1. I ran in after Luke when he fell into the river. Figured its obvious that Clem can't die so why not. Besides I liked the guy. He got pulled in by a zombeh
2. I tried to stay loyal to Kenny but it was clear he was starting to lose it a tad. Arvo being a complete *** didn't help. Wish there was an option to shoot the twerp.
3. Mike, Arvo and that other bird trying to steal the truck and leave at night. I threatened Mike...then lowered my guard as he came closer to comfort me. Got shot by Arvo for my work. Another friend at this point called out to Kenny and still got shot. What a surprise.
4. Knew Jane hid the baby to incite Kenny's reaction. Sadly I decided to shoot Kenny after Jane gouged his other eye out - essentially he was useless to Clem and AJ at that point. Then I decided to dump Jane and go it alone.