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The Witcher 3 Benchmarks

CDR Devs stated they can't optimise GW's for AMD.

Like I said, it is up to the developer to communicate with AMD to optimise it.

There is no block on sharing code with AMD. There is only a block with unlicensed vendors / programmers.

Which if you add two and two together - you should manage to figure out ;)
Even with Gameworks off the Kepler cards are not doing well in this game!

Honestly that is a complete joke, 780 doing worse than a 280x, a 780ti/Titan being beaten by a 290 pro, 780 sli/780ti sli just under/over a single 980 respectively.

This is why I do not get Nvidia people, pay through the teeth for something, cry about how AMD drivers and support is awful... but your car is obsoleted by the next card because NVIDIA WILL REFUSE TO SUPPORT YOU if you have a last gen card.

I've said this before with the whole 3.5 +0.5GB memory thing. Nvidia is actively messing with drivers to get that to work optimally. At launch when Nvidia put in a huge amount of effort no problems detected, months later post launch 970 owners were finding more stutter, more performance issues, it's how the whole situation was found out as Nvidia had actively lied about it to that point. Even so it's a current gen part but seemingly with less optimisation within months than at launch. When the 970 hits 780 levels of support, IE when the next gen comes out, what chance is there of Nvidia supporting and optimising for the 970's memory oddity?

You pay what £800 for a Titan, or £600 for a 780 ti, or £500 for a 780... and a year later Nvidia is sabotaging your performance to get you to spend another £600 on the replacement card, which will lose it's support in a year.

Thread after thread of Nvidia guys bashing AMD driver support, while Nvidia fans ignore Nvidia's ridiculous lack of support for their last gen products. 780ti sli absolutely by the skin of it's teeth beating a 980 is laughable.


780ti beating the 980 in some, being pretty much neck a neck in many... a year later, suddenly you need 2 x 780ti's to match the 980, a year ago it was almost even.
7950 WF
4GB Ram
I5 2500k

Was getting 21-35fps on High settings
Dropped to Medium and get 29-34. Set the limiter to 30fps and it just sits there happily.

Visual differences between Medium and High were barely visible.
That 2013 to 2015 is a very poor example on how the actual game looks.

Here are some screenshots I took earlier using a sweet fx profile which are a much better indication. You can make it not that far away from the 2013 just by changing the cartoonish colours of the retail version.

Got a link to this for folks to try? I've never heard of SweetFX.
Like I said, it is up to the developer to communicate with AMD to optimise it.

There is no block on sharing code with AMD. There is only a block with unlicensed vendors / programmers.

Which if you add two and two together - you should manage to figure out ;)

// NVIDIA Corporation and its licensors retain all intellectual property and
// proprietary rights in and to this software and related documentation and
// any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure, or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA Corporation is strictly prohibited.

In other words licensed vendors / programmers are not allowed to share the code unless NVIDIA allows it, just being a licensed vendors / programmer does not automagically mean you can share it, that would require another agreement.
How's Crossfire working out for you in W3, DM.

What a ridiculous non-argument :D

A year ago a 780ti was as fast as a 980, today you need two 780ti's to match it, a single 780ti cost MORE than BOTH my 290 pros... but as a 780ti owner Nvidia is actively refusing to optimise drivers for you.

What non argument. For one thing Witcher 3 runs great for me, I don't care about waiting for a proper driver, look in the Nvidia driver thread created today. THe latest Nvidia driver, that they've rushed out for Witcher 3 is giving people lots of problems. I'm soooo sad that I'm sat here playing Witcher 3 perfectly fine but without xfire and waiting on a stable driver that fixes the problems while Nvidia guys can do the same... or install the driver rushed out that people are having problems with.

I bought my second 290 knowing that xfire (and SLI) don't always have perfect support for brand new games, I don't care about it at all. ANyone buying a second gfx from either company thinking it should work perfectly in every game is ignorant, as would anyone be who claimed SLI worked flawlessly in every game at launch.

The difference is, had I spent that £600+ on a 780ti single gpu which I wouldn't expect any problems with... I'd have been left high and dry. Paying £600 for a card with magically brilliant support, in which as soon as a new gen card is released performance optimisation will cease immediatedly.

Yeah, non argument, no lack of support on the Nvidia side.

Again, I'm not claiming and didn't claim perfect support from AMD, I'm laughing at the ignorance of those Nvidia guys who claim perfect support from Nvidia... because it's laughable. This isn't the first time the last gen products have 'lost performance' consistently after a new gen was launched and it won't be the last.
DM I think you're forgetting the W3 is only one game, you don't need two 780ti's to match a 980 in everything else and I'm sure nVidia will do something with drivers to resolve the issue in W3.

Also nVidia users with issues on the new driver can just roll back to the previous one and performance is still rock solid.

Nobody is claiming nVidia are perfect, again that's just you assuming those who comment on AMD drivers must think so.
Like I said, it is up to the developer to communicate with AMD to optimise it.

