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Ego-C is available at TW and other places, Got my Ego-C this morning, along with an air freshner i think lol, First impressions of the Ego-C are pretty good, its well made, finish is slightly better than the Ego-T, About 2cm longer than the Ego-T. First vape was Titan RY4 and im quite shocked, its smoother and more taste than the Ego-T its replaced, but its still new so that might change once its worn in (i hope it doesnt i like it now), Everything just feels good, Also the logo on these is a lot better, nice and discreet and not so in your face and probably the best feature for me, is the Battery locking, press the button 5 times to disable the battery, and 5 to unlock it - will save me from activating it in my jeans/trouser pocket every now and then. Big thumps up from me, Joyetech and TW have brought us another top product, lets hope it doesnt devolop some of the problems from its brother.

Also the Ego-T/Tornado-T is a little obsolete in terms of new users buying one in my eyes, ill be pushing the Ego-C onto anyone whos interested, ive had 3 full tanks through it and the Atty head seems to be evolving, getting more taste and more vapour the more its used, its odd, and as i say the Quality seems overall a step ahead - Also a nice little touch, the Atomizer heads have the TW Devil etched on them, kinda pointless as you dont see it, but nice none the less.

Overall its much better than the Ego-T i had, plus all the Ego-T tanks etc fit on the Ego-C so ive now got loads of tanks/caps/batterys lol
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Got my smok dual coils yesterday. First impressions:
1 leaks everywhere
2 doesn't screw on tight (getting used to this)
3 excellent flavour
4 decent vapour, although it was flooded at first

Not quite as hassle free as tanks, but I do really like the flavour and throat hit I get from them. I've got three so will see how I adjust to them.
Just ordered some Boba's bounty and Gorilla Juice from Vulcan Vape, a U.S. company though ship to the U.K. for only $4. Also paid for the two Genesis Mini and one Line atties.
Just got to wait for it now.
Hi, this looks rather interesting.. been thinking of quitting. 20 a day here atm.. any advice? :)

Yeah, don't waste money on cheap rubbish e cigs that look like cigarettes. I'm currently enjoying a good coffee vape in bed and I don't miss wiping bits of tobacco out of my sheets.
Hi, this looks rather interesting.. been thinking of quitting. 20 a day here atm.. any advice? :)

Yeah, don't waste money on cheap rubbish e cigs that look like cigarettes. I'm currently enjoying a good coffee vape in bed and I don't miss wiping bits of tobacco out of my sheets.


Go back a few pages and check what I started off with, get yourself a decent 510 kit with boge cartos + different brand attys to play with.

The initial outlay may sound costly but it's well worth it in the end. I now hate the smell of smoke and the thought of smoking revolts me.
Looking for a bit of advice, tried quick Google but its all quite confusing.

I'm looking for a couple of starter vape kits to get my parents as their breathing is sounding horrible and they are getting on a bit now.

My dad smokes b&h golds and my mother Richmond menthols. what would the best kits be to replace these brands? can you get ones that taste similar?

Also how long until they need to be refilled or whatever. I know if there's more than a little hassle they wont last a week.

many thanks
Looking for a bit of advice, tried quick Google but its all quite confusing.

I'm looking for a couple of starter vape kits to get my parents as their breathing is sounding horrible and they are getting on a bit now.

My dad smokes b&h golds and my mother Richmond menthols. what would the best kits be to replace these brands? can you get ones that taste similar?

Also how long until they need to be refilled or whatever. I know if there's more than a little hassle they wont last a week.

many thanks

Perfect little starter kit, just out and getting really solid reviews, available in tobacco or menthol, so perfect.
My dad smokes b&h golds and my mother Richmond menthols. what would the best kits be to replace these brands? can you get ones that taste similar?

The thing is that everyone wants a tobacco taste as they 'think' that'll be the best substitute and hence easier transition to vaping. (Un)fortunately vaping is not anything like smoking, it's a completely different experience which is why you'll soon realise that chasing a tobacco taste is more like chasing dog ****.

I'm an ex B&H smoker and primarily enjoy a menthol vape.

I would suggest you buy the 24mg menthol blend from Liberty Flights (menthol with a hint of tobacco)

Buy some Hangsen menthol and cherry from safercigs for just £8.00 for 30ml
Add the discount code ukvapers for a further 10% off - This is an absolute bargain - offer ends at the end of December.

Not sure what to do with your mother though as the menthol vape may not please at all. LF winston is pretty nice but I tend to mix anything I don't like with wait for it - Menthol :D

It's going to trial and error I'm afraid - Buy yourself a variety of different fruits, menthol and baccy juices - Mix them if need be.

EDIT: Noticed that they have dekang blend on offer too... Going for
RY-HI5 30ML 24MG PG - Special Offer Price
Price: £8.75
Category: Dekang E_Liquid

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Can not beat these Screwdriver keyring ecigs for starting out and trying vaping, it is exactly what I would begin with now. Check out the reviews on UK Vapers. Just perfect for out and about, and really packing a punch.
£13.49. I do not think you can start out vaping for that cheap and a quality little product. Only been out a week, available in tobacco or menthol, they are just great really.
Hey, general question here, if ive got 2 bottles of 36mg stength pre-mixed fluid and wanted to put both into a bigger bottle, would it double the strength or would it be ok?
Forget safercigs - http://www.safercigs.co.uk/

Just got a mail from him saying he's no longer honouring discount codes :rolleyes:

Some people !

Forget safer cigs? Only an idiot would, they have some of the best stock at the best prices. Seriously, have a look around UK vapers, where they are quite active with providing and sourcing what people want. I have had excellent service as have the many users on UK vapers. I don't know what your problem is, as since when did discount codes last forever. lol some people :rolleyes:
Also gives me the chance to mention the new SD key Ring ecig again.:D
Can not beat these Screwdriver keyring ecigs for starting out and trying vaping, it is exactly what I would begin with now. Check out the reviews on UK Vapers. Just perfect for out and about, and really packing a punch.
£13.49. I do not think you can start out vaping for that cheap and a quality little product. Only been out a week, available in tobacco or menthol, they are just great really.
Forget safer cigs? Only an idiot would, they have some of the best stock at the best prices. Seriously, have a look around UK vapers, where they are quite active with providing and sourcing what people want. I have had excellent service as have the many users on UK vapers. I don't know what your problem is, as since when did discount codes last forever. lol some people :rolleyes:

I've ordered from him before, no problems but on this occasion I'm confused as to why he's not honouring the UK vapers discount code ?
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