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j.col and whoever else is using cupcakeworld.

Be careful with some of cupcakeworld's flavours. I don't want anyone to get ill. This is a thread from November but Cupcakeworld aren't recommending some of their flavourings for making e-liquids. The flavours that they don't are listed in post #6 in this thread in response to a question about their ingredients:


They are mostly MPG based so fine for vaping, we sell loads to people for
ecigs as our flavours get a lot of coverage of blog sites for vapers, the
ones that are not wholey MPG based and therefore best not used in ecigs are:

Christmas Cake
Tutti Fruiti

the remaining 45 flavours are purely MPG based and fine for vapes



I'm aware that people have used some of the above in their recipes but unless they have changed the constituents of those flavours, they're probably best avoided unless you know more about them and know for certain they are safe.

I've emailed them asking if they can supply a list of those flavourings are currently not recommended and I'll post the reply I get, if I get one.
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Anyone got one of the new Vamo V3's?

I've got my eye on one, if I can flog my Vamo v2 to someone. Also looking at getting a rsst atomizer.

VapourBreak are selling eliquid once again - 50ml of Hangsen in various flavours and strengths for $4.50 (approximately $8 delivered). That's about the cheapest pre-made juice I've found.
Already got 150ml 8mg Apple, 50ml 8mg Mixed Berry and 50ml 0mg Caramel for just over £16 delivered. To put into context, that's 8 times as much juice for a fiver more than 30mls costs from Vapeland!
I've got my eye on one, if I can flog my Vamo v2 to someone. Also looking at getting a rsst atomizer.

VapourBreak are selling eliquid once again - 50ml of Hangsen in various flavours and strengths for $4.50 (approximately $8 delivered). That's about the cheapest pre-made juice I've found.
Already got 150ml 8mg Apple, 50ml 8mg Mixed Berry and 50ml 0mg Caramel for just over £16 delivered. To put into context, that's 8 times as much juice for a fiver more than 30mls costs from Vapeland!

Word of advice if this is your first genesis: wrap the coil around something that fits the wick hole, pulse the coil a few times to oxidise it, THEN thread your wick into the coil. That advice stopped me throwing the thing out the window after several days of frustrating shorts. Now I love it and only use my novas for... well I don't, but I still have them in case of emergency!
j.col and whoever else is using cupcakeworld.

Be careful with some of cupcakeworld's flavours. I don't want anyone to get ill. This is a thread from November but Cupcakeworld aren't recommending some of their flavourings for making e-liquids. The flavours that they don't are listed in post #6 in this thread in response to a question about their ingredients:
I'm aware that people have used some of the above in their recipes but unless they have changed the constituents of those flavours, they're probably best avoided unless you know more about them and know for certain they are safe.

I've emailed them asking if they can supply a list of those flavourings are currently not recommended and I'll post the reply I get, if I get one.

Hi Hamster, i was reading up about them last night, but i am not too bothered over it tbh. None of the CCW flavours will be a single recipe, most will have 2-4 flavourings in them and i think in the minute quantities invovled their is not much worry, come on how many chemicals are in fags! and we all smoked them for years.
Here is some detailed info about CCW flavours http://allaboute-cigarettes.proboards.com/thread/13636/cupcake-world-specification-safety-sheets

Also the woman who runs CCW has hinted at some ejuice vendors buying stocks off her and decanting the juice into their own bottles to re-sell ;)
Which custard recipe have you tried mixing? PVC? That one looks nice :)

I just tried the one i saw on UKVapers first its
Capellas Vanilla Custard 15%
Dulche De Leche 2%
Ethyl Maltol, between 1 and 2 drops Per 10ml of the completed mix
even though it was my first ever mix, i done 50ml. not going to wait 3 weeks for a 5ml sample ;)

but PVC is next on the list
The only real concern I have over the cupcake flavours is finding out if any contain Diacetyl. Safe to eat but not to inhale. It isn't safe in any amount and should never be vaped. The safe sheets are a good start but don't cover everything we should really know. It isn't cupcakes fault at all as these aren't designed for vaping. There is a good chance that most are pretty safe.
Fair enough Crowort, i suppose its down to each individual if they want to try CCW, but bear in mind that even Capella flavours are originally intended for food/drink use and not for vaping.
Also there are concerns over any custard flavouring, as most can contain Acetoin or Acetyl Propionyl and when acetoin is heated it can metabolise into diacetyl. so they could be diacetyl free, but when heated they are not.
I may be wrong here, i am just going by some of the threads i have read on the forums.
here is a statement for the perfumers apprentice regarding this http://shop.perfumersapprentice.com/flavorsworkshop/custard.html
or a thread over at ukvapers http://ukvapers.org/Thread-Custard-Flavour-Concerns

Tbh no one really knows the long term affects of vaping, but compared to what cigarettes contain, i am not too worried over it, but that is just my opinion.
I agree we will not know for a long time about flavourings and I believe them to be the riskiest part. I do agree that the amounts will be tiny compared to everyone that has got popcorn lung so far but it is a risk I've decided not to take. I think I'm ok with Acetoin or Acetyl because the amount that can be diacetyl really so small.

