US: The Walking Dead Season 3 (contains spoilers)

Would you rather have them do what they did in the last episode of season 2, just get in the cars and do drive bys whilst getting perfect headshots for 15 minutes? :p
Rick :)

Poor Rik, if ever there was a justified breakdown, the end of EP9 was it! Now if the ******* kid would take off that stupid hat, it might make me want to punch him less.
Didn't massively enjoy that episode if i'm honest, weakest of the season for me.

Disliking Andrea more and more

Rick losing it like that just wasn't right, seemed well out of place with his character. Rick's whole persona is that of the strong leader, he can act that even when faced with overwhelming scenario's, it's later in solitary or confidence that he shows weakness, not in-front of the group.
The first 10-15 minutes of the episode were good, then it was just incredibly boring and uneventful for the next half hour imo. Hopefully they do stick with Tyresse's group and Rick's ridiculous meltdown hasn't ruined it.
We can't always have action! :p Especially when this show isn't just about zombies and action scenes (which has been stated throughout the last 3 seasons by the writers etc.). It was good to have a bit of a change i.e. slower pace and see how the characters have evolved i.e. rick properly loosing it, carl being a cold hearted ********, governor going nuts etc. I rather have episodes like that than ones like the last episode of season 2 (Hershel with god mode cheat on saved that episode :p).

Indeed, it was rather creepy the Lori ghost.

Dale was awesome! That look of his, I miss so much :D


So many great photos/memes on google images of him:





For walking dead memes, nothing will beat infinite ammo bandana hershel.

Man, I still chuckle when I see that..the fact he even passes off for old snake just seems so fitting.
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