The Walking Dead thread

I'm a bit disappointed with Season 2 tbh. Season 1 was one of the best games I've ever played but this time around I don't feel nearly as deeply connected to it or the characters. The art and graphics has improved for sure but the story is not as good as I expected. What with Wolf among us, Game of Thrones and Borderlands in the pipeline The Walking Dead feels somewhat rushed storywise and rather predictable.
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I bought season 2 with a 10% pre-order discount. I just completed season 1 a few days before season 2 became available.

I don't think it's quite as good as the first season, but it's still really good, and certainly worth the money.

I'd recommend waiting for the full season to be out, but I don't have the patience myself.
Just caught up after buying the season passes in the steam sale and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Any rumours on when episode 4 will be out? Only things i can find suggest end of July?
I'm upto date with Season 2 now having played episodes 2 & 3 a few days ago. Found it rather boring tbh compared to the first season. I even went out of my way to get one of the characters thrown off a roof and killed. I just don't care for any of them bar one.
Just caught up after buying the season passes in the steam sale and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Any rumours on when episode 4 will be out? Only things i can find suggest end of July?

The current speculated dates are the 22nd or 29th of July

I'm upto date with Season 2 now having played episodes 2 & 3 a few days ago. Found it rather boring tbh compared to the first season. I even went out of my way to get one of the characters thrown off a roof and killed. I just don't care for any of them bar one.

Reggie dies no matter what
Oh wow is the new episode out today? They repeatedly screw those of us over who bought it direct, we probably won't be able to play til tomorrow when server load is lower that's how it's been previously.
Oh wow is the new episode out today? They repeatedly screw those of us over who bought it direct, we probably won't be able to play til tomorrow when server load is lower that's how it's been previously.

It just connected for me, after waiting about 20-30minutes :( Downloading now though, looking forward to this!
It just connected for me, after waiting about 20-30minutes :( Downloading now though, looking forward to this!

Yep just started downloading for me too can't wait! I take my comment back, on previous release days it would fail to connect after 10seconds, looks like it retries automatically now :p
It does seem to becoming less of a game and more of an interactive comic.

If what they say is true... one sitting every 6 weeks is ********.

Also, to charge nearly £20 for the gametime they offer is too much.

Season 1 was worth every penny, season 2 at full price, not so sure.

I paid about £8 off a key site, worth every penny.
Spoilers below about episode 4 so don't click.

OH MY GOD! That ending man, I feel almost sick. You know its not gonna end good because those Russians had better guns. I didnt shoot Rebecca instead I called for help because I didnt want to set off the Russians but unfortunatly that happenend anyway.

Really getting irritated by Luke and Kenny tbh. I can forsee a situation that will make me choose between the two or possible leave them both.

I bet now we will be saddled with a mix of injured people some Russian and most dead. my predictions for dead are Mike, and Kenny will be mortally injured, Bonnie might be injured but not sure as she was in the 400 days dlc and cant remember where that enters into the timeline though I suspect it might be the end for her. The Russians will be largely dead with the exception of that woman and Alvo who I would gladly put an end to.

I don't think we have seen the last of Jane either, she will probably swoop in after the fight, perhaps an opportunity to stick with her and the baby probably. I reckon Clem will have to end the life of a few friends in the last episode too, mostly definitely Kenny and Nick

Edit: replayed the final part of the episode, shot Rebecca and the gun fight still happened.
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Can't even start to download. Got the standalone version by mistake, paying for it now :/

Even if it does connect it has to download with the game running full screen :(
This whole season seems to have been a slow burner, lots of dark decisions to make but it hasnt really gripped me like the first season.

My main decisions

I chose to shoot her at the end.

Other main choices i guess were to grab Janes hand when the balcony collapsed, i left sarah there to die as she was dead weight.

Not able to see my choices at the moment guess its cuz the game is only out and they wont have statistics yet as very few will have finished it.

All in all a very slow episode, not much happening really but lots of dark plot choices.

Kenny really annoying me as well as Sarah.

I wonder if we chose not to leave the Souvenir store the next day would Rebecca have lived, i guess not. It always seems that TWD games give the illusion of player choice when in fact theres no real game changing decisions
This whole season seems to have been a slow burner, lots of dark decisions to make but it hasnt really gripped me like the first season.

Agree with you there, but that ending was up there with the best moments from Season 1. I did all the same decisions you did, all of them were below 50% !
:D best day ever, hadn't even realised part 3 was out, only to notice part 4 was just released. Ah ma gad part 3 was awesome! Looking forward to playing part 4 tomorrow now :D
Anyone else think Telltale have become lazy?

Ep4 was weak in my opinion.

No character building, with dialogue being reduced to almost nothing.

Where were the choices that actually change stuff.

There was times I strongly agreed/disagreed with what was being said yet my choice of responses were poor.

What incentive do they have, they have had my money since last year :(
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Got to admit, I'm being frustrated with the lack of actual gameplay now, it really is an interactive story, it makes Heavy Rain look like a full feature game.

Wolf Among Us became that as well.

And with them getting into IP's quite easily, I think we're not going to get what we did with Walking Dead Season 1 anymore.

That said, until Walking Dead, Telltales games were always rather average (They did however have walking, I played some of Back To The Future and it's a completely different feel almost)
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