I don't like most of the juices that have that buttery flavour anyway. I would like to know if they have diacetyl in some CCW flavours so I had the option to either risk it or not. This is a known risk were most of the time we'll not know for decades to come.

I also agree that even with the unknowns vaping is going to be so much safer than smoking. I don't believe ecigs are risk free but that they are a form of harm reduction. Much like snus isn't 100% risk free (just like everything) but it millions of times safer than smoking.

Edit: I also think we'll soon have this information as CCW seem to have been great at helping were they can so far. It might be a bit to costly for them to get them fully tested is the only thing. I've tried to be as positive as I can with postings about it while still spelling out the gaps in our info about them.
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Good that all already already know about CCW and come to your own conclusions. Not knowing the potential harm, It just worried me when I read that they may be unsafe.

Just had a reply from them though which lists the same flavours.

Non MPG based are

Christmas Cake
Tutti Fruiti


Cupcake World
Well 4th day with no cigars and all good... struggling to find a flavour I can vape daily though.

Wizmix Wizards leaf - Not impressed
Wizmix Coconut - to sweet
Wizmix Primal Ice Cream - to sweet and sickly
Vermillion Cirus Explosion - tastes like flash floor cleaner

Only one I can stand so far is Watermelon as it's quite subtle....

Got some Menthol and RV4 on order :(
I've been using the Vision Ego Clearomisers for a while, but to be honest, they're just not that good. Clog up to early, and sometimes it's like trying to suck up milkshake.

Any suggestions as to what I should move on to next? Nothing overly expensive.
Well 4th day with no cigars and all good... struggling to find a flavour I can vape daily though.

Wizmix Wizards leaf - Not impressed
Wizmix Coconut - to sweet
Wizmix Primal Ice Cream - to sweet and sickly
Vermillion Cirus Explosion - tastes like flash floor cleaner

Only one I can stand so far is Watermelon as it's quite subtle....

Got some Menthol and RV4 on order :(

Cant really recommend any fruity flavors because I cant find any that I like,I suppose taste is a personal thing. I do like flue cure tobacco with a little cinnamon, Grandpa's Cough Medicine is a nice flavor but I still tend to mix it with the flue cure.
All from Liberty Flights

Had a go at mixing my own tobacco flavor with a little caramel, so far smells and tastes like pickled onion :(
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Well 4th day with no cigars and all good... struggling to find a flavour I can vape daily though.

Wizmix Wizards leaf - Not impressed
Wizmix Coconut - to sweet
Wizmix Primal Ice Cream - to sweet and sickly
Vermillion Cirus Explosion - tastes like flash floor cleaner

Only one I can stand so far is Watermelon as it's quite subtle....

Got some Menthol and RV4 on order :(

Well done :)

I like the Apple\Cherry\Fruit bubble-gum and Mango from Vapeland.co.uk. And to mix it up I add Menthol(just a few drops) to those flavours.
I've been using the Vision Ego Clearomisers for a while, but to be honest, they're just not that good. Clog up to early, and sometimes it's like trying to suck up milkshake.

Any suggestions as to what I should move on to next? Nothing overly expensive.
Try an Evod. :)

EDIT: Or a Vivi Nova.
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Well 4th day with no cigars and all good... struggling to find a flavour I can vape daily though.

Wizmix Wizards leaf - Not impressed
Wizmix Coconut - to sweet
Wizmix Primal Ice Cream - to sweet and sickly
Vermillion Cirus Explosion - tastes like flash floor cleaner

Only one I can stand so far is Watermelon as it's quite subtle....

Got some Menthol and RV4 on order :(

I've not been vaping all that long, Just shy of two months now, But i have quickly learned that liquid from the 'shops' is usually not all that! Home made is where its at. :)

Have you tried the old favourite yet?


Or a guy mentioned on here several times called Simon/Scope, He does the best juices I've tasted and are my daily vapes. He does Apple Tart, Strawberry, Raspberry and Caramel. The Last one isn't my favourite, but the other three are great. Plenty of us here can put you in touch with him if you wish.
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