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Nice one, thanks for that, I was reading about the different heads which I assume they have to send a selection of so you can decide which is suitable.

I assume that one you know what kind of resistance you like you can buy the heads in 5 packs?

I ordered last night so thanks for all the help peeps up there ^^ :)

Mine came with 2.5 installed and 1.8 spare.... With variable voltage though I'm not sure 1.8 would ever be needed as you can burn juice easily with high volts on a 2.5. I bought a spare kit of 5 2.5s
Mine came with 2.5 installed and 1.8 spare.... With variable voltage though I'm not sure 1.8 would ever be needed as you can burn juice easily with high volts on a 2.5. I bought a spare kit of 5 2.5s

Sound as a pound, thanks for the help as well Fluke :)
Just got on to some of Scope's Apple Tart on my vamo/kanger... I'm going to need spare batteries...

Still waiting for my replacement charger, Nova coils and other goodies to arrive from China as my existing charger blew up the day before my Apple Tart, Caramel & Raspberry arrived from the Incredible Scope!

I have tried the juice on a Socialites E-cig (810 variation cartomiser) and whilst it's nice, I'm hardly getting a decent hit like I would from the Vamo & Nova (1.8 ohm) at 8.5 W! Time can't go any faster it seems!

I've asked before but no answer; Does anyone know a compatible replacement cartomiser for the Socialites ecig? ( www.socialiteszero.com/index.php/electronic-cigarette-starter-kits.html ) as I've searched everywhere with no success - the cartomiser has a male thread connection. They want £ for 5 prefilled!
Just got on to some of Scope's Apple Tart on my vamo/kanger... I'm going to need spare batteries...

His juices are my daily vapes, along with GVC. Soooo good in a protank.

Out of interest, i see Grants site is still up but everything is out of stock, anyone know where he will have more?

Regarding ohms, as i understand it the lower the resistance, the more the TH. But I'm sure there's more to it than that. :)
Some help and advice please dudes, I'm looking at the below combination as a starter kit but I don't mind paying a little bit more if it's a better quality kit.


With this tank


Further to G|mp's post, I'm looking for a "proper" vaping kit to use full time, after using some really basic kit for times when I couldn't have a proper cigarette (http://www.thesmokersangel.co.uk/the-halo-electronic-cigarette-kit-with-free-mini-kit/). I want to buy something decent to avoid upgradeitis, but I've been reading up for the last couple of days and I'm still slightly lost.

If I bought the above two products, would that be everything I needed? (plus the liquid, obviously) I wouldn't need a separate atomizer? I guess I'd probably need 2 batteries, right? Would I need to periodically buy any extras?

Thanks - I've tried to get my head round it from reading guides, but my head's spinning now...
I would consider 2 of those Apollo batteries pictured above (variable voltage so you can get more of a hit out of your atomiser) and then you'd need a charger, some liquid and an atomiser to put it in. Atomiser choice is quote personal, but the lads on here seem to rate the kanger protank or the evod. What I use isn't particularly beginner friendly, but I can recommend a vivi nova as a simple and effective solution if neither of those takes your fancy.
Thanks both - much appreciated. I actually completely spannered up the links, it seems there were two similar posts. It was actually the Apollo VV that I was looking at, with the Kanger Protank. Hopefully will get them ordered today or tomorrow...
Thanks both - much appreciated. I actually completely spannered up the links, it seems there were two similar posts. It was actually the Apollo VV that I was looking at, with the Kanger Protank. Hopefully will get them ordered today or tomorrow...

Yup that's the combo I went for :)
Looks like a 510 connection to me, maybe try a Boge carto on there?

I'm not sure it is, but I'll chuck one in my next Fasttech.com basket and give it a go. My replacement charger for my vamo batts should be here soon, so I'll make do with refilling the proprietary ones until then. I think, for the 6 quid they're asking, I'll also add on a EGO-T 1300mah batt - as a backup/lightweight option.
As poor and overpriced as the Socialites kit is, it's better than nothing.
Here's a pic of my new kit


An AGA-T2 and a Sigelei Telescope #19 in 18350 and wound out to 18650

brought from vapegear

Stainless Steel yO!
Hi guys, been doing a hell of a lot of research on this in the last few days but still stuck on what to get! The problem is I do a lot of manual work outside so something real nice (such as the above) is just not practical to carry around with me. I am very tempted, and probably will get something larger and nicer for weekends/evenings eventually.

I know most of these stealthy ones tend to be quite weak in comparison but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this? Innokin AIO I watched a guy review it on youtube and was quite surprised with the amount of vapor it made.

If anyone has any ideas for something better that will fit in my jeans pocket without getting in my way at work that would be fantastic. I don't smoke a huge amount as it is (10-15 rollies a day) so something with that kinda battery life would be preferable. Thanks!
Got myself down to Rojeans in Liverpool yesterday. Picked up a Kanger Pro Tank, 1300mAh Liberty Flights variable battery and some T-Juice vamp vape. I upgraded from a CE4 eGo starter kit. The vape is much cleaner, delighted with the upgrade.
Hi guys, been doing a hell of a lot of research on this in the last few days but still stuck on what to get! The problem is I do a lot of manual work outside so something real nice (such as the above) is just not practical to carry around with me. I am very tempted, and probably will get something larger and nicer for weekends/evenings eventually.

I know most of these stealthy ones tend to be quite weak in comparison but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this? Innokin AIO I watched a guy review it on youtube and was quite surprised with the amount of vapor it made.

If anyone has any ideas for something better that will fit in my jeans pocket without getting in my way at work that would be fantastic. I don't smoke a huge amount as it is (10-15 rollies a day) so something with that kinda battery life would be preferable. Thanks!

Maybe something like this?

would give better performance but still retain a small profile (think cigar size). All you need then is a liquid of choice and you're away. Those atomiser heads are the only consumable there and 5 should last you a fair while and you can just replace them when needed quite cheaply.
New toy:

Innokin SVD. So far I'm liking it a lot. The display isn't as good as the Vamo but it shows you what you need to know. I much prefer the feel of it. Spun aluminium feels good.

How much did you pay for the SVD dude?

I've seen it for £55 quid but the site looks a bit dodgy but then most places it's £79.99 :/
How much did you pay for the SVD dude?

I've seen it for £55 quid but the site looks a bit dodgy but then most places it's £79.99 :/

If you don't mind waiting, buy it from Fasttech. Less than £40 for the full kit or about £24 without the iclears and extra tube.
Here's a pic of my new kit


An AGA-T2 and a Sigelei Telescope #19 in 18350 and wound out to 18650

brought from vapegear

Stainless Steel yO!

Exactly the look I'm after. If I hadn't ordered a chrome Vamo by mistake (wanted the SS), I'd be happy to just put the RSST on top, but now I have seen this, looks like I'm breaking my promise of not spending any more money on gear...
Ah well, s'my money anyways... :p
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