Even with Gameworks off the Kepler cards are not doing well in this game!
Honestly that is a complete joke, 780 doing worse than a 280x, a 780ti/Titan being beaten by a 290 pro, 780 sli/780ti sli just under/over a single 980 respectively.
This is why I do not get Nvidia people, pay through the teeth for something, cry about how AMD drivers and support is awful... but your car is obsoleted by the next card because NVIDIA WILL REFUSE TO SUPPORT YOU if you have a last gen card.
I've said this before with the whole 3.5 +0.5GB memory thing. Nvidia is actively messing with drivers to get that to work optimally. At launch when Nvidia put in a huge amount of effort no problems detected, months later post launch 970 owners were finding more stutter, more performance issues, it's how the whole situation was found out as Nvidia had actively lied about it to that point. Even so it's a current gen part but seemingly with less optimisation within months than at launch. When the 970 hits 780 levels of support, IE when the next gen comes out, what chance is there of Nvidia supporting and optimising for the 970's memory oddity?
You pay what £800 for a Titan, or £600 for a 780 ti, or £500 for a 780... and a year later Nvidia is sabotaging your performance to get you to spend another £600 on the replacement card, which will lose it's support in a year.
Thread after thread of Nvidia guys bashing AMD driver support, while Nvidia fans ignore Nvidia's ridiculous lack of support for their last gen products. 780ti sli absolutely by the skin of it's teeth beating a 980 is laughable.
780ti beating the 980 in some, being pretty much neck a neck in many... a year later, suddenly you need 2 x 780ti's to match the 980, a year ago it was almost even.