe (sounds like a nice RY4 type). I've also got Grizwald's massive guide saved but I've been too busy/stressed to sit down and take it all in. I'll probably make my order for stuff when things have calmed down, hopefully at the weekend.

Which custard recipe have you tried mixing? PVC? That one looks nice :)
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I forgot to let you know I tried those samples you sent me. Not so keen on Scope's caramel but the GVC is lovely!! I'll hold on to the tiny bit left so I can compare it with my future recipes. Thanks again :)

Ive ordered a Kanger Pro tank and a Boge Carto/F16 Tank to try and some low Nico juice. If I enjoy it ill probably try to start making my own juice lol.
Ive ordered a Kanger Pro tank and a Boge Carto/F16 Tank to try and some low Nico juice. If I enjoy it ill probably try to start making my own juice lol.

Good stuff. Remember the Boge tank material is polycarbonate so it's not going to last long in your hands :p ;) :D

Did you get the pre-punched cartomisers?
Yah got some Boges xD I got some juice off the same site hopefully this stuff all survives. lol :D

Excellent :) Read up on how to prime the cartos properly before using them otherwise you will burn them and they will only be fit for the bin. I prefer the condom method for priming. If you need any help, give me a shout.
Excellent :) Read up on how to prime the cartos properly before using them otherwise you will burn them and they will only be fit for the bin. I prefer the condom method for priming. If you need any help, give me a shout.

Condom method :eek: I have no condoms :eek: << I'm a bad person..... I dislike them....:eek: ................:D
Condom method :eek: I have no condoms :eek: << I'm a bad person..... I dislike them....:eek: ................:D

I can send you some I've only used once or twice if you like :eek: :D

When you get the cartos, they are protected on either side by disposable silicone caps, normally known as condoms. No need for a trip down the family planning clinic :D

There are some really good videos on how to prime cartos and how to use them in tanks. Have a look on youtube. There was one really good Pbusardo video but I can't seem to find it at the moment. I'll have another look tomorrow.
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