The Windows 8 Thread

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Maybe something with 512MB and single core? Hows the memory usage? SCREENSHOTS PEOPLE :)

i watched a bit of the keynote video and it was using less than 300mb on 1gb atom notebook.

but on my desktop with 3gb ram, it's currently using 1gb. nothing installed, not even 3rd party drivers.

i watched a bit of the keynote video and it was using less than 300mb on 1gb atom notebook.

but on my desktop with 3gb ram, it's currently using 1gb. nothing installed, not even 3rd party drivers.

Yeah i watched the whole keynote video and see how much less Win8 uses. That was with a 1GB machine though. On your 3GB system it's a good thing it's making use of your memory, it will certainly speed things up.
I have 24GB, soon it will be 32GB, and i actually want the OS to make use of this.

Win7 already does the same though. The memory usage will vary greatly on a clean system install, depending on how much RAM you have installed.

Oh and thanks for the screenshot!
Maybe I'll run it on the second partition of my Laptop then... I don't think there is any irreplaceable data on it...:eek:

I take it installing it onto a second partition won't delete anything on it (as long as I don't format it anyway) and it should be fine?

TBH I'm loving this in a multi monitor setup but like others I think that I will find metro annoying in single screen. For the record think of metro akin to the apple dashboard.

Testing it atm and I don't like it. Anyone worked out how to turn the kiddy ui off yet?

Haven't tried it but... google tells me
The windows 7 preview thingy was pretty stable.
I was hoping it'd be the same.

It certainly looks good - if you want unstable try windows 2000 beta ;). I installed the latest nvidia drivers and played quakelive as a test and was surprised that it all held together.

I think that I'll go as far as putting this on my htpc as metro would be a great way for the noobs (aka wife and kids) to launch xbmc and the net
There are literally thousands of applications that need to be written again as Metro apps. There is A LOT of "new money" to be made in shareware over the next few years.

This isn't exactly true.
current software is fully supported and will be advertised for free on the app store. Basically info and a link to the developers page where you can buy.

Also converting software to metro can be as easy as dumping it in visual studio and changing a few lines of texts. mainly the built in naming stuff. although to make full use, then stuff will need a redesign.

just copying it to usb and will shortly be installing it as main Os, sounds crazy but my pcs more or less redundant since getting an ipad.
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a few people about my comment said:
Why is it going to cause issues with apps

Because the customer is now going to expect changes in our app design to fit in with the new look. Our owners are cocks, they will expect the change, yet we havent enough resource to do work like that as well as whats on our 'current' roadmap.
This okay running in VMware? Going to download it now and have a play!

It appears not to work on Workstation 7.1.4 and people say it will work on today's Workstation version 8 release:

After that I expect it won't run under Player.

It does run under VirtualBox 4.1:

I'll be trying it under VM Workstation 8.
This isn't exactly true.

Trust me, it's true. There's a whole bunch of new money to made out of Windows apps, again. It's like the rebirth of the 1990's shareware industry.

The fact that legacy apps will continue working is irrelevant IMO. Once people are hooked on Metro (and they will be), they will view legacy desktop apps as inferior. It's everything from BitTorrent clients, to IRC clients, to note taking word processors.
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It appears not to work on Workstation 7.1.4 and people say it will work on today's Workstation version 8 release:

After that I expect it won't run under Player.

It does run under VirtualBox 4.1:

I'll be trying it under VM Workstation 8.

Definitely working in VirtualBox here.

Okay, thanks guys. :)
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