US: The Walking Dead Season 3 (contains spoilers)

What exactly did you guys want from that episode though? More action, more zombies? rick to kill the governor or whatever? The season has been pretty action packed already. We still have another 7 episodes to go so chances are we will get another episode or maybe 2-3 or maybe even 4/5, which are similar to that episodes pace.

And the thing that I find funny, is the season has been superb throughout with the right amount of character development and action etc. so one supposedly "bad" episode (every single TV show will always have a few "bad" episodes here and there) has hardly ruined the entire season and we have no idea what the next 7 episodes will be like.

As for why Glenn was so ****ed, well he doesn't know the full story as to what happened with Maggie (she didn't exactly say it with much confidence and Glenn might think that she is lying and they did actually rape her), he was beaten to a pulp, locked in a room with a walker whilst tied to a chair, the governor forced Maggie to take her top of, they were about to be executed or moved to the place where the governors group catches the walkers iirc, Rick saving Merle and bringing him back to where Glenn and Maggie was so I think he has every right to be rather ****ed of :p If anything, the whole last few episodes have made him into a bad ass in his own way as shown when he had to deal with those 2 walkers and in the preview for the next trailer (wanting to go and kill the governor himself, taking over Rick's role for the time being)

Supposedly the hallucinations aren't going to last much longer (going by what people are saying with regards to the comic) and will see the "strong" rick again.
Supposedly the hallucinations aren't going to last much longer (going by what people are saying with regards to the comic) and will see the "strong" rick again.

Hallucinations are very little and limited to just the phone in the comic, they are still on going. Him seeing Lori and freaking out is nothing like the comic, and seemed well out of place. Didn't enjoy the episode mainly because of that, him going all wobbly wobbly swinging his gun around like a tard.

Plus they're turning Andrea into a **** which isn't cool on that character. She's literally gotten some D and now fawning over it. She rolled over so easily on the situation of him holding and torturing her friends and not letting her know they were there. She's became a complete pansy and weak despite their obvious need to show her as an alpha with the commanding moments, oxymoronic for the character and bad writing. It's eastenders soap opera bull.

Those are my gripes, the episode wasn't bad because it lacked action or whatever, it was just crap to watch them butcher those two characters.
I thought it was done well considering the circumstances, remember it is still less than a week since his wife died (or better put, his own son that is a kid having to finish her off due to her dying as she gave birth to his best friends child), with whom he had been having problems with over the course of a year and wanting to tell her that he still loved her and cared about her but never got that chance, keeping the group safe, loosing Daryl (was his right hand man essentially) because of Merle, loosing other members of the group, two of his group getting kidnapped and tortured essentially and then having the worry about the governor's group attacking the prison and on top of all that, this new group begging him to give them a chance and he doesn't want to (due to what happened with the prisoner), however, the rest of his group thinks he should. Plus he knows that he is loosing it. Amongst other things on his mind like Michonne.

Not to mention the reason he lost his wife and others was because of his terrible decision to let Andrew live.

Now I think that qualifies for a break down like his :p It was maybe a bit over the top with the gun waving part though....

I agree with you there, Andrea has become annoying again! That speech of hers was cringe worthy and she is just incredibly stupid, reminds of the time "is that Daryl, I think it is, don't shoot".......*bang*........*facepalm* :p
I thought it was a good episode the first part was done well, I was thinking on how they were going to do that part and how they did was good. The way glen is acting is because he had that close call when he was tied up and also trying to show it was serious. But yea his acting is weird and lori coming back from the dead was stupid. Is that from the comic book? I think it was a good episode though and tied the first half of the season together.
For all the good things about this show, like the effects, the scenery, the story, there is one little thing that constantly niggles me. The walkers kills. They are slow as ****, and as proved by having a huge Samaria sword, pretty easy to kill or run away from. Yet in most cases the survivors always seem to back themselves into a corner or be cowering afraid and always using the most inefficient way of killing them.
Today's episode had several examples in it, the people on the bridge with a small handgun. Seriously, you've survived this long with that. Maybe bullets are everywhere in Zombieland but you'd think you'd have a huge bat or metal bar or something by now. Bullets are slow to reload and you can miss, and as proved the walkers are very slow and clumsy, and I feel quite easy to give the run around.
Also Semi automatic weapons should be saved for huge clusters of them (when not being attacked by woodbury)

I think the show should have given the Walkers a bit more ability so to make them a bit more formidable and thus making the danger a bit more realistic, because to me, I kinda feel like with an axe or sword I could wipe out a massive amount of them. I'm just not scared of them any more, it's getting almost Shaun of the Dead comical.
God Rick is becoming so god damn annoying recently, driving me nuts.

Indeed, really starting to do my head in with his stupid hallucinations and general weirdness.

As for the guvnor?? hopefully Rick, once he sorts himself out puts a bullet in his other eye and Andrea too for good measure.
Actually enjoyed this weeks episode loved the smashing through the gates and dumping a horde of zombies in the prison epic tactic love the governer such an evil Git
Great episode once again! :cool: Better than last weeks.

Was not expecting that to happen to the prisoner :eek:

Wonder where Tyreese and the others have gone?

Governor's group doesn't stand a chance! :D

This week's was head and shoulders above the last episode. Really climatic last 10 minutes or so and went a long way to showing how crazy the Governor is.

I agree with what you guys have said above though - psycho Rick is quickly turning into the most annoying character. Why does Lori continue to torture us from beyond the grave too, I thought we'd got rid!
The breakdown was done a lot better in the comics, he realises it happening but embraces it to stay in contact with his wife.
Some good shooting at the end. First shot straight to the back of the head from a few hundred metres with a 556 round then not another hit afterwards? Also no recoil from a Steyr? What was Carl shooting as well? They can all one shot zombies from miles away with a pistol yet can't hit a guy on a tower from 50m away with an M4? Then Rick's gun jams/runs out of ammo and he decides to just drop it, perhaps a bit of a waste? The zombies are so pathetic now, I swear they were more of a force to be reckoned with in earlier episodes/seasons. They can't run, seem extremely weak, and even when they were right in Ricks face they couldn't bite him. I'm not sure why any of them are scared of the walkers? The episode was as boring as the last one all the way up to the final 10minutes then it was just so unrealistic it was cringeworthy and hard to watch.
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