There is no block on sharing code with AMD. There is only a block with unlicensed vendors / programmers.

Which if you add two and two together - you should manage to figure out ;)

You're assuming the devs have access to the code, which they very likely don't.

Lets not forget, initially the situation absolutely was that gameworks was black box, with no source code option to license at all.

When Nvidia got bad press about it they said they would add a source code license option for devs... but refused to say how much it cost.

The 2+2 situation is, Nvidia got called on paying people to add black box code that neither the dev nor AMD could have any access to, so they put the blame on devs by adding an extremely expensive license option to have source code access safe in the knowledge no dev could make the justification to spend that much. But because the option is there they can say it's the devs choice to not buy the source code license and optimise it.
Even with Titan X SLI I've decided to turn off hair works for now.

Maybe performance will improve in future, but I pretty much get consistant 60fps at 4k/Ultra without it and it doesn't make a huge difference visually IMO.

Same decission here, i was testing with hairworks on but my sli was getting 40 50 fps's and 28 30 on cinematics don't understand why.

now i've decided to go high/ultra no hairworks and sli is running fine on constant 60 fps.

Waiting for a patch, even gta v 4k all maxed in tx sli runs on 60 rock solid.
DM I think you're forgetting the W3 is only one game, you don't need two 780ti's to match a 980 in everything else and I'm sure nVidia will do something with drivers to resolve the issue in W3.

Also nVidia users with issues on the new driver can just roll back to the previous one and performance is still rock solid.

Nobody is claiming nVidia are perfect, again that's just you assuming those who comment on AMD drivers must think so.

You have people in this very thread saying AMD don't have a driver for it, what a joke... but you're saying Nvidia who have put out a driver, which has issues, hasn't improved performance for the 780ti.

It also isn't remotely one game, the ongoing obvious disparity in Nvidia last gen products has been commented on by many people in many games since the 980 launch. this isn't the first game in which the increasing performance gap has been noticed and it certainly won't be the last.
DM has a point though, the AMD cards are probably already performing near their best at this point anyway, as the cards are so mature I doubt there's much more performance to be had.

It seems to be tessellation that effects Witcher 3 the most, the older cards are just limited. It's a hardware thing more than a software one. Just turning down Tessellation in CCC can help with this.

I expect there will be a new AMD WHQL driver to coincide with the 3XX series launch. Shouldn't be to long now.
You have people in this very thread saying AMD don't have a driver for it, what a joke... but you're saying Nvidia who have put out a driver, which has issues, hasn't improved performance for the 780ti.

It also isn't remotely one game, the ongoing obvious disparity in Nvidia last gen products has been commented on by many people in many games since the 980 launch. this isn't the first game in which the increasing performance gap has been noticed and it certainly won't be the last.

The driver doesn't have issues for everyone and at least they attempted it, they'll probably have another out by the time AMD release theirs. It's not exactly difficult to roll back to the previous driver to play the game if you do have issues anyway.

If it's not just one game then link me some more benchmarks where a 980 is as good as or beating 780ti SLI.
The devs do have access to the code, they didn't originally when gameworks first came out but then nVidia changed their stance and allowed devs to use it.

Read the entire post maybe, no Nvidia didn't change their stance they ADDED to their stance.

Originally there was a gameworks license that was ONLY black box, after they got flack for it they ADDED (not changed) a license that gives source code, they refused to tell anyone what the price was when pressed on it.

THey quite clearly only wanted to offer a black box solution, they were forced by media attention on it to offer a source code license... that doesn't mean devs bought that license for Witcher 3 or that any devs have.

If blackbox is free and source code license is £10million..... what dev would pay for it? We have no idea of the price but we absolutely know how Nvidia started to offer gameworks and we know they were pretty much forced into offering a source code including version.

Fact is the devs have come out and said they can't optimise for AMD.... which frankly they could if they had access to the source code.
Read the entire post maybe, no Nvidia didn't change their stance they ADDED to their stance.

Originally there was a gameworks license that was ONLY black box, after they got flack for it they ADDED (not changed) a license that gives source code, they refused to tell anyone what the price was when pressed on it.

THey quite clearly only wanted to offer a black box solution, they were forced by media attention on it to offer a source code license... that doesn't mean devs bought that license for Witcher 3 or that any devs have.

If blackbox is free and source code license is £10million..... what dev would pay for it? We have no idea of the price but we absolutely know how Nvidia started to offer gameworks and we know they were pretty much forced into offering a source code including version.

Fact is the devs have come out and said they can't optimise for AMD.... which frankly they could if they had access to the source code.

So you have a go at others for assuming things then you do the same yourself by assuming devs don't have access to gameworks code...
Not a single crash for me with the latest drivers and I spent the whole day/night yesterday playing TW3. I am sure there is people with problems though and from both sides. No real need for such damming posts that DM has done in the last couple of threads and I hope everyone from AMD to Nvidia and even the consoles can play this superb game without issues.